"I knew this was your wife's shop. The next time I go to buy Neiyi, I will give you your name. Is it possible to get a discount?" Ye Zhuqing sour Road, can't help but white man one eye.

Ye Zhuqing suddenly has a feeling of being "junior". Men are really excellent, which ye Zhuqing does not deny. He is also careful enough to kill himself, but he wants to dominate the love.

I believe that any woman is so unwilling to share his own man with other women. May let ye Zhuqing some speechless is, before oneself, the man already had many women.


Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and held a cigarette in his mouth. He said with pride, "what else do you want to buy if you want to wear Neiyi? It's a waste


Smell speech, ye Zhuqing face slightly red, can't help but white a man, no good airway: "women wear Neiyi waste, that don't wear?"

"Xiaoqing, you misunderstood me."

Zhao Chengfeng explained: "don't talk about the money to buy Neiyi. Even if you want to buy a plane, I'll buy it. I just said that you don't need to buy Neiyi at all. The price is high, and it's not necessarily suitable for you. "

"What do you mean? Why don't I have to buy Nei? " Ye Zhuqing asked curiously as she walked.

Ye Zhuqing does not deny that Zhao Chengfeng is very generous. Although Zhao Chengfeng smokes inferior cigarettes and wears some rags, his clothes are almost washed white. But men are really willing to spend money. In other words, men don't care about money at all.

When ye Zhuqing was still studying in Xijiao University, Zhao Chengfeng bought a house next to Xijiao University and gave it to ye Zhuqing. Later, he spent hundreds of millions on starting a company and lost hundreds of millions. Zhao Chengfeng didn't blink. A hand, a value of hundreds of millions of pike peak gave himself.

In order to be happy, I didn't even know where I got a plane to take me to the seaside. At that moment, ye Zhuqing really had a feeling of flying in the sky.

Sometimes when you think about it carefully, Zhao Chengfeng is actually quite good to himself.

"Because I can design Neiyi."

Zhao Cheng wind way: "for example, just perfume lily shop, there are several internal Yi are designed by me, and the rest is not designed by me, it was also designed by my apprentice."

"What do you design for?"

On hearing this, ye Zhuqing's face was horrified. He was surprised as if he had discovered the new world, but he didn't believe it. How could Zhao Chengfeng understand Neiyi design?

"Are you surprised?" Zhao Chengfeng showed a proud smile.

"Of course, you don't look like a Neiyi designer, or you don't look like a designer at all." Ye Zhuqing thought for a moment and said, "I don't think the designer in my mind should have long hair, long beard, and then wear personalized clothes. Do they even have some unique hobbies?"

"Is that a designer? That's a pervert

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said: "some designers are not as good as metamorphosis. They are..."

"What is it?"


"And what are you?" Ye Zhuqing's white eyes are turning around. It's a bit too much to say that fashion designer.

"I'm your man!" Zhao Chengfeng is upright and strong. Conveniently took the woman's waist.

Ye Zhuqing blushed slightly. This time, he didn't push Zhao Chengfeng away and let the man hug him. Anyway, he was already his man. He might not be a gentleman, but he was absolutely a real villain. He was a big sex wolf that people would miss from time to time.

"That's a nice thing to say."

After seeing Zhao Chengfeng green and white, ye Zhu said, "well, how do you design Neiyi? I don't think you're a Neiyi designer. Do you really design those beautiful Neiyi

"You still don't believe me."

Zhao Cheng wind way: "so to speak, the inside of the perfume lily counter, all the beautiful, expensive prices are all I designed."

"Can you stop blowing?" Ye Zhuqing shook his head. This guy's face is not so thick.

"Well, how can you believe me? Shall I design a set of internal rules for you? "

"Can you wear your inner design?" Ye Zhuqing shook his head.

"I'll go!"

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng depressed don't want, way: "it seems that today don't come up with some real ability, still really be despised by you."

"Isn't your ability lustful?"

"My sun sister!"

"What do you mean?"

"Sleep your sister's literary saying!"


Ye Zhuqing's teeth itch with hatred. He has an impulse to strangle Zhao Chengfeng.

"I won't fight with you. I'm serious." Zhao Chengfeng is a serious way: "your big, about 36d, belongs to the kind of one hand can't hold..."

"Dead rascal, can you stop talking?" Ye Zhuqing thought that Zhao Chengfeng had something serious to say. He didn't know that Zhao Chengfeng talked about his chest as soon as he opened his mouth. Moreover, he was still in public. Could he not blush?

"Must say!"

Zhao Chengfeng said: "I want to design internal dependence for you. Naturally, I need to know your body like the palm of my hand. I'll tell you what I can see. You can add what's wrong. At the same time, you can also see what your vision is like as a professional internal dependence designer."

"If you exaggerate, can you change the fact that you are a sex wolf?" Ye Zhu green white Zhao Chengfeng a look, is really convinced Zhao Chengfeng, too thick skinned.

Zhao Chengfeng pretended that he didn't hear anything, and then said: "Xiaoqing, you have a big hand, but now there is a problem, it may not be very good for you."


Ye Zhuqing blushes with shame, son of a bitch. Just say it, and talk about "hand feeling". Isn't that playing hooligans?

"Come on, what's the problem? Is it difficult for me to get breast cancer? Although shy, but ye Zhuqing or top Zhao Chengfeng a, not all say chest big good? What's the problem?

Anyway, ye Zhuqing can't understand.

"Rest assured, you can't get breast cancer." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "I'll give you a massage often."

"Bah, shameless!"

Ye Zhuqing's face turned red again. He gritted his teeth and said, "come on, what's the problem?"

"It's a little bit of a chest extension."

Zhao Chengfeng said seriously: "now because you are young, you are very strong. The problem is not in your eyes, but it may be in the future. So, I suggest that you choose Neiyi next time, or that kind of gathering and adjusting Neiyi is better. "

"You..." ye Zhuqing just wanted to open her mouth to curse, but when she thought of what Zhao Chengfeng had just said, she was surprised.

How can ye Zhuqing not know his own body?

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