Little son of a bitch, you're allowed to spend a lot of time outside, wives and concubines are in groups, so you can't let me develop an underground love affair? How hateful! Typically, state officials are allowed to set fire and people are not allowed to light lamps.

"So soon?" Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised and said, "old man, are you not good at waist? So soon? "

"My waist is not good, my waist..."

Zhao Feilong suddenly understood and scolded: "smelly boy, talk nonsense again. Do you believe me to tear your mouth? I've told you all about it. I'm innocent with little sister rosefinch. Don't think about it. "

"Ha ha." Zhao Chengfeng can not deny the smile, is true or false, who can know? Anyway, Zhao Chengfeng does not want to know, some things know too much, not only will not be happy, but there will be more depression.


When Zhao Feilong heard the laughter, he was very depressed. He wanted to explain a few sentences. At last, he gave up and explained too much. Others thought he was hiding something? Then he said, "the clear is clear, and the turbid is turbid. I don't want to tell you about it."

"You don't want to talk to me. Why do you call me? I don't have time to talk to you. " Zhao Chengfeng said impatiently, "I'm busy now."

"You think I want to talk to you?"

Zhao Feilong didn't have a good way: "I've been to Beihai city. As an old friend and Qin family, I should go to see your mother-in-law. Bingbing has been missing for half a year. Shouldn't you be a son-in-law to be filial?"


Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng foot brake down, the car stopped at the roadside, look suddenly dim a lot.

"I won't go there."

After a long silence, Zhao Chengfeng said: "it's not that she doesn't dare to face it, it's that she's afraid to mention something about Bingbing, and she'll be sad. When you visit your mother-in-law later, you should try not to mention Bingbing. If she wants to ask, you will say that I have news here. "

"All right." Zhao Feilong pondered for a while, too.

If Zhao Chengfeng goes to his mother-in-law's house, he doesn't have to speak. Wang Qiuxiang can't help thinking about her missing daughter. Needless to say anything, her tears fall down. The scene is really embarrassing.

It's different when Zhao Feilong is gone. They are more or less in the past. Talking about the interesting things in the past may dilute some sadness.

"But when are you going to the inner door?" After a pause, Zhao Feilong asked again.

Zhao Feilong knows his son so well that he won't hold anything in his heart. He will try his best to do whatever he decides. Although Xia Bingbing has no news now, Zhao Chengfeng will never give up.

It's very similar to who I was when I was young.

"It's estimated that it will take some time. There are still things to be dealt with, and it's very early from the year of inner gate." Zhao Chengfeng thought about it.

At the beginning, Zhao Chengfeng decided to enter the inner gate within a month. First, he went in early and inquired about the so-called "Chiba world" as soon as possible. He had a fight with the experts in the inner gate to improve himself; Second, help to find yuan Shanshan's ancestor.

However, after chatting with Zhu que yesterday, Zhao Chengfeng did not rush into the inner door, because Po Tian was not completely eradicated. What if Po Tian revived as soon as he left? Moreover, there is an uncertain manor, which makes Zhao Chengfeng have no idea at all.

Another reason is that Zhao Chengfeng wants to improve his strength on the earth. Only when his strength goes up and he has the power to dominate the world, can he protect himself and his relatives.

Zhao Chengfeng absolutely does not allow Xia Bingbing to happen again.

"Well, that's fine."

Zhao Feilong said, "your aunt Zhuque said that she would take her to Tianxing village when you have time. What she promised you will be done."

"Oh, I can't see it. You have a lot of face. It's a powerful shot." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile.

Zhao Chengfeng knows very well that Zhu que is willing to help himself. It's only because he looks at his old face. To put it bluntly, he takes advantage of the feelings between them. To put it bluntly, Zhao Chengfeng is really a little mean in this matter.

"I Pooh, you son of a bitch, what nonsense?"

Zhao Feilong was so angry that he roared: "I repeat, aunt Zhuque and I are innocent. We are a simple friendship between elder martial brothers and younger martial sisters."

"Well, it's what you say. I'm not worried." Zhao chengfengdao“ You tell rosefinch that I'll take her to Tianxing village tomorrow morning. "

"Son of a bitch!"

Zhao Feilong scolded him and hung up the phone. He said that I wanted to have something ambiguous between them. But I was seen by you. Do you dare to take the next step?

"I don't seem to have much time."

Zhao Chengfeng calculated the next journey, increased the speed and went straight to Yida department store.

Today, under the leadership of general manager Wang Chenglin, the development of Yida department store is getting better and better. It seems that it has become a business card of Beihai city. If you have not been to Yida department store in Beihai City, you are not here!

There are more than 50000 visitors coming and going every day. Think about it, what a terrible number it is.

"I didn't expect that Wang Chenglin was quite a tosser. He was a talent." Witnessing the change of Yida department store, Zhao Chengfeng secretly nodded and followed the elevator to the third floor.

Today, 1/3 of the facades on the third floor of Yida department store are occupied by perfume lilies, from the beginning of the inner inn to the present perfume shop and then to the female supplies shop.

"Phyl really had the idea of sanitary napkins." Zhao Chengfeng glanced at the facade, but he still had a lot of feelings in his heart.

At first, He Yongfei was a lazy girl who was rich. She knew every day, but now she played a new height. She was in charge of the perfume lily company. She was not afraid of it. Instead, she managed to keep the company arranged in good order. Zhao Chengfeng was just taking it.

"It's this girl who has a bad temper, eh." It seems to think of he Yongfei's attitude towards himself just now. With a bitter smile and shaking his head, Zhao Chengfeng walks around the store and walks into song Sisi's office.

"Ah, Chengfeng, you're here. That's great!"

Seeing Zhao Chengfeng again, song Sisi, like his newly married daughter-in-law, plunges into Zhao Chengfeng's arms and nods excitedly on Zhao Chengfeng's cheek.

"Damn, I've lost my first kiss today." Zhao Chengfeng pretends to be angry.

"Do you want your place today?" Song Sisi said with a bad giggle, his hand also grasped the sensitive part

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