"Wang Bingquan, don't think you are the eldest son of the royal family. I tell you that whenever there are the royal family, you have the right to inherit property, and you can't has the final say."

Wang Bingjun is not a fool either. Although he didn't read many books in those years, Wang Bingjun had consulted his lawyer privately before, and even the lawyer gave advice. Some of his words were directly taught by the lawyer.

"Since you are so heartless, I don't care about your face. If you want to go to court, you can go to court. Who's afraid of who? Anyway, the old man didn't make any will. If you don't want to be shameful, you don't want this face!"

Smell speech, Wang Bingquan's brow slightly a frown, in the heart some annoyance, this is also Wang Bingquan most afraid of place, otherwise, Wang Bingquan a cent all don't want to give the second.

You know, Mr. Wang Genshen has accumulated more than three billion yuan over the years. That's real money. Who can be indifferent?

But if Wang Bingjun is really put into the legal process, he will not get any money.

"Second uncle, is it good for you to do so?" Wang Dong came to see his father eat shriveled, slowly opened his mouth, staring at Wang Bingjun with a smile: "you don't want to face, do you want to let our younger generation have no face to go out to see people? You don't want me to be a man, don't you? "

"Son of a bitch, who do you say is not a man? Believe it or not? " As soon as Wang Bingjun heard this, he almost gave Wang Donglai a slap.

"Smoke me? Ha ha. "

Wang Donglai noncommittal smile, still leisurely sitting on the sofa smoking, showing very calm.

"I said, some people don't want to be shameless. They call you second uncle. It's because of your grandfather's face. It has nothing to do with you." Wang Donglai didn't pay attention to Wang Bingjun at all. He hummed coldly: "besides, don't think you're out there. I don't know how much money you've lost in the last year. Don't you count it in your heart?"

"You, are you threatening me?" Wang Bingjun's old face turned white and stared at Wang Donglai.

"Threatening you? No, I'm just stating a fact. "

Wang Donglai took a breath of the flue: "we are not children. We can see a lot of things clearly. Now that we have broken it, I will not hide it."

After a pause, Wang Donglai continued: "the Wang family has a big business, so you're a moth. You've been eating, drinking, whoring and gambling all these years. How much usury do you owe outside? Don't you take the money from the Wang family to pay back? And those lovers you have outside, don't you take care of them at home? How much money have you lost over the years

"You..." Wang Bingjun's face was gray, angry and angry, and he felt that he had no face. He didn't expect that this little son of a bitch had turned over all his knowledge. He was trying to embarrass himself.

"Am I right?"

Wang Donglai then said, "if I were you, if I want to be a moth, I would be a moth without ambition and ideas. If you behave well, if you don't fight, if you don't fight, if you don't make trouble, if you are short of money in the future, or if you make trouble outside, maybe our father and son can help you, but if you insist on doing so, don't blame our father and son for not recognizing you. "

"Yes, second."

When Wang Bingquan saw that his son had brought down his second son, he was not so happy. He sang with a red face and said, "boss, I did it for your own good. You said I gave you all the money, but you lost it. How can I live in the future?"

"I don't care about you!"

Wang Bingjun was angry. He waved his hand and scolded angrily: "hum, what's the heart of your father and son? Do you think I don't know? Yes, I eat, drink, whore and gamble, but what's the matter? I'm a loser. It's the old man's money. Does it have anything to do with you? Did you earn it back? "

"It's nothing to do with us?"

Wang Donglai said, "if it wasn't for your failure, our Wang family would certainly be even richer. Just because of your existence, the plan of Wang family becoming the richest man in northern provinces failed. Don't you have the responsibility?"

"I Pooh!"

Wang Bingjun pointed to Wang Donglai and said, "little son of a bitch, shut up for me. There's no place for you to talk here!"

"Why don't I have to talk? Am I not from the Wang family? " Wang Donglai said, "you are the master of the Wangs, and you has the final say about the royal family. Hum, don't pee, look in the mirror and see your own virtue... "

"I'll kill you son of a bitch!"

Wang Bingjun finally couldn't hold back, waving a slap in the past.


But, Wang Donglai's movement is obviously faster, backhand slap in Wang Bingjun's face, suddenly old face red.

"Don't be shameless. What's your right to hit me?" Wang Donglai's momentum soared, and a ferocious smile appeared on his face.

If you don't listen to good words, you have to be rude.

"You, you, you dare to hit me?" Wang Bingjun felt his hot face, and felt no pain, but more humiliation.

Wang Bingjun never dreamed that Wang Donglai would dare to beat himself. Not only Wang Bingjun didn't think of it, but also Wang Bingquan, Wang Donglai's Laozi.

"Hit you?"

Wang Donglai corrected: "no, this is not to beat you, but to teach you a lesson. If you don't have any color to see, you don't know that heaven is high and earth is thick. Don't rely on the old to sell the old. It won't work in front of me

"You don't want to give me face. Do you still expect me to ask you for face? Idiot With that, Wang Donglai gave the latter a white look. For Wang Bingjun, Wang Donglai never paid attention to him.

Over the years, Wang Donglai has done a good job in business and made many friends. Both the underworld and the white way are infected. Whenever the relationship between the white way is uneven, Wang Donglai will ask his friends from the underworld to help.

And Wang Donglai has already figured out that if his second uncle is not obedient, he will have to ask his friends from the underworld again. Who can't get along with money these days?

For money, Wang Donglai has nothing to do!

"Well, well, I tell you, I can't get the money I deserve, and you can't get a cent. I'll go to the court to sue you now. You wait for me." With that, Wang Bingjun was about to leave the villa.


Wang Bingquan said coldly, "second, do you really want to tear your face?"

Wang Bingquan doesn't want to make things big. First, it's for the sake of face. Second, as long as he goes to court, the money he can get will be less than half. Who the hell can't live with money?

"Hum, if you tear your face, you'll tear it. Your son is beating me. Do I have to tolerate it?" Wang Bingjun snorted coldly.

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