"That's not so strange."

Zhu que explained: "because Po Tian is rich enough and powerful enough, Zhao Feitian has recruited talents from all over the world. If he really can't invite them, he will snatch them to bully and lure them."

"There are 54 playing cards, but there are four Dharma protectors, four golden flowers, tattoo messengers and so on. In addition, there are many candidates overseas, and some of them are even heads of small countries. They have to do something very convenient. There is nothing unusual about the advanced and developed intelligence network of potian, because potian is like a big tree, with well-developed roots in the soil. Although the old nest of Po Tian was destroyed, the core of Po Tian was all dead, and the king of Po Tian was seriously injured and hid, Po Tian was not completely destroyed. "

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng brow a twist, oneself seem really happy some too early. If Zhao Feitian does not die for a day, he will have a chance to be reborn. Once he is reborn, he will take revenge on Huaxia, Zhao Chengfeng and the people around him.

This is a hidden danger.

"Manor, do you know what's going on?" Zhao Chengfeng brow twisted into a knot in one's heart, pause, asked again.

The manor also worries Zhao Chengfeng, because the manor is the "superior leader" who breaks the sky. As for the leader of the manor, Zhao Chengfeng has no idea.

Zhao Chengfeng beat up the younger brother of the manor. According to the rules of the Jianghu, the manor must come out for him. At the beginning, Zhao Chengfeng was in such a hurry that he almost hung up several times. Isn't the manor more powerful?

At this moment, Zhao Chengfeng finally knew that the old man's words had deep meaning - the castle outside the mountain, the castle outside the building, the strong and the strong.


Rosefinch shook his head and asked, "what manor?"

"You don't know?"

Zhao Chengfeng is a little surprised, "you don't know the manor?"

"I don't know." The rosefinch still shakes her head.

"Zhao Feitian is really alert."

Zhao Chengfeng had no choice but to admire Zhao Feitian, and immediately talked about the relationship between Po Tian and the manor.

"No wonder."

After hearing this, rosefinch suddenly realized: "I said, breaking the secret of heaven has developed and produced a lot of biological rifles and Tianzhu energy bombs, but he didn't see where the things are. The feeling is that he took them out to find someone to cooperate with."

"It seems that he doesn't particularly trust you." Zhao Chengfeng was a little disappointed. He thought that Zhuque was the key person to break the sky. He should know something about it. He didn't know anything about it.

"Trust? He won't believe anyone, he will only use anyone

Rosefinch shook her head and continued: "I don't care about fame and wealth, and I don't care about the plan of breaking heaven to dominate the world. It's just that breaking heaven provides me with a good place for cultivation and habitat. I have to help with some things. I don't like to owe others."

"So it is." Zhao Chengfeng nodded his head, thinking that maybe it's Zhu Que's indifference that makes him live until now. Otherwise, Zhu que would have been won over by Xiao Wang.

"By the way, who else do you know? Can you contact them? " Zhao Chengfeng asked again.

Since Zhao Feitian can't be exterminated for the time being, we should first exterminate his followers. When he recruits new troops and builds up PO Tian again, it is estimated that it will be three or five years later. After three or five years, Zhao Chengfeng's strength will improve a little.

"Are you trying to use me?" Rosefinch looked back at Zhao Chengfeng.

"It's not about taking advantage of it, it's about turning the dark into the light."

Zhao Chengfeng said: "you know what kind of organization is potian, and you know how many immoral things Zhao Feitian has done. I just don't want to hurt more people. "

"I've already told you that I seldom interfere in the affairs of breaking the sky, and basically I don't care. So... "Rosefinch shrugged helplessly and suddenly appreciated Zhao Chengfeng.

After all, it's his son. He smiles and acts in a style that is too similar. Although some of them are not serious, they are healthy and admirable.

"Well, it seems that it's not easy to get rid of the remaining evils." Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of his cigarette and felt heavy.

At the moment when the island was completely destroyed, Zhao Chengfeng was actually very happy. Even then, Zhao Chengfeng was very happy to know that he was suffering from a heart attack and that his life would not be long.

However, after the heart biting poison is removed, Zhao Chengfeng is not happy, because after listening to the rosefinch's words and thinking of the manor, Zhao Chengfeng knows that he has made things simple.

The crisis has not been lifted.

"It's too difficult to completely destroy the whole broken sky. The best way is to hit the snake seven inches Zhuque said: "Zhao Feitian is the leader of the broken sky. As long as he is gone, the broken sky will not exist."

"But where can I find him?" Zhao Chengfeng naturally understands this truth, but everyone knows it. It's not so easy to do.

"There are some things you can't ask for. It depends on your luck." To this rosefinch also very helpless, "by the way, there is one thing I don't understand."

"Go ahead."

"What's the relationship between tattoo messengers and you?"

Rosefinch thought of the scene that happened that day. At the moment when Zhao Chengfeng was about to be killed, the tattoo messenger rushed up without hesitation and stopped Zhao Feitian. And Zhao Feitian did not hesitate to kill the tattoo messenger.

Can let a woman desperate to protect a man, one of the feelings has been very obvious.

"Cough, what can I have to do with her?" Zhao Chengfeng looks a little embarrassed, but he can't help sighing in his heart.

For the tattoo emissary, Zhao Chengfeng's mood is very complex, which is also the pain and bitterness that Zhao Chengfeng did not dare to mention in these days. Zhao Chengfeng doesn't like tattoo messengers in his heart. If he is interested, he is only interested in women's bodies, that's all.

Not only that, Zhao Chengfeng is always on guard against tattoo messengers. However, Zhao Chengfeng never dreamed that she would block Zhao Feitian for herself. At that moment, Zhao Chengfeng was more shocked and finally understood that tattoo messengers really like him. It's just that it's too late

"I don't believe it." Rosefinch shook his head.

"If you don't believe me, I can't help it, cough." Seeing that it was late, Zhao Chengfeng said, "well, I'll find you a place to live tonight. The old man will come tomorrow."

"He's not angry when you call your father that?" The rosefinch is a little speechless.

"Angry? It's too late for him to be happy. "

"Happy? Is he still happy? " On hearing this, rosefinch felt more puzzled.

Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of smoke and said solemnly, "it's a kind of intimacy and a kind of potential blessing to be immortal."

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