"See me? You... "

Zhao Chengfeng was surprised. He thought that Zhuque wanted to ask for something else, such as money, or heaven's death. After all, Zhuque was also an expert, and her strength was almost the same as that of aunt Qingyi.

To this level of experts, even if there is no money to think about, but absolutely interested in natural resources such as Tianzhu, this is the pursuit.

"Well, I'd like to see your father." The rosefinch blushed and nodded gently.

Some feelings are buried in the heart for a long time. At that time, the rosefinch thought that with time, the feelings would disperse bit by bit. How can we know that this feeling is like a cellar of wine. As time goes on, it will become more mellow and strong.

Especially when Zhuque saw Zhao Chengfeng for the first time, this jar of wine seemed to be suddenly opened.

"If you want to see my Lao Tzu, you, you won't give my mother a green hat, will you?" Zhao Chengfeng sips tea and stares at the rosefinch.

It's not easy to talk!

A fool can see that rosefinch likes to be old and never die. If a son leads his mother's rival back, isn't it treason? Even if one day my mother was cuckolded, Zhao Chengfeng also had a part.

"Grandma, I really don't think that the old immortal has any charm. Before I had an aunt in green, now I have another rosefinch, which..." Zhao Chengfeng actually couldn't figure it out. The old immortal is not handsome. How can it be so unforgettable?

Oh, by the way, Zhao Chengfeng also found that the old man seemed to have a little unclear relationship with his mother-in-law. As for what happened to them, whether Zhao Chengfeng and Xia Bingbing were biological sisters remains to be verified.


Rosefinch smell speech, face son "Shua" of a, all red up, ashamed to want to find a crack to drill in, this little son of a bitch talk too direct.

"I'm sorry. We're all adults."

Zhao Chengfeng didn't think so and said, "do what you want and say what you want. If you want to like me, I can't, but I can't give my mother a green hat. I don't agree to that, although you have helped me in the past. "

Zhao Chengfeng thinks that he is very accurate in judging people. Although rosefinch can be called the old man of the broken heaven, its position is second only to the king of the broken heaven. However, rosefinch is not a bad person, and even let Zhao Chengfeng go twice. Zhao Chengfeng has always kept this feeling in mind.

This is also why Zhao Chengfeng trusted Zhuque to go to Tianxing village. Zhuque is a man who has no desire and no desire.


The rosefinch's cheek was red again. She was not used to such a straightforward way of confession, but finally said, "I just want to see your father. Don't think too much."

"That's fine."

Zhao Chengfeng ponders over it for a while, makes a phone call to Zhao Feilong, and casually uses a cover to cheat him. Zhao Feilong also says that he will arrive in Beihai early tomorrow morning.

"Thank you, Cheng Feng." After Zhao Chengfeng calls, rosefinch's heart is a little excited. Thinking that she will soon see the man who has been thinking about him day and night for decades, rosefinch has a little girl's shame on her face.

"Thank you or not." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand, while smoking, and said: "if it wasn't for the king of heaven, you and I would not be enemies. In the end, it was the king of heaven who secretly made trouble. What's hateful is that he ran away. "

When it comes to the king of breaking the sky, the rosefinch also looks complicated.

At that time, all three of them were gifted disciples of the younger generation of Wuji sect. However, Zhao Feitian was so ambitious that he sneaked into the Sutra pavilion to steal the secret books. At that time, rosefinch loved Zhao Feilong wholeheartedly. Zhao Feitian was expelled from the mountain gate, but this guy bewitched rosefinch to leave with him. What else did he say? Only when he got out of the mountain gate could he have a chance to be with Zhao Feilong.

At that time, the rosefinch left the mountain gate without hesitation. Unfortunately, instead of getting Zhao Feilong's love, Zhao Feilong hated himself because of Zhao Feitian's obstruction.

Originally, rosefinch hated Zhao Feitian, but later another woman in the inner door caught up with the secular world and walked with her beloved man. The frustrated rosefinch joined the broken sky and embarked on a road of no return. Until a few decades later, seeing Zhao Chengfeng, rosefinch's heart throbbed again. Especially after the destruction of the broken sky, rosefinch's heart became more eager to see Zhao Feilong.

"You, didn't your father tell you about your relationship with the king of heaven?" Rosefinch asked curiously.

"I know!"

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said, "on the day of Xiao Wang's rebellion, I guessed something. But I'm going to kill him. "

"Why?" Rosefinch brow a wrinkle, there is a "fried he too anxious" feeling.

This is a real family member. How can we do it?

"Why? Ha ha, don't you think this question is funny? " Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said: "first of all, breaking the sky has done great harm to the country, and even secretly colluded with other countries. This is for the public; For personal gain, this son of a bitch is scheming against me, which makes me miserable. Is this the way to settle this account? To kill him is to clean up the door and do justice for heaven

"Maybe you think I'm cruel, but if I'm not cruel to him, I'm cruel to myself, and I'm not responsible for my relatives! So he has to die! "

Hearing the words, the rosefinch was speechless. The actions of the king of heaven breaking in recent years, let alone the common people, sometimes even the rosefinch itself.

He is a man who does everything to achieve his goal. In his heart, he is the only one.

"By the way, I have another question for you." Zhao Chengfeng suddenly thought of something in his mind.

"What's the matter, you say."

"I've always been curious about two things."

Zhao Chengfeng said: "first, how is the heaven breaking secret place constructed, and how is the heaven killing in the heaven breaking secret place cultivated? Second, how did the broken intelligence network work and why is it so advanced? "

This has always been a puzzle in Zhao Chengfeng's mind. Even Zhao Chengfeng wants to learn from the intelligence network of potian. As long as he has an intelligence network ahead of the world, Zhao Chengfeng can seize many opportunities.

"It seems that your father didn't tell you a lot."

The rosefinch said with a faint smile: "the secret place of breaking the sky itself is a big natural array. In addition, Zhao Feitian has a lot of research on the array. He can change it a little. It's nothing strange. It's not surprising that Tianzhu has hijacked many scientists over the years. It's not very difficult to improve a biological species. The cultivated Tianzhu energy is not pure. "

"What about the intelligence network?" Zhao Chengfeng asked again.

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