"Why don't you try one?"

However, without waiting for ye Zhuqing to speak, a man came in behind him, a man in ragged clothes. The man looked very slovenly, his clothes were not neat, and he was smoking cheap tianxiaxiu cigarettes. You know, the servants of the Wang family would not smoke such inferior cigarettes.

"Who are you?" Wang Bingquan waited for the man and said, "what has become of Lao Wang's family? Can all kinds of dogs and cats come in? What does the guard do for food? "

"First of all, you have no right to know who I am."

The man took a puff of smoke and said to Wang Bingquan, "secondly, your doorman and security guard are really rubbish. If you're OK, you can let your people go to the hospital first. Their situation is not particularly good."


Wang Bingquan was so depressed that he didn't want to be angry. What a arrogant guy. In Tiannan City, there is really no task that Wang Bingquan is not qualified to know. This guy is a little arrogant.

"Don't talk to them, they are scum!"

One side of the leaf bamboo green pulled a man, way: "go, we go upstairs to see grandfather." Say, leaf bamboo green pulls a man to want to go upstairs, in the heart don't want to see these three brutes inferior of guy.


However, ye Zhuqing drags Zhao Chengfeng and is stopped by Wang Donglai just after two steps. Wang Donglai's face is also not good-looking. He stares at ye Zhuqing coldly and says, "Stinky bitch, who do you say is scum? You tell me..."


However, before Wang Dong finished his sentence, he saw the man next to ye Zhuqing move and slap him in the past. Wang Dong stumbled and fell to the ground. After a close look, his two blood teeth fell to the ground.


The crowd took a breath, and it took several seconds to recover.

"You, who are you? How dare you beat my son? You, you wait for me. " Wang Bingquan rushed up and helped up Wang Donglai.

How long has it been? Half of Wang Donglai's face is as swollen as a pig's head. Even the five red fingerprints are bleeding.

"I said, you are not qualified to know my name!" The man pointed to Wang Donglai and said, "today, I'll spare you a dog's life. Next time, it won't be as easy as slapping. Hum!"

With that, the man followed ye Zhuqing to the second floor of the villa.

"It's time!"

Wang Bingquan, Wang Donglai and his son are depressed, but Wang Bingjun is not happy at the moment. Just now, Wang Donglai's smelly boy has thrown himself a big mouth in public, and now Wang Donglai has been slapped. It's too enjoyable.

"Son of a bitch, you wait for me. I will kill you!" Wang Donglai growled. He was so ashamed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground. It was the first time that Wang Donglai had been beaten, and he was beaten so miserably.


The man didn't even look at Wang Dong. He followed the woman upstairs. At the end of the corridor on the second floor, Wang Genshen's ward was just around the corner. Now there was a doctor and two nurses in the ward. The situation was still unclear.

"Grandfather, I, I, I have brought my boyfriend here. You can have a look." Into the ward, ye Zhuqing forced out a smile, happily walked past.

Wang Genshen in the hospital bed was very haggard at this moment, even without a little energy. Although he was not yet out of breath, he was dying soon. The sallow complexion is no different from the earth.

This is life, good time may be unlimited scenery, who have to give some kind of face, but once the terminally ill, there are few sincere people around.

For example, the brothers Wang Bingquan and Wang Bingjun downstairs turned against each other for the sake of money, but they didn't want to talk about it. In this case, they are eager to die immediately and share their property.

Is this a man? It's not human.

Because of the infighting between Wang Bingquan and Wang Bingjun, Wang Genshen's face became more haggard. Wang Genshen was terminally ill, but he had no problem with his hearing. He almost listened to all the quarrels downstairs. It was a sad feeling in his heart.

I knew that my son had two conscience dogs. Why couldn't he tolerate his little daughter in those years?

"Chengfeng, this is grandfather, you..." ye Zhuqing introduces Zhao Chengfeng, his face is slightly red, this is the first time that ye Zhuqing admits Zhao Chengfeng's identity in public.

Yes, the man who slapped Wang Donglai was Zhao Chengfeng!

If it wasn't for ye Zhuqing's reason, Wang Donglai would not have been slapped. At this time, he should have been rescued in the hospital. Ye Zhuqing has suffered too much. Zhao Chengfeng won't let her suffer any more.

"Hello, grandfather. I'm sorry. I'm late because of something." Zhao Chengfeng didn't feel embarrassed. Instead, he had a deep chat with Wang Gen, "how do you feel now, grandfather? Is there anything uncomfortable? Tell me, maybe I can help you


Wang Genshen glanced at Zhao Chengfeng carefully. Although Zhao Chengfeng was dressed in ordinary clothes, compared with ordinary beggars, his clothes seemed to be a little clean. Besides, he really didn't see anything special.

"I'm old enough to talk about comfort. Now I'll wait for the day. When the Lord of hell accepts me, I'll kick my legs, and then there's no more."

"Don't talk nonsense, grandfather

Ye Zhuqing eyes slightly red, almost cry: "now medicine is so developed, grandfather, you will certainly be OK, certainly."

"Xiaoqing, don't waste your efforts. My body, don't I understand?" Wang Genshen shook his head with a smile and said, "I'm very happy to see you before I die. But I'm afraid I won't make up for your mother. I'm sorry... "

At the end of Wang Genshen's words, a drop of muddy old tears came out of the corner of his eye. He felt very guilty, but it was a pity that he would never see his daughter Wang Meihua again.

"Don't talk about it, grandfather. It's all in the past." Ye Zhuqing's mood is also very complicated.

For his grandfather in front of him, ye Zhuqing still had some hatred in his heart. If he had supported his mother at that time, maybe her mother would not have died. However, now that people are dying, their words are good, and without Wang Genshen, they will not have themselves. Ye Zhuqing can't hate them.

Instead of hating Wang Genshen, he felt very pitiful. Look at his two sons. Are they sons? No, it's a beast. It's not as good as a relative.

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