"Is there something wrong with you? You want me? "

Zhao Chengfeng is speechless. Is it wrong to be too good? I've been attracted by Japanese girls.

"You can ask me. In a word, I am a very good woman, and you are a very good man, right." Mr. Ogawa was not embarrassed at all. Instead, he was serious.

It doesn't look like it's looking for a man, it's looking for a job.

"Sorry, I'm afraid I can't accept your request." Zhao Chengfeng looks at the woman, and finally shakes his head and refuses kawawa Liangzi.

"Why? Why don't you want me? "

As soon as he heard this, the willow leaves bent their eyebrows upward, and a trace of anger lingered in their eyebrows.

As a gifted woman, liangko Ogawa has her own pride. Liangko Ogawa is a typical woman who can eat by her face but wants to show her talent.

Because she is beautiful, she is very popular in Japan. I don't know how many dignitaries go after her, but no one is worthy of her, because she is not only beautiful, but also talented. In Japan, liangko Ogawa is also a rare woman who can dominate her own marriage. Because liangko Ogawa is too smart, even the Japanese government can't force her to marry someone else.

But now, liangko Ogawa took the initiative to show his love and was rejected. The arrogant kawawa Liangzi's self-esteem has been hit, so he will not be happy.

"Because I have no feelings for you at all. Even if I want you, I only want your body. For you, I have no feelings at all. If you have to talk about feelings, because you are Japanese, I hate you from the bottom of my heart. " Zhao Chengfeng also told the truth, "if it was you, would you choose to live with someone you hate for a lifetime?"

"You hate me? Why do you hate me? What right do you have to hate me? "

"If it wasn't for you, I would still be a princess in Japan, because your appearance has disrupted my life and trampled on the dignity that a Japanese should have. If you want to hate me, I should hate you. Why do you hate me? "

"Isn't that right?"

Zhao Chengfeng spread his hands and said, "since you hate me, why do you want to talk to me? Don't you feel aggrieved to be with someone you hate so much? "

"No, with you, I will always remind myself that this man has defeated me and I want to be strong!" Liangzi Ogawa shook his head, stubborn way.

"I'll go!"

Zhao Chengfeng is completely speechless. This girl looks like she's crazy. As for it? No feelings of two people together, there will be results? No, even though the appearance of Liangzi Ogawa is excellent, Zhao Chengfeng is not interested.

"Why are you so stubborn? Is that necessary? "

Zhao Chengfeng didn't want to persuade him any more. He said, "I'm Zhao Chengfeng. Your figure and beauty belong to the rank of national beauty. However, I'm Zhao Chengfeng. I'm a conscientious and emotional sex wolf. I won't touch people without emotional foundation. "

"Let's cultivate our feelings first." Mr. Ogawa is happy, too.


Zhao Chengfeng still shook his head, said: "because you are Japanese, from the heart of a certain resistance, so, you have feelings for me, but not necessarily I will have feelings for you, so, you still retreat."

"Retreat in the face of difficulties? Ha ha. "

Ogawa Liangzi faint smile, "in my Ogawa Liangzi's dictionary, there has never been this word, I will let you have feelings for me, certainly!"

"You are a beautiful madman. I can't tell you. You can do it yourself." Zhao Chengfeng didn't want to persuade him any more, so he left.

At the moment, Liangzi Ogawa seems to be in a trance. He can't listen to anything, so it's meaningless for Zhao Chengfeng to persuade him. As for Tang Weiguo's request, he didn't even mention it in the end.

Zhao Chengfeng is also righteous. He didn't succeed. He took the initiative to call Tang Weiguo to talk about it. Although Tang Weiguo had some regrets, he didn't blame Zhao Chengfeng. After all, Zhao Chengfeng is not an immortal and can do anything.

It's a good thing that we can win over Liangzi Ogawa. If we can't win over, that's all. Japan has talents. Is there no talent in China? It's just good and bad at some aspects. Tang Weiguo believes that as long as we work hard, China will become more and more powerful day by day.

"Forget it, you'd better go to Beihai city."

Out of the Beijing Military Region, Zhao Chengfeng went straight to the airport, bought a ticket and flew directly to Beihai City, where he still had his own woman

Beihai, a city that you don't want to go when you come, because the scenery of Beihai is so beautiful, with mountains and water, beautiful women and countless beautiful things. Moreover, Beihai city is also the economic center of the whole southeast Province, the best metropolis in China!


When Zhao Chengfeng landed at Beihai airport again, he felt a little excited. To his surprise, he got off the plane and met his acquaintances.

A former enemy, a mother's former enemy - rosefinch.

Zhao Chengfeng never dreamed that after the island war, he would meet Zhuque in Beihai city.

At this time, the rosefinch was just like ordinary people, dressed in the service of modern city, dressed simple but elegant, which should be the reason for practicing martial arts. The rosefinch's figure was very good, and her face looked similar to that of ordinary women in their thirties. Her face was not old, and she had the charm of a mature woman.

"Should I call you rosefinch or younger martial sister? Oh, no, it's my father's junior sister. " Zhao Chengfeng went to the back of the rosefinch and asked lightly.

For the woman in front of him, Zhao Chengfeng's mood is a little complicated. Judging from their positions, they are undoubtedly enemies, but in fact, Zhuque didn't feel sorry for Zhao Chengfeng, and even helped him at some time.

For example, when fighting against the sky, rosefinch pretends to fight Zhao Chengfeng and others, pretends to be invincible and leaves quietly.

"It's you?"

The rosefinch's delicate body trembled. Looking back, she saw Zhao Chengfeng. Her face was full of surprise. Then she was alert again: "you, you follow me?"

"I'm not interested in that." Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head, shakes his ticket and says, "I just got off the plane. It happened that I met him. Do you think the world is too small?"

The rosefinch moved her lips and didn't answer Zhao Chengfeng directly. Instead, she said curiously, "you've been bitten by the poisonous insect, but it's OK, or have you found a way to relieve it?"

"You don't have to worry about that. Let's talk about you. You ran fast enough." Zhao Chengfeng seems to be smiling, but he is still a little wary of rosefinch. After all, she used to be a man who broke the sky and had a good relationship with her father and Zhao Feitian.

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