"I don't need you to see it."

He Yongfei hummed coldly: "of course, I have one thing you need to do."

"What's the matter? You said... "Zhao Chengfeng said busily.

"Get my cousin back."


All of a sudden, Zhao Cheng's Fengshen mood darkened a lot. He seemed to be struck by thunder. He was stunned on the spot. At last, he had no choice but to shake his head. His heart seemed to be stabbed with a knife. It hurt, but he couldn't say it.

Some of the pain is unspeakable, just like Zhao Chengfeng now.

He Yongfei always thinks that Zhao Chengfeng has failed his cousin, but he doesn't know that Zhao Chengfeng wants to find Xia Bingbing more than anyone else, but he doesn't know the danger of that world, let alone Zhao Chengfeng's efforts.

"Why don't you talk?"

He Yongfei stares at Zhao Chengfeng coldly, with a touch of sarcasm in the corner of his mouth and snorts: "on weekdays, don't you and your little girlfriends talk very well? How eloquent, how capable, why don't you talk now? "

"There are some things you don't understand."

Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath and said: "I know you hate me, I don't blame you, because Bingbing was kidnapped, it's really my reason, but you can rest assured that one day, I will get Bingbing back."

"One day? Hehe, is it a day, a year, a decade or a hundred years? " He Yongfei sneered again and again, and the mockery on his face became more and more obvious.

Zhao Chengfeng's heart is bleeding, but he turns out of he Yongfei's office without saying anything.

"Chengfeng, you..." but, to Zhao Chengfeng's surprise, he just opened the door, and the charming Liu Shiyun was standing outside. Liu Shiyun was looking at Zhao Chengfeng with a sad face.

"I'm fine. You're busy. I'll go first." Zhao Chengfeng was in a bad mood. He said hello and got into the elevator.


Looking at the lonely and lonely figure of the man, Liu Shiyun sighs and walks into he Yongfei's office.

"Sister Shiyun, sit down. What can I do for you?" He adjusted his mood and forced out a smile.

Liu Shiyun handed the report to he Yongfei and said, "this is from the marketing department. You can have a look. This month's income is pretty good."

"Well, I'll see it later." He Yongfei put the report aside.

"Phil, there's something..."

After a long silence, Liu Shiyun finally spoke.

"Sister Shiyun, if you have anything to do, just open your mouth. Can we cover it up?" He Yongfei smiles.

"It's a matter of ice and fashion."


On hearing this, he Yongfei's smile suddenly solidified, and his pen was suddenly broken.

"Everyone of us is very sad when Bingbing leaves, but do you know who is the saddest person?" Liu Shiyun asked.

He Yongfei shook his head. He did not think deeply about this problem.

"It's a trend."

"He?" He Yongfei shook his head and said, "he won't be sad. I don't think he knows how happy he is. Hum."

"You are wrong!"

Liu Shiyun shakes his head and says seriously: "Chengfeng keeps his feelings in the deepest part of his heart. Once he has something on his mind, he won't show it. You only see the surface, but never see his heart. In other words, you don't know what he's doing. Why do you think he doesn't care about ice? Why don't you think he's looking for ice

"Do you speak for him because you like him?" He Yongfei asked back, feeling a little unhappy.

You can take advantage of your cousin's absence, can't you?

"I like him, but I didn't help anyone. I just love him." Liu Shiyun did not deny that love is love, love is love, what can be covered up.

"You..." he Yongfei is very surprised, did not expect Liu Shiyun actually admitted.

"Phil, there are some things you may not know."

Liu Shiyun interrupted he Yongfei and continued: "Chengfeng is really romantic. In your opinion, it's lustful and shameless, but you don't know that he can give up his life for the woman he likes. He once blocked bullets for me and for Bingbing. Based on this, I believe that he is a good man and that he is a man of love and righteousness."

"So you mean I've wronged him, I shouldn't satirize him?" He Yongfei is very upset.

"No, I mean, you don't know this man." Liu Shiyun corrected: "when you understand him, you will understand him."

"I'm not interested in him. I don't want to know him."

He Yongfei's mood is not very beautiful. He didn't expect Liu Shiyun to talk about this problem with him face to face. It's really a bit weird. To some extent, Xiao San talks with his mother's family.

It seems that my mother's family can't talk about Xiao San. This kind of feeling is very strange.

"Don't you think it's too much to satirize him if you don't want to know him?" Liu Shiyun is also uncomfortable. Zhao Chengfeng is his own man. How can his own man tolerate others' sarcasm? Isn't that bullying?


He Yongfei opens his mouth and wants to argue.

"I have something else to do. Let's go first and reflect on it yourself." However, Liu Shiyun had already stood up and walked straight out, but when he got to the door, he stopped again and said, "you can't believe me, but at least you should believe your cousin's eyes. Your cousin hated him at first, but she was with him in the end, Do you think your cousin is the kind of woman who will be cheated by rhetoric? "

He Yongfei wants to talk but stops. He seems to think of something in general.

Yes, cousin how smart, how rational a woman, they can not believe Liu Shiyun's vision, but why doubt cousin's judgment?

"Did I really blame him?" He Yongfei sat down in a chair, mumbling to himself, felt out his cell phone, wanted to make a phone call, but he finally held back.

On the other hand, Zhao Chengfeng has left the company and is going to visit Song Sisi in Yida department store. This is what Zhao Chengfeng promised song Sisi in advance. If he promised a woman, he should do his best, although Zhao Chengfeng's mood is not particularly beautiful at this time.

"Didi... Didi..."

However, what Zhao Chengfeng didn't expect is that he hasn't gone far, and the old man actually called.

"Hello, what's the matter?" Zhao Chengfeng picked it up, a little stiff and impatient.

"Stinky boy, don't be so stiff. I have nothing to do with rosefinch!"

Zhao Feilong thought that his son would regenerate his own Qi. He explained first, but his heart was a little stuffy.

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