"Boss, you are too impatient. Wait for uncle Zhao to finish what he says." One side of the reincarnation to comfort the way, the heart is also convinced his boss.

If you have a father, you should be filial. He's very good. He's an "old man". I don't know how smooth he is. I don't pay attention to him at all.

Zhao Feilong is also a wonderful person. If he wants to meet such a son, he has to slap him to death, but he can tolerate it. It seems that he is very kind to call himself this way.

All the people in this room are wonderful!

"That's right, you hear me out." Zhao Feilong has a lot of confidence when he is helped.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you!"

Zhao Chengfeng some impatient way: "if you don't believe it, you ask Huisheng, he was at the scene that day."

"Uncle Zhao, the boss is right."

When Huisheng took over the conversation, he seemed to recall the sad scene of that day and said, "we were caught off guard that day. First, we bombed the isolated island, and finally we took people ashore. At that time, there were not many people in the sky. There were only the king of the sky and the four Dharma protectors. By the way, there was another Chen Yidao."

"That Chen Yidao is not the rival of the boss at all, but just before Chen Yidao died, the king of heaven broke out and defeated him directly. He didn't know what method he used to suck Chen Yidao's essence and blood


Hearing this, Zhao Feilong murmured to himself: "that should be swallowing the skill. I didn't expect that after so many years, he still didn't give up such evil skill. Ah..."

"Evil skill? That's it. Didn't you still be defeated by me? " Zhao Chengfeng doesn't think so. He is a little proud.

"That's what I'm going to tell you!"

Zhao Feilong's face was unprecedentedly dignified and serious. He said in a deep voice: "in the secular world, your strength may be pretty good. Although it's not the best in the world, it's absolutely no problem to walk horizontally. But if you enter the inner door, you will suffer sooner or later because you are so arrogant and domineering. You have to change your temper. "

"Is the inner door as powerful as you say?" Zhao Chengfeng didn't particularly believe it. He said, "I used to take a guy from the inner gate as my younger brother, and that guy was from Huazong."

"Someone came out of the inner door?" Hearing the speech, Zhao Feilong looked solemn.


Zhao Chengfeng said: "that guy also ran out unintentionally and ran to Hong Kong Island. Then he was taught a lesson by me. Now he is my younger brother."

"That's a good thing."

Zhao Feilong nodded and said: "the inner gate is similar to the secret place of breaking the sky, but the inner gate is bigger and can accommodate more people and things. If the secret place of breaking the sky is a container, then the inner gate is a world with flowers and grass, mountains and water, and plenty of spirit."

"Of course, there are always many loopholes in the world. Some phenomena that people can't explain are just like Bermuda at 30 degrees north latitude. They are magical and terrifying. I think you're also in a certain place. You've accidentally come through. "

"No matter how he comes here, as long as he can go to the inner door." For going to the inner gate, Zhao Chengfeng is actually looking forward to it, because the inner gate means a new beginning and more strong people.

The strong will bring greater challenges to Zhao Chengfeng.

"There are green hills and buildings outside the mountains, and there are strong hands among the strong." Zhao Feilong had to remind him once again that Zhao Chengfeng is a little inflated now. Isn't that a Deze“ Don't be too arrogant. The inner gate is a place of Hidden Dragon and crouching tiger. I'm afraid that if you are not careful, you will provoke some powerful enemy. "

"Well, I've heard you say that eight hundred times. Can I remember it?" Zhao Chengfeng impatiently waved his hand, feeling that his ears are dead cocoon.

The inner door may be very powerful, but it's not so terrible. At least Hua Xiaobao is very good at cooking chicken.

"You boy, if you don't suffer some losses, you don't know how powerful you are. It's up to you." Zhao Feilong has no choice but to shake his head. There's nothing he can do with Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng said nothing.

Father and son really didn't have much serious words to talk about. They died chatting with each other. Fortunately, Fubo moved very quickly and brought dinner in less than half an hour. Zhao Chengfeng, Huisheng and Tang Wei dealt with each other and went back to their rooms to have an early rest.

Zhao Chengfeng went directly to Yuan Shanshan and said that he was very irresponsible. Since the child was born, Zhao Chengfeng has never held her.

"Tut Tut, this little fart is really beautiful. It must be as beautiful as her mother when she grows up." Zhao Chengfeng holds the sleeping Zhao Siyuan, and an indescribable sweetness rises in his heart.

Is that what it's like to be a father? Zhao Chengfeng feels great!

"You will change your ways to praise others." Yuan Shanshan on the bed gently smiles, and her face is full of happiness and sweet smile. At this moment, Yuan Shanshan finally has a home.

Finally, I can feel the warmth of my family again.

"I'm not praising you." Zhao Chengfeng holding the child, serious way: "you don't know, Yan'er that Nizi mouth can be damaged, say what Siyuan must not like me, really want to like me, in the future certainly can't marry out."


Smell speech, Yuan Shanshan suddenly laughed out, but still way: "you silly ah, Yan Er elder sister joke with you, can't you hear it?"

"Are you kidding? Hum, I'll ask him to have a son for me in the future. It must be like me. I'll see what she says then. " Zhao Chengfeng snorted, a little depressed.

Yuan Shanshan smiles and shakes her head. Her husband is really

"By the way, it's popular." Yuan Shanshan seems to have thought of something, lowered her voice and said: "I think you should give more care to sister Jiangling. She paid a lot for us. At that time, other people were alone and had no reputation to raise their children. You didn't give any care to others. You didn't do well in this."


Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng sighed and said: "I want to do everything, rain and dew are all occupied, but you know, there are too many troubles, and they are often forgotten, so..."

"Why don't you accompany sister Jiangling at night? I can take care of the children here." Yuan Shanshan suggested that he also understood men.

Although a man is a bit fickle and romantic, he also shoulders a huge responsibility, and the pressure he bears is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

"Can you do it?" Zhao Chengfeng hesitated.

"Don't worry, it's no problem. I can't do it. Can't I ask sister Yan'er to help me?" With that, Yuan Shanshan took the child from Zhao Chengfeng's arms.

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