"The blessing of intimacy?"

Smell speech, rosefinch mouth can't help twitching twice, heart said, if this blessing, my mother put the name upside down, really his mother has not seen this kind of blessing, this is a blessing, then there is nothing bad in the world.

"I must."

Zhao Chengfeng seriously explained: "if you think about it, I'll call him 'old and never die.' he's always old and never die. This is old and never die. Isn't this a blessing? If you live all the time, you will never die. Isn't that health and longevity? "

On hearing this, a black line appeared on the forehead of rosefinch. Is it a blessing? Why don't you say "the calamity will last for thousands of years"?

"I see. Come on, let's go. I'll take you to rest."

Seeing rosefinch's speechless face, Zhao Chengfeng, not to mention how proud he is, beckons and takes rosefinch to Jiangcheng Avenue. Villa No. 1 on Jiangcheng Avenue has been built again as it used to be. Here are the memories of Zhao Chengfeng and Xia Bingbing.

"You can have a good rest here. You can take what you want to eat and drink in the refrigerator. I'll contact you when the old man arrives tomorrow." After settling the rosefinch, Zhao Chengfeng went out of No. 1 villa.

Zhao Chengfeng dare not live here alone. As soon as he strides into this gate, he can't help thinking of Xia Bingbing.

"Bingbing, you wait. I'll get you back. I will!" Zhao Chengfeng secretly swears and turns to leave.

When passing by Liu's house, Zhao Chengfeng sees that the light inside has gone out. Instead of calling Liu Shiyun, he drives his car to find ye Zhuqing. Recently, he doesn't know how ye Zhuqing is doing.

However, to Zhao Chengfeng's disappointment, ye Zhuqing was not at home at all, and the phone was turned off.

"Damn it, don't let anything happen." Zhao Chengfeng suddenly gets nervous and makes a phone call to Qu Xiaoqiang.

For nothing else, just because Zhao Chengfeng's woman is too beautiful, sexy and beautiful is the root of bad people's crime!

"Hello, Mr. Zhao, you haven't had a rest so late?" After receiving Zhao Chengfeng's call, Qu Xiaoqiang is a little excited and curious. Zhao Chengfeng hasn't called himself for a long time.

"I ask you, where has Xiaoqing gone? Why is there no one at home and the phone turned off? " Zhao chengfengki has no time to chat with Qu Xiaoqiang and goes straight to the theme.


Qu Xiaoqiang said: "Mr. Zhao, it's like this. Mr. Ye just went to Tiannan city. He should have boarded the plane half an hour ago. Now that he is on the plane, he doesn't turn it on."

"That's right." Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still a little confused and asked, "what did she do in Tiannan city? When it comes to business, isn't it better to fly in the daytime? "

"It's not about the company."

Qu Xiaoqiang explained: "Mr. Ye told me before leaving work today that she was going to visit relatives in Tiannan city and would stay in Tiannan city for a period of time to let me take care of the company."

"Visiting relatives?" On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng is more puzzled. Isn't ye Zhuqing's only relative her Laozi? Now the grass in front of the grave is one meter deep. What other relatives are there?

If you really have relatives, why didn't anyone come to see ye Zhuqing when he died? At that time, ye Zhuqing was alone in a bar, working and studying. How could no one take care of him?

"Ye always says like this. It seems that her grandfather is ill. She says that she will go back and perform filial piety for her mother. Actually, I don't know about it, so..." Qu Xiaoqiang is embarrassed.

Qu Xiaoqiang is a smart man. If he doesn't ask about his boss's private affairs, he won't ask. He knows too much, but it's not good for him.

"Well, I see." Zhao Chengfeng is puzzled, but he can only forget it now. When he has a chance, he can ask ye Zhuqing, "by the way, what's the situation of the company now, and what can I do for you?"

Zhao Chengfeng knows ye Zhuqing's level. Maybe ye Zhuqing has a certain business mind, but he is too young. In addition, he was an underworld Princess when he was a child, so it's hard to avoid being arrogant and coquettish. When he was doing things, he would inevitably be impulsive. Otherwise, he would not have lost tens of millions last time, leading to the final sale of pikefeng.

To start a company for ye Zhuqing, Zhao Chengfeng has already made plans to lose money. He just wants to make women happy and have something to do. That's all. As for other things, Zhao Chengfeng really doesn't expect anything.

"No, no!"

Referring to the company, Qu Xiaoqiang's voice was filled with admiration and said: "Mr. Zhao, you don't know, Mr. Ye is really talented. I admire her very much now. Just last month, she made nearly 30 million yuan, and her net income in the past three months is at least 50 million yuan. Moreover, our company is still cooperating with others, That's the largest securities company in China... "

"Well, that's good."

Zhao Chengfeng was a bit surprised, but he was not interested in how much money he made. As long as a woman was happy, as long as a woman needed help, he would provide help anytime and anywhere. For his own women, Zhao Chengfeng would never be stingy.

"OK, you go on sleeping. Please contact me if you have any information." Zhao Chengfeng ordered two words, then put down the phone, and then sent a text message to ye Zhuqing. When the woman turned on the phone, she would see it.

Thinking of Ye Zhuqing, Zhao Chengfeng feels that he is really sorry for the woman. At the beginning, ye Zhuqing was naughty and forced others to do something. Now he managed to get the woman back and get the woman's forgiveness, but he can't accompany the latter for a long time. Now it seems that he is somewhat derelict of duty and selfish.

"Grandma, where are you going in the middle of the night?" Zhao Chengfeng mumbles, thinks about it, and calls song Sisi.


After the phone rang for a long time, song Sisi picked it up. Listening to the voice, he should have been woken up and said impatiently, "who? Do you let people sleep in the middle of the night? "

"Dead girl, can't even hear your husband's voice?" Zhao Chengfeng said with a bad smile.


When song Sisi heard Zhao Chengfeng's voice, he suddenly woke up a lot, "Chengfeng, is it you?"

"Nonsense, it's not me. Don't you have another husband?" When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he was a little angry.

"I hate it

Song Sisi was completely awake this time and asked, "why do you suddenly think of calling me? Are you abandoned by your other friends? "

"Damn smart!"

Zhao Chengfeng said: "so, I'm going to come to you tonight. Can you give me a shelter?" Said, Zhao Chengfeng licked his dry lips, his face rippled with a bad smile.

"What are you talking about? Come here quickly. I'm waiting for you." Song Sisi's voice is also full of Temptation

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