"Chengfeng, it's still you. We have so many experts, but they can't persuade her. If you go there, they will let you go immediately. Won't you use a good-looking man's trick? Ha ha ha Tang Weiguo on the other side of the phone was so happy that he made a rare joke.

"Ha ha."

Zhao Chengfeng embarrassed smile, do not know how to explain, in fact, Zhao Chengfeng's heart is also very puzzled. Before leaving, Zhao Chengfeng obviously rejected Liangzi Ogawa. How could she help Huaxia with R & D work?

"Well, what's the offer of Mr. Ogawa?" Zhao Chengfeng asked again, always feel untrue in the heart, Ogawa Liangzi is a very smart girl, don't be trapped by this girl.


Tang Weiguo: "her only request is to apply to join our Huaxia nationality after this successful R & D. I agreed. Mr. Ogawa, this can be regarded as abandoning the evil and following the good. "

"Chinese nationality?" Wen Yan and Zhao Chengfeng are a little surprised. This is not a requirement at all. For Huaxia, this is a great good thing.


Tang Weiguo said: "Liangzi Ogawa is still very cooperative with our government. I think we can deal with the nationality issue for her first, and it is even necessary to let her be the deputy leader and member of the new energy R & D group. This is also to make the best use of people and materials."

"Well, you can do as you please." When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he was too lazy to say anything more.

If it's Zhao Chengfeng, even if he agrees to play for Huaxia, Zhao Chengfeng will still be a little wary. Who knows if he is really submissive?

However, Zhao Chengfeng did not remind Tang Weiguo. As a leader, how can Tang Weiguo not have a back hand?

Zhao Chengfeng is also afraid of asking too much. If there is any trouble in the future, it's all in his head. Is it right? After thinking about it, Zhao Chengfeng gave up.

"In a word, thank you this time. If it wasn't for your enlightenment, I'm afraid Mr. Ogawa would not have worked for us." Tang Weiguo once again expressed his thanks to Zhao Chengfeng, because Tang Weiguo did not know how to reward Zhao Chengfeng.

If you really reward him for his merits, Zhao Chengfeng is not too afraid to be a general.

"Ha ha." Zhao Chengfeng smiles and drops the phone.

"What is Mr. Ogawa doing? Did you take the wrong medicine? " Zhao Chengfeng murmurs to himself. He is really unpredictable. There is always an illusion that this woman is not very arrogant? Why did you give up so soon? It's not her style.

"No matter who your mother is, don't blame me when something goes wrong." Zhao Chengfeng is too lazy to think about it. Step on the gas and go straight to the airport.

When we arrived at the airport, the airport staff had already been waiting here and offered first-class tickets for Zhao Chengfeng. The kid just called the airport, because Zhao Chengfeng is an elite talent in China after all. It's normal to go through the back door and give some special treatment. This is what Zhao Chengfeng should enjoy.

"Tiannan Shuian Huadu villa district?" On the plane, when Zhao Chengfeng turned off his mobile phone, he saw the message sent by Ye Zhuqing, and his brow twisted up.

From the name of the address, we can see that ye Zhuqing's distant relatives are not ordinary people. They actually live in the villa area. You know, although Zhao Chengfeng also has a villa in Beihai City, he basically won't live there.

Even if it's a villa in Beijing, Zhao Chengfeng never lives in it. Basically, he stays in his old house.

"It's strange not to know that she has relatives." Although Zhao Chengfeng was curious, he didn't think much about it. He leaned against the back of his chair and went to sleep. Last night, song Sisi tossed Zhao Chengfeng a lot. In addition, he got up early in the morning, and now he just had a good sleep.

Tiannan city is located in the southwest of China, next to the southwest provinces. Strictly speaking, it belongs to the northern provinces. The north is also the coldest area in the whole China. However, Tiannan city is an exception, because it is close to the southwest provinces and has four distinct seasons. This is the season of Yingge Yanwu, with warm clothes and blooming flowers.

The northern provinces are relatively rich in China. Although the whole northern region looks desolate and there are not many natural landscapes, the northern provinces are extremely rich in mineral resources. The most common ones are coal mines and natural gas. Relying on these, the people in the northern region are very rich.

In a word, it's not bad for money.

Wang's family is a big miner in Tiannan city. There are more than 100 large and small coal mines, with an annual net income of more than 500 million. In the northern provinces and even in China, Wang's family is one of the top 20 rich people in China.

However, the life of the Wang family is not very peaceful at the moment, because Wang Genshen, the head of the Wang family, fell ill. At the age of 88, all the functions of his body began to atrophy, and he had been admitted to the hospital as early as a week ago.

Because the hospital environment is not good, so Wang Genshen's family invited doctors and nurses to take care of them directly at home. From this point, we can see that the Wang family has a great career. However, seeing Wang Genshen's condition gradually stabilized, the Wang family was uneasy.

Wang Genshen's two sons have already begun to fight for the family property. Wang Bingjun, the eldest, is naturally not willing to seize the power of the Wang family. Not only the sons are fighting, but also the grandchildren are making trouble.

Wang Donglai is the son and eldest grandson of Wang Bingquan. He is highly valued by Wang Genshen for urinating. Although he is not a talent, he has been doing well in the real estate industry these years with the help of the Wang family;

As for Wang Bingjun, he suffered a little bit because he had no son but only daughter.

"Second, you said that you don't have a younger generation with a handle. Why do you want to compete with me?" Shuian Huadu villa area, 66 villa hall, full of people.

It was Wang Bingquan, the eldest, who was staring at his younger brother Wang Bingjun coldly while smoking. Finally, he said, "I'll give you 20% at most. You can't want any more money!"


Wang Bingjun was so angry that he stood up and growled: "just because you are the boss, you have to take the lead. No, I don't agree. It's unfair. Let's go to court and fight a lawsuit

"A lawsuit? Ha ha. "

Wang Bingquan said with a noncommittal smile: "if you want to lose that person, see you in court. However, I can remind you that in the precepts of the Wang family, the eldest son inherited the family property. There is nothing wrong with it. Now I have given you 20% of my share. It's the end of my duty. "

"You, you deceive too much!"

Wang Bingjun blushed with anger and his neck was thick.

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