"Didi... Didi..."

"Who the hell?"

Zhao Chengfeng woke up from his sleep, picked up the phone and scolded, "Damn, who are you? Is it too late to let people sleep? "

"Smelly boy, who do you think I am?"

Zhao Feilong's angry voice came from the other end of the phone, "little bastard, are you moving on the belly of any woman? If you don't look at it, what time is it? Why don't you get up? "

"It's none of your business! You envy and hate you! Shit Zhao Chengfeng recognized that it was Zhao Feilong's voice, scolded him a few words, and put the phone down. Looking at the time, it was really late. It was 9:30 in the morning.

"Who is calling?"

Song Sisi is also woken up, with a long white leg on Zhao Chengfeng's body. He hooks Zhao Chengfeng's neck and looks unhappy. It's not easy to have a chance to be alone with a man. I didn't expect to be disturbed.

"Your husband, the old man, is really special. Can you pick the time to call me..."

"Didi... Didi..."

Zhao Chengfeng did not finish a word, Zhao Feilong's phone call again. Song Sisi really saw the words "old and immortal" flashing on the mobile phone screen.

What kind of father and son are they? Song Sisi was shocked. He had never seen him call himself Laozi like that.

"Damn, are you going to finish it?" Zhao Chengfeng was angry.

"Smelly boy, do you have any conscience? Didn't you ask me to come here early in the morning? What's the matter? Are you unhappy again? " Zhao Feilong is also very angry.

Thanks to the fact that he didn't have a second child, a Zhao Chengfeng almost made Zhao Feilong angry.

"Damn it, you're so interested in old lovers? Don't you worry that I'll let mom have a yellow sparrow? "

"Gunduzi, what's the old lover?" Zhao Feilong said solemnly, "Qiuxiang and I are innocent. Don't talk nonsense."


As soon as Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he immediately said, "just this, I doubt whether Bingbing and I are brothers and sisters who have been separated for many years."

"Smelly boy, do you believe me to tear your mouth?" Zhao Feilong was really angry this time. "You don't respect Laozi, but you have to respect your mother-in-law. It's not easy for Qiuxiang and her husband these years."

"What a lot of nonsense!"

Zhao Chengfeng didn't have a good way: "OK, I'll go out in five minutes. You can go to Jiangcheng Avenue. We'll meet at the gate later. That's it." With that, Zhao Chengfeng directly put down the phone.

"Chengfeng, will you come back tonight?" When Zhao Chengfeng goes out, song Sisi looks at Zhao Chengfeng bitterly and is reluctant to give up.

Song Sisi really didn't like the days when he got together less and left more.

"I'll try my best. When I'm done, I'll go to the company to see you." Zhao Chengfeng thought about it, went to the company, had a look at Liu Shiyun, and then met with he Yongfei.

My sister-in-law was very nice to Zhao Chengfeng. She was lively, lovely and cheerful. He Yongfei would not resist to take advantage of her; But since Xia Bingbing was abducted, he Yongfei's attitude towards Zhao Chengfeng has changed 180 degrees, just like the Shangguan Lanxin's attitude towards Zhao Chengfeng.

But no matter what he Yongfei's attitude towards Zhao Chengfeng is, Zhao Chengfeng must face it. Sometimes, to bear some sarcasm will make people more motivated to fight.

"Well, I'll go directly to the marketing department later. I'll wait for you in the marketing department." Song Sisi nodded.

"Yes. I'll see you later

After going out from the community, Zhao Chengfeng drove straight to the villa No. 1 on Jiangcheng Avenue. However, to Zhao Chengfeng's slight surprise, Zhao Feilong has arrived at the villa No. 1, and Zhao Feilong has met Zhu que.

The scene was a bit awkward, and Zhao Chengfeng suddenly worried about his mother, whether the green hat would fall down, because the rosefinch had already hugged his Laozi.

"I really don't see the charm of this old man. Why do women like him?" Zhao Chengfeng mumbled, cleared his throat and strode in, "cough, cough..."

Sudden voice, startled two people, rosefinch suddenly let go of hand, two people are a face of chat up looking at Zhao Chengfeng.


Zhao Chengfeng stares at Zhao Feilong for a long time. He says, "well, you old boy, how decent you are in front of your mother. No, once you see your old lover, oh no, once you see your younger martial sister, you can't hold it. You can hold it when you meet her.

"What's this look like, you son?" Zhao Feilong was staring at the heart hair, stem neck way.

"Don't you understand?"

Zhao Chengfeng gave the latter a white look, then turned back to the rosefinch and said, "don't forget what we said yesterday. Some things can't go beyond the thunder pool. Please do it for yourself."

The rosefinch turned white and nodded.

"Well, take your time. I have something else to do. I'll go first." Zhao Chengfeng patted his ass and didn't bother to say much.

For the relationship between Zhao Feilong and Zhuque, Zhao Chengfeng also feels very helpless. When people eat grains, they have seven emotions and six desires. In addition to family love, there is also a kind of emotion between love and friendship.

It's like rosefinch to Zhao Feilong.

Zhao Chengfeng has no way to interfere too much. It doesn't mean that Zhao Feilong is unfaithful to his mother, just like himself.

"Ah, love and love are always so tangled." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, got on the bus and left.

Straight to perfume lily, or the last time to stop Zhao Chengfeng's doorman, but this time, the doorman had a lot of eye power and released Zhao Chengfeng directly.

"Dong Dong... Dong Dong..."

All the way up to the top floor, Zhao Chengfeng knocked on the door of the president's office.

"Come in, please." He Yongfei's voice came from the room.


Pushing the door in, Zhao Chengfeng has an illusion that he Yongfei, who is sitting at his desk, looks like Xia Bingbing in the past.

"It's you? What are you doing here? " He Yongfei suddenly raised his head. He thought it was the secretary or someone else who wanted to report to him. However, when he looked up, he saw Zhao Chengfeng, and Xiumei twisted up.

If he Yongfei used to admire Zhao Chengfeng, now he doesn't like Zhao Chengfeng any more. Besides being able to fight, he is only lecherous.

Can be so able to beat people, even let people take their own wife, a man even their own women are not well protected, is not enough cowardly?

"Nothing. Come and see you." Zhao Chengfeng a little Leng, immediately said: "what can I do for you?"

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