
Wang Donglai's face turned white when he heard the speech. He was so embarrassed that he didn't want it.

"Don't you know me? What will you show me around? What kind of guide? " Ye Zhuqing repeatedly asked, making Wang Donglai embarrassed, so ashamed that he wanted to put his head into his crotch.

Wang Donglai hated ye Zhuqing in his heart. He never dreamed that ye Zhuqing would not give himself face and let himself down in front of the old man. Isn't that a slap in the face?

In fact, Wang Donglai didn't want to come either. After all, he was slapped by Zhao Cheng's fan, and the redness and swelling on his face were not over. However, Wang Donglai had to come because Wang Bingquan had just called Wang Donglai. Wang Genshen was not dead, but he got better. Wang Bingjun and Wang Bingquan have been expelled by Wang Genshen now, but Wang Donglai is a grandson and the only one in the Wang family. Can't wang Genshen get rid of himself?

In this way, Wang Dong came to be filial. Who knows, just after chatting with the old man for a while, ye Zhuqing and Zhao Chengfeng come back, but I don't know that ye Zhuqing doesn't want to give his face to himself.

"This..." Wang Donglai hesitated for a long time and didn't know what to say.


Wang Genshen is not really stupid. He cleared his throat and said, "don't mention the unpleasant things. Xiaoqing, let it go. You are a member of the Wang family after all. Don't be too serious."

Smell speech, leaf bamboo green Xiu eyebrow a Cu, for grandfather this decision is very don't understand, the old man said so white, is to forgive Wang Dong. It's not wise to forgive an animal.

However, ye Zhuqing didn't say anything, and Wang Genshen said it well. But ye Zhuqing is not the Wang family, and he doesn't want to be involved in the Wang family's affairs. This time, ye Zhuqing came to the Wang family, just to help his mother fulfill her filial piety and take a look at the old man, that's all.

"What a wonderful room!"

On one side, Zhao Chengfeng also shook his head, feeling that it was a great irony. To put it bluntly, Wang Genshen is just a nouveau riche, because there are mine resources under the land left by his ancestors, so he accumulated his first wealth, and then grew stronger and stronger.

People are rich, but they don't keep up with their ideological consciousness. The idea of son preference in their mind is too heavy. Little animals like Wang Donglai, to put it bluntly, were caused by inadequate education when they were young. Why should a person who doesn't even have the most basic virtue leave him a large amount of wealth? It's better to donate the money than to do so.

"How are you, grandfather? Is there anything uncomfortable after the examination? " Ye Zhuqing paused and asked.


Wang Genshen said with a smile, "I'm in good health now. Thank you for your help." With that, Wang Genshen nodded to Zhao Chengfeng again.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "you don't have to thank me."

Wang Genshen didn't respond, just gave the housekeeper a wink. The housekeeper felt for it and quickly took out the check prepared in advance and handed it to him.

"What do you mean, old man?" Zhao Chengfeng glanced at the check. It was a million.

"It doesn't mean much. It's mainly to thank you. It doesn't mean anything else. You don't have to think about it." Wang Genshen said with a smile.

However, Zhao Chengfeng is frowning and shaking his head, "no, I never save people for money. Although you are rich, I don't need it."

"Take it. You deserve it." There is no doubt that Wang Genshen's words are correct.

"I said no, but no." Zhao Chengfeng is a little upset. He hates the tone of being ordered in his life. You know, Tang Weiguo and Tang Aotian don't order Zhao Chengfeng to do anything on weekdays.

Moreover, Zhao Chengfeng feels that Wang Genshen is not thanking himself at all, but humiliating himself!

"What? Too little? " Wang Donglai stares at Zhao Chengfeng. It's obvious that he hates Zhao Chengfeng's slap. Up to now, his face is still burning.

It really hurts!

Wang Donglai doesn't understand why Ma Laoer didn't teach this asshole!

"Your face doesn't hurt?" Zhao Chengfeng's pupils suddenly shrank, and he felt humiliated.


Wang Dong was so angry that his face turned white again, but he finally suppressed his anger. Zhao Chengfeng's force value is too high. He is also abused when he rushes up, so he should bear it.

"Grandfather, Chengfeng said no is no, you'd better put it away." At the critical moment, ye Zhuqing stood up and said, "grandfather, since you are in good health, there are still things to do in our company. I think I'll go first. You should pay attention to your health."

Ye Zhuqing is dissatisfied with Wang Genshen and Wang Donglai, but he doesn't want to interfere too much; However, it is unacceptable for ye Zhuqing that Wang Genshen and Wang Donglai humiliate Zhao Chengfeng.

million? Isn't that humiliating Zhao Chengfeng? Is your man short of money?

"Leaving so soon?"

On hearing this, Wang Genshen frowned and said, "why don't you stay a few more days? I've also arranged a party tomorrow. You... "

"Grandfather, I really have something to do. The company has a lot of things waiting for me to do, so I have to go back as soon as possible." The green face of Phyllostachys pubescens is difficult to color.

"That's after tomorrow night."

Wang Genshen said bitterly, "Xiaoqing, we haven't seen each other for many years. Can't we spend more time with my grandfather?"

"This..." ye Zhuqing looks at Zhao Chengfeng with some guilt.

Ye Zhuqing sees that Zhao Chengfeng is angry, and is really upset about Zhao Chengfeng. However, in the face of Wang Genshen's plea, ye Zhuqing really doesn't know how to refuse.

After all, Wang Genshen is old. Maybe after this day, there will be no tomorrow.

Knowing that ye Zhuqing was in a dilemma, Zhao Chengfeng nodded to the woman.

"Well, I'll leave tomorrow." Ye Zhuqing gritted her teeth and said, "I'm going to book the air ticket the morning after tomorrow."

"You don't have to care about the ticket. I'll let the housekeeper arrange it." After getting a positive reply, Wang Genshen showed a smile, turned back and said to the manager, "go and call the hotel at seven o'clock tomorrow evening."

"Yes, sir!" The housekeeper answered and hurried to work.

"Grandfather, you'd better go upstairs and have a rest. I'll accompany Chengfeng." Ye Zhuqing tells Wang Genshen that Wang Genshen doesn't seem to like Zhao Chengfeng, although he smiles when facing Zhao Chengfeng.

Ye Zhuqing doesn't understand that Zhao Chengfeng saved his grandfather's life, but why he doesn't like Zhao Chengfeng. Just after they came in, Wang Genshen didn't even invite Zhao Chengfeng to take a seat. Instead, Wang Donglai sat next to Wang Genshen.

"Well, I'm a little tired. I'll go up and have a rest first." Wang Genshen yawned and turned to go upstairs. Before going upstairs, he didn't say hello to Zhao Chengfeng.

But Wang Donglai was very filial and helped Wang Genshen to go upstairs, "grandfather, I'll help you..."

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