He really knows.

"Well, didn't I just tell you? I'm a Neiyi designer. The first requirement of Neiyi designers is to have a sharp eye. " Zhao Chengfeng said: "otherwise, why do you think I stare at the breasts of beautiful girls? You all think I'm playing a hooligan, but it's not. I'm an occupational disease. I can't change it. "

Ye Zhuqing turned her lips and didn't believe it.

"In order for the majority of women to wear sexy and comfortable internal dependence, what can I do with the name of" sex wolf "and" hooligan "on my back? As long as all the female compatriots in the world can... "Zhao Chengfeng's face is impassioned.

"I Pooh!"

Ye Zhuqing couldn't listen any more and interrupted, "can you die without blowing? It's boring to say that you are so great as if others really wronged you. Is it a sex wolf? Don't you count it in your heart? "

"Keke, but I'm pretty good. I don't want to see if I'm not a beauty." Said, Zhao Chengfeng eyes down three points, staring at the woman's trembling chest.


Ye Zhuqing's silver teeth cackled, and there was an impulse to strangle Zhao Chengfeng.

"Xiaoqing, you can rest assured that your Neiyi will be handed over to me in the future. I'll design several Neiyi for you in the future, which are unique in the world, so that you can dress comfortably and look good. In addition, I'll develop an enhanced function to make you magnificent..."

"Go away!"

Ye Zhuqing heard a black line and walked straight away from Zhao Chengfeng.

"Don't mention it. It's not suitable to roll in the daytime. If you want to roll in the evening, we can roll in any way..." Zhao Chengfeng catches up, but ye Zhuqing walks faster. He is so shy that he wants to find a way to get in.

No one can stand being teased like this in broad daylight.

"Oh, don't go so fast." Zhao Chengfeng thick skinned and sticky up, holding a woman's small waist.

"Sex wolf!"

Ye Zhuqing stares at Zhao Chengfeng, but he doesn't refuse Zhao Chengfeng's hand. They just walk on the street and turn around. They don't buy anything. They just have a look. At most, they are thirsty and buy a bottle of water to drink.

Tired of walking, they sat on the sidewalk and chatted. Zhao Chengfeng suddenly feels that this kind of life is actually quite suitable for him, leisurely and carefree.

"Are you hungry? Let's go and have something to eat." Zhao Chengfeng's eyes were almost one o'clock in the afternoon, so he proposed.

"Well, if you don't say it, you're really hungry." Ye Zhuqing touched his stomach.

"What would you like to eat?"

"Hot pot. I haven't eaten hot pot for some time. Recently, the company is very busy." Ye Zhuqing suggested.

"Yes, then eat hot pot!"

Zhao Chengfeng slapped his thigh and found a hot pot shop called "Tianxia Huo". They didn't want any private rooms, so they sat down by the window. They could eat hot pot while watching the scenery outside. It was also a good choice.

After ordering, they chatted with each other.

"Xiaoqing, I called Qu Xiaoqiang two days ago and said that you have made tens of millions recently." Zhao Chengfeng while smoking, while praise.

As for women, it is necessary to give more praise and encouragement. Only those who are often praised have self-confidence, and those who are confident are absolutely the most beautiful.


Who knows, the leaf bamboo green white Zhao Chengfeng one eye, does not have the good airway: "you are mocking me? It can't be heartache that I've lost your money. "

"What do you think?"

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng some speechless, way: "I am that kind of care about money?"

"Do you care whether I make money or lose money?"


Zhao Chengfeng suddenly speechless, the last wave of his hand, said: "well, when I did not say anything."

"Beauty, it's OK to lose money. Why don't you come and accompany me?"

However, as Zhao Chengfeng's voice just dropped, a rascal on the table next to him came over with a glass of wine and a smile. He looked at ye Zhuqing with a look of evil intention.

Sure enough, ye Zhuqing immediately frowned, but still held back and said coldly, "go away."

"Oh, beautiful woman has a good temper. I'm not leaving today. How can you drop me?" Instead of leaving, the strong man sat down and couldn't see Zhao Chengfeng in his eyes. He just stared at ye Zhuqing.

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng and ye Zhuqing entered the hot pot shop, Ma Laoer noticed ye Zhuqing. In fact, Ma Laoer followed him because of the employer's request.

If you want to kill and maim men, as for women, the employer said you can do it.

Ma Laoer has been in Tiannan city for so many years, and has slept with many women. Laurie, Yu Jie, and uniform have all played with them. However, none of them is beautiful. It's tempting to commit a crime at a glance.

"I won't go. Will you kiss me or bite me?" Ma Laoer puts his face to ye Zhuqing.

Ye Zhuqing's brows are tightened more tightly. Ye Zhuqing has seen a lot of such local ruffians and hooligans. If it's his old temper, he'll slap it in the face without any discussion.

However, now that ye Zhuqing is mature, after all, it is against the law to beat people. Moreover, if people stubbornly quarrel with animals, would they belittle themselves?

"Please leave. I don't know you. Don't disturb our dinner." Ye Zhuqing took a deep breath and suppressed his anger.

"Don't worry, I won't disturb you, you eat your food, I see mine."

When Ma Lao Er heard this, he was even more impressed. He could see that this woman was a bully. It's better to take the opportunity to go further.

"Beauty, what kind of food do you like to eat? Help yourself. I'll pay later." Ma Laoer said with a smile: "in this area, I..."

"Hey, asshole."

Ma Lao Er didn't finish his sentence. Zhao Chengfeng kicked Ma Lao er's chair and let out a cry.

"Damn, who do you call a fool?" As soon as Ma Laoer turns around, he stares at Zhao Chengfeng and says, "well, you stinky boy, are you finally speaking? I'm worried that I don't know how to find fault.

"Whoever agrees is a fool." Zhao Chengfeng holds his hands and looks at Ma Laoer jokingly. He suddenly feels that ye Zhuqing has changed a lot.

You know, ye Zhuqing was the underworld Princess of Beihai City, absolutely arrogant and domineering master. If someone dares to flirt with ye Zhuqing, he will be disabled or scrapped.

However, now ye Zhuqing has no original impulse and is more rational and mature. This makes Zhao Chengfeng very happy, which is why Zhao Chengfeng stopped Ma Laoer.

Their own women can not be bullied!

"Son of a bitch, I don't want to live!"

Ma Laoer, with a black face, picked up the bottle and smashed it at Zhao Chengfeng

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