"Didi... Didi..."

However, when Zhao Chengfeng was planning to go to Beihai City, Tang Weiguo called first.

"Hello, leader Tang. Good afternoon." Zhao Chengfeng picked it up with a smile.

"Also good noon, it's three o'clock in the afternoon. Don't you just wake up?" Tang Weiguo didn't have a good airway on the other end of the phone, but he still said, "well, you should have a good rest. It's hard for you recently. I guess you haven't had a good rest either."

"The leader understands people."

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "however, I really didn't sleep late. Not only did I not sleep late, but I got up early. I just went to 731 to see the old guys."

"You're the one who'll come."

Tang Weiguo praised: "I'm a rare young man who values friendship. That's what I appreciate most about you. I..."

"Leader Tang, I haven't known you for a day or two. Don't praise me any more. Every time you praise me, I feel a little weak in my heart. I always think it's extremely mysterious. You can tell me what's the matter." Zhao Chengfeng interrupted.

Tang is a powerful member of the country. He cares about national affairs every day. Don't talk to people on the phone. Sometimes eating is like fighting. There must be some purpose in this call.

"You little boy."

Tang Weiguo on the other end of the phone was a little stunned, a little embarrassed, but still said: "it's nothing special, that is, the Japanese girl you brought back last time is Liangzi Ogawa. Isn't she a Japanese genius? I have optical energy in my hand. If you are free, would you like to enlighten me? "

"I'll enlighten you?"

On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was puzzled and asked: "I have nothing to do with her. What's the matter with me to enlighten? What's more, our country has trained so many psychological experts that we can't let them talk about white-collar salaries, can't we? "

"It's true, but there's a problem." It's hard for Tang to serve the country.

"The problem? If there is a problem, that's right. "

Zhao Chengfeng said: "if there is a problem, we should find a way to solve it. When we are doing revolutionary work, we should not be afraid of difficulties, and we should meet them..."

"The problem now is that people say that whoever catches her will talk to her. What do you think we can do? We can be helpless. " Tang Weiguo interrupted.

"I'll go. It depends on me." Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng forehead flashed a black line, some uncomfortable in the heart.

At the beginning, Zhao Chengfeng didn't say that he had to take him away. He just said that he would let him choose. If she wanted to go back to Japan, Zhao Chengfeng would not stop her.

In the final analysis, it was Ryoko Ogawa who kept up.

"It's more than relying on you. In my opinion, people are in love with you." Tang made a joke for his country.

"Don't respect the old!"

Zhao Chengfeng white the latter one eye, no good airway: "OK, then I seize the time to come over, ah!"

After a little meditation, Zhao Chengfeng went directly to the capital military region, where Mr. Ogawa was detained. In the capital military region, Mr. Ogawa also arranged an office for Mr. Tang for the country, which was also for the sake of Tang's safety.

Towards 4 p.m., after more than a month, Zhao Chengfeng met the Japanese gifted woman, Liangzi Ogawa.

"It seems that the food in China is good. It's fattening you up. You're OK in your day." Zhao Chengfeng walked in with his cigarette in his mouth and glanced around.

It's not exactly a prison, because it's a luxury suite. Besides the Internet, it's available in five-star hotels.

Not only that, but also there are people who tailor clothes for her and cook her favorite meals. It can be said that here, she is the general existence of a young lady. I have nothing to do in my spare time. I have someone to chat with.

"Do you think it's a good life to be locked up as a canary?" When Xiaochuan Liangzi saw Zhao Chengfeng coming, he didn't know why. Instead, he felt a little excited.

At the beginning, when he was in Japan, he hated Zhao Chengfeng and his classmate Long Ling to death. But now, he has no hatred in his heart.

Especially at the beginning, when the king of breaking heaven was using a big killing move, Liangzi Ogawa even worried about Zhao Chengfeng. In his opinion, a man who can beat himself should not die so easily.

Sure enough, Zhao Chengfeng stood up, like a God, and defeated the king.

But since that time, he has not seen Zhao Chengfeng. He has lived like a canary. He has no worries about food and clothing, but he has no freedom.

"Because you are Japanese, you should be able to understand." Zhao Chengfeng said: "if I was imprisoned by the Japanese, maybe I didn't have such a life."

"You will not be imprisoned by the Japanese." Liangzi Ogawa shook his head.

"Why?" Zhao Chengfeng is puzzled.

"Because once they catch you, they will kill you in the first place. Because you are so good! "

"Is that a compliment?" Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help laughing.

"I think so."

"Today, are you here to rescue me, or to be a lobbyist of China?" he said

"To save you?"

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head with a bitter smile and said: "your identity is different, so I can't save you. But if you want to go back to Japan, maybe they will agree. After all, we Huaxia are different from you Japanese. We won't embarrass a woman... "

"I'm not going back!"

Who knows, Ogawa Liangzi emotional some excitement, almost roared: "do not go back, kill me, I will not go back."


Zhao Chengfeng was a bit surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, he understood it in his heart. Not to mention that Mr. Ogawa won't go back, I'm afraid he won't either.

"If you have any ideas, say them out." Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath, and then said: "you are Japanese, but you are also a rare talented woman. In short, you still have great use value."

"And then?" Mr. Ogawa knows it.

"If you can submit to my great China, I can guarantee your food and clothing and your safety." Zhao Chengfeng.

"No, I don't want these!" Mr. Ogawa shook his head.

Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng frowned and asked, "what do you want?"

"I want you!"

Ogawa Liangzi looked back, a pair of cool eyes staring at Zhao Chengfeng, word by word: "I Ogawa Liangzi is a very excellent woman, so, my man must also be the world's first-class man, and you, very consistent with me."


Zhao Chengfeng almost didn't give scared urine, listen to this how to have a kind of feeling of being taken care of?

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