Mouth is too poisonous, a word to himself and the second all knocked over!

"What? Get angry? I stabbed you in the pain? " Ye Zhuqing won't be afraid of Wang Bingquan. If they can be kind to their grandfather, have a good talk with their family, and don't slander themselves, ye Zhuqing can still have a good chat. It's nothing to call "uncle and uncle".

But now it seems that having such relatives is a shame. It's better not to have them. Is it necessary to give them face?

"Ye Zhuqing, don't you think you are the master of the Wang family? What qualifications do you have to stand here and talk to us? " See his father eat shriveled, Wang Donglai is not happy, pupil suddenly a shrink, cold stare at the leaf bamboo green in front of.

It's a beautiful woman, but at the same time, it's also a woman who doesn't know much.

"I'm not the master of the Wang family, and I'm not Wang." Ye Zhuqing said: "I don't care who you are. If you want to fight for your property, I can't care. This time I just came back to visit my grandfather, that's all!"

"That's all? Ha ha, it's so funny. "

Wang Donglai sneered: "more than 20 years have passed. You didn't come early or late, but you came here at this time? Dare you say you have no purpose? In my opinion, as the second uncle said, you also come for the old man's property. It's just that you're obviously better at making the old man happy than we are. "


Ye Zhuqing can't stand the slander of others, "if it's for money, I won't come. The Wangs have money, but I'm not a beggar. I'm not going to beg at your door. "

"Tut Tut, it sounds better than singing. Then I want to ask you, not for money, but for what? " Wang Donglai's sarcasm became more obvious.

"For the sake of filial piety..."

"Ha ha ha."

Hearing the speech, Wang Donglai burst into laughter and tears came out. He clapped his hands and said, "it's really interesting. It's very good."

"What are you laughing at?" Ye Zhuqing frowned and disliked Wang Donglai. He was too gloomy and cunning.

When ye Zhuqing was accompanying his grandfather in the ward before, he heard the voice from outside. He had to say that Wang Donglai was really good at it. He was much better than his father. No wonder he was able to make a breakthrough in the real estate industry.

"I laugh that you are not good at making up lies."

Wang Donglai said, "you said that you came back to be filial. Then I want to ask you, why did you come back to be filial when the old man was critically ill? Are you coming back to fulfill your filial piety, or are you coming back to die, or are you coming back for other purposes, such as dividing your family property. As far as I know, your mother died of illness at that time, and she didn't have the money to cure her. In the past few years, has your father turned over? "

"You, you, you're bloody!" Ye Zhuqing was so angry that he was in a daze, and his chest was so sharp that he wanted to kill Wang Donglai.

It's shameless to humiliate yourself, to humiliate your dead father, and to talk about your dead mother for many years!

"Bloody talk? No, it's just a reasonable inference. Are you really rich? " Wang Donglai asked.

"Do you care whether I have money or not? Did I mention that I would share a cent with the Wang family? " Ye Zhuqing asked.

"That's what you're good at."

Wang Bingquan took over the conversation and said: "in front of the old man, he pretended to be very high and played a game of playing hard to get. Frankly speaking, it's just pretending."


"Don't worry about me. It's a family affair of the Wang family. It has nothing to do with you. Get out of here!" Wang Bingjun followed.

In the eyes of the Wang brothers, where can outsiders intervene in the affairs of the Wang family?

"This is my grandfather's house. What qualifications do you have to throw me out? You are so unreasonable! You... "Ye Zhuqing was so angry that her pretty face turned white and her delicate body trembled.

This where is own family member, is simply a gang of animals, in their eyes does not have the family affection at all!

"Qualifications? Hum

Wang Bingjun looked proud and said, "because I am his son, I am qualified to drive you out. You keep saying that you are her granddaughter. Who can prove it to you? "

"Boss, can you prove it?" With that, Wang Bingjun looked at Wang Bingquan again.

Smell speech, Wang Bingquan shakes his head repeatedly, way: "I don't know this person, don't know who put in."

"I don't know either!" Wang Donglai also put his hand in his hands, and looked like he had nothing to do with himself.


Ye Zhuqing almost didn't live to death. These guys are so mean that they won't admit it. For a moment, ye Zhuqing really doesn't know what to do.

"What are you doing? Get out of the way. Don't get in the way here. " Wang Bingjun said, "come on, let me get rid of this woman. Don't let anyone go home. Let's take Lao Wang's family as a grocery market."

"You dare!"

Ye Zhuqing is very embarrassed, but more angry. Ye Zhuqing didn't expect that these guys really turn a deaf ear to his grandfather's words and don't recognize themselves. On the contrary, they have to drive themselves away!

"What nonsense, get out of here!"

With a wave of Wang Bingjun's hand, several servants rushed up and pushed ye Zhuqing out.

"You, you are not human!" Ye Zhuqing bit his teeth, hate hate way, swept upstairs one eye, unwilling to leave the villa hall.

Ye Zhuqing didn't expect that because he said two words of truth, he was kicked out. Until now, ye Zhuqing just knew, Wang brothers are how beasts!


Wang Bingquan scolded at his back, with a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Second, let's have an agreement. We'll give you 20% of your family property. Some things can be done just enough. Do you understand?" After ye Zhuqing is expelled, Wang Bingquan looks at Wang Bingjun.

Wang Bingquan was very proud. He had a good life. He strangled Wang Bingjun and had to obey.

"OK, I agree!"

Back to God, Wang Bingjun nodded heavily, not without the color of resentment in his eyes.

"However, I have one condition. From now on, you are absolutely not allowed to have the idea of Xiaolan. Otherwise, I will give you some color even if I give up my life."

"That's nature!"

Wang Bingquan said with a smile: "as long as you are obedient, everything else is easy to say."

"Then we have a deal..." Wang Bingjun nodded.

However, before Wang Bingjun finished his sentence, the door of the villa hall was pushed open again. It was ye Zhuqing who came in. What's the matter?

"Why are you in again? Believe it or not, I'll take you to the police station and accuse you of trespassing Wang Bingquan also found the return of Ye Zhuqing, coldly threatened.

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