Out of Yulongshan, Zhao Chengfeng and his party went directly back to Zhao's old house.

"I thought you wouldn't come back!"

A door, Zhao Chengfeng met Shangguan Yan'er, Shangguan Yan'er a face of resentment staring at Zhao Chengfeng, in the heart is very unhappy.

Originally Shangguan Yan'er and Zhao Chengfeng went to the African continent together. How could she know that Tang Wei was infected with the Murphy virus? Zhao Chengfeng slapped herself and sent her to China overnight.

Shangguan Yan'er also knows that Zhao Chengfeng is for his own good and wants to protect himself. But Shangguan Yan'er also doesn't want to be afraid of men. Men just get rid of the heart biting poison. What if they get into trouble with Murphy virus?


Zhao Chengfeng knew that he was wrong and said, "how can I not come back when you are in the capital? I have to come back. "


Shangguan Yan'er looks at Zhao Chengfeng and grabs Tang Wei's hand. "Wei Wei, you've suffered. I'm sorry I didn't come with you this time."

Tang Wei faintly smiles, shakes her head and says: "it's OK, I'm not OK?"

"Come on, let's go in and have a good chat. By the way, I'll take you to see Shanshan's child first. That little girl is beautiful and looks like her mother very much." Shangguan Yan'er takes Tang Wei and leaves.

"Yes? When you grow up in the future, you'll be a beauty again. "

"It must be." Shangguan Yan'er said, looking back at Zhao Chengfeng, and said, "if you want to grow up like her father, you may not be able to get married in the future."

"Cluck..." Tang Wei covered her mouth and chuckled.

"I love that sun!"

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng a face iron green, depressed don't want, oneself just seem to lie gun, isn't it? It's a very unfair shot.

"Boss, it seems that you have too many wives, which is not a good thing." One side of the reincarnation also followed with a smile.

"Go, go!"

Zhao Chengfeng turned his eyes around and said, "when you come to my site, you'd better be honest with me."

After that, Zhao Chengfeng followed him into the hall. There are not many people in the hall, only murongshuang and Fubo. Jiangling has gone to bed with Xiaotian, and Chen Shuxian and Tian xiner have also taken Beibei to Beihai city. After all, the welfare home is inseparable from people, and Beibei still has to go to school.

"My silly son, you're back. Come here, mom, see if you're hurt? Oh, it's only a few days. People are so thin. " Murong frost has a distressed face.

Zhao Chengfeng is very depressed, said: "Mom, I'm not so vulnerable, don't worry, it's OK."

"It's nothing?"

Murong frost a stare, no good airway: "Yan'er all told me, Weiwei are infected with the Murphy virus, if not for your good brother back, now are not necessarily what situation, you give me a stubborn mouth?"

"OK, I won't say it. I won't say it." Zhao Chengfeng raised his hand to surrender.

However, Murong frost continued to complain: "it's all Laotang's fault. Why let my son attack everything? It's unreasonable. I really think our son is honest, isn't he? "

On hearing this, Huisheng could only smile and said, "Auntie, is your son honest? I don't think so. He's the only one who takes advantage of others. "

"Do we have any food at home? We haven't eaten yet. Why don't we get something to eat first Zhao Chengfeng really does not want to listen to Murong frost nagging, quickly diverged from the topic.

"Young master, you haven't eaten yet."

"Young master, wait a moment, I'll arrange it for you right away," said Fu Bo As soon as he had finished, fauber went to work.

"Smelly boy, you should be careful when you do things. Don't let others give you a hand. You'll follow." Zhao Feilong said slowly: "you are not alone now. It's not a wise move to fight with others at will."

"Desperate? "No!"

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, suddenly thought of a thing, rushed back to life and said: "by the way, back to life, why didn't I get infected with Murphy virus? Didn't you take my blood for a test? Any results? "

Zhao Chengfeng is really curious. According to the normal situation, Zhao Chengfeng's close contact with Tang Wei has long infected with the Murphy virus. You know, when Tang Wei is unconscious, Zhao Chengfeng kisses Tang Wei's lips, but Zhao Chengfeng is not infected with the Murphy virus!

"Boss, I really can't explain this to you."

Huisheng said with a bitter smile: "we have tested your blood, and nothing has been found. Everything is normal. Now I don't understand why. "

"What's so hard to explain?"

On one side, Zhao Feilong took a puff of his cigarette and said, "how many panacea have you taken, and antibodies have been produced in your body. Otherwise, you are too strong to be threatened by common viruses. "

"It's really possible!" Zhao Chengfeng looked at his fist and said, "I also think I'm pretty powerful now."

Zhao Feilong looked at his son and Murong frost, and said, "wife, I want to drink the pear water boiled with rock sugar. Would you like to get some for me?"

"You're the only one with a lot to do in a day." Murong frost white the latter one eye, the mouth is not willing, but the action is not slow, turned to the backyard kitchen.

"Old man, you really have something to do with my mother." Zhao Chengfeng is not stupid. He can see Zhao Feilong's plan at a glance.

Huisheng naturally saw it and said, "well, I'll go out for a walk. The yard is really big."

"Turn a fart, it's dark. What can I do?"

Zhao Chengfeng white the latter one eye, way: "sit, there is no outsider here."

Huisheng looks embarrassed, neither sitting nor standing.

"Smelly boy, tell me the truth, is Zhao Feitian dead?" Zhao Feilong lowered his voice and asked in a deep voice.

"Not dead."

Zhao Chengfeng said: "at most, I just broke one arm. I can't die. I'm afraid I can't recover for a while. At least for now, there is no threat to us. If he dares to show up, I'll clean up the door. "

"He's not your opponent?"

Zhao Feilong can't see through his son in front of him. He's just a junior high school student in Xuanwu realm. How can he defeat the strong one in Xuanwu realm? It doesn't make sense.


Zhao Chengfeng gave the latter a white look and said, "if I didn't defeat him, then I won't stand in front of you now. He killed me, OK? No, what are you thinking about? Am I that bad? "

"I didn't mean that. I was just curious." Zhao Feilong road.

"Well, don't be curious."

Zhao Chengfeng quickly interrupted: "if you want to be curious for a while, I should be killed by others."

"You... Ah..."

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