"Chengfeng, I'm sorry. I don't know why they treat you like this..."

In the garden outside the villa, ye Zhuqing sits on a cool chair with Zhao Chengfeng, his face full of guilt.

"Do you think I care about that?"

Zhao Chengfeng interrupted the woman and asked.

"But they've gone too far. They're not thanking you, they're humiliating you." The more ye Zhuqing thought about it, the more angry she felt, and she was a little excited.

"What's too much? Maybe they think I'm poor and not worthy of you." Zhao Chengfeng is smoking. He is not angry. Over the years, Zhao Chengfeng has traveled all over the world. What kind of people have he never met?

To put it bluntly, I despise people and feel that I don't deserve ye Zhuqing.

"Why do they think you are poor? You are much richer than them." Ye Zhuqing is still angry.

"Look at my dress. Do you look like a rich man?" Zhao Chengfeng said with a self mockery, "maybe they think I'm just a little better than a beggar."

"Do you have to wear Armani and Hermes to be rich?" Ye Zhuqing's eyes are turning.

"Come on, don't be angry!"

Zhao Chengfeng patted the woman on the shoulder, looked at the time, and said: "well, it's five o'clock in the afternoon now. The old man should get up after a while's sleep. I'd better go first. He doesn't like to see me, and I don't want to feel comfortable. I'll go to the hotel. We'll go back to Beihai together the day after tomorrow. Can you call me if there's anything wrong?"

"Are you going to stay in a hotel?" Ye Zhuqing nibbles at her red lips and suddenly feels sorry for Zhao Chengfeng.

Human love comes all the way here. In the end, these so-called relatives don't even arrange accommodation for others. It's not polite.

"It's better to be comfortable in a hotel, and less to worry about." Zhao Chengfeng relaxed smile, do not think there is anything bad. On the contrary, in this villa, Zhao Chengfeng felt uncomfortable.

"Well, then, I'll follow you to the hotel." Ye Zhuqing thought about it.

"You follow me to the hotel?"

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng is greatly surprised, some excited way: "is to open a room with me?"


Ye Zhuqing's face "Shua", all red, "can't you think of something else? Can I have a chat with you and watch TV? "

"Cough, I'm mainly too excited. You didn't take the initiative to open a room with me in the past. Do you think I can not be excited?" Zhao Chengfeng said, still quite moved.

To open a room with such a beautiful girl is the envy of the hotel attendant.


Ye Zhuqing's eyes turned wildly, but he said in his heart, "how can a girl take the initiative to open a house?"

"Forget it."

After thinking about it, Zhao Chengfeng said: "no matter whether the old man is right or wrong, he is your grandfather after all. Originally, you didn't accompany him very much. This time, you can accompany him well. You don't spend much time with him, but we will spend a long time together in the future. We don't care whether the old man is right or not, but we have to do everything ourselves. Don't let the old man get cold. "


Ye Zhuqing was surprised. He didn't expect Zhao Chengfeng to make such a bet. He was not angry at all. Instead, he was still speaking for Wang Genshen.

"Go to the hotel first. I'll see you tomorrow when I'm free."

"If you are free at night, you can sneak out to find me." With a smile, Zhao Cheng kisses the woman on the cheek, waves his hand and leaves Huadu villa on the waterfront.


Ye Zhuqing touched his face and scolded him, but he had a rare smile on his face. Looking at the back of the man, ye Zhuqing suddenly felt that the man was very tall and great.

It seems that he is poor, but in fact? They keep a low profile. Money doesn't show off. That's quality.


However, at the thought of his grandfather, ye Zhuqing sighed.

"Grandfather, do you see that? Just now that smelly boy actually kisses Xiaoqing's younger sister. It's like a toad wants to eat swan meat. " Inside the landing window on the second floor of the villa, Wang Donglai points to Zhao Chengfeng's back and looks disgusted.

Wang Genshen also frowned when he saw this scene. The boy just didn't accept his money. He just made it clear that he wanted to be with his granddaughter. It's absolutely impossible!

A poor boy, what qualifications to be with his precious granddaughter?

"What do you think?" Wang Genshen said that he knew his grandson well, was ambitious and smart enough. In the future, most of the old Wang family will be handed over to him, which is also the main reason why Wang Genshen forgave Wang Donglai.

I have such a large family property. Can I take it to the coffin?

When Wang Donglai said this, he mostly had an idea in his mind.

"Grandfather, do you know the Huang family in Tiannan?" Instead of answering, Wang Donglai asked.

"Huang family?"

Wang Genshen heard the speech, the whole person suddenly excited up, said: "is it the Huang family?"

"Yes, that's the Huang family!"

Wang Donglai said: "the Huang family is the largest family in Tiannan city and even the whole northern province. Over the years, the Huang family has produced a lot of talents both economically and politically. Everyone says that Huang Qiming, the ancestor of the Huang family, was the chief of staff of the northern military region in those days. Although he has retired now, the descendants of the Huang family have risen again, Huang Wenbin is only 267 years old now, and he is the vice captain of the special brigade of the northern provinces. His future is limitless. "

"But I heard that Huang Wenbin is not married?" Wang Genshen was very moved. After all, it was the first family in the northern provinces. As long as he had a relationship with the Huang family, it would be difficult for the Wang family not to prosper.

"But Huang Wenbin's younger brother, Huang Wenhao, is not married."

Wang Donglai said: "although Huang Wenhao is not as good as his brother, he is also the boss of a foreign trade company. As you know, a little order from the army is enough for him to get rich."


Wang Gen nodded deeply and understood what Wang Donglai meant.

"You want to introduce Xiaoqing to Huang Wenhao, don't you? It's really a good choice. It's good for Wang family and Xiaoqing. "

"So, grandfather, do you agree?" Wang Donglai was overjoyed at the news.

"It's a good thing. I'll naturally agree. I'll talk to Xiaoqing later. As for you, go and contact the people of Huang family. If it's appropriate, I'll meet you at Qingjiang hotel tomorrow evening." Wang Genshen thought about it.

"Well, I'll arrange it now!"

Wang Donglai is very excited. As long as ye Zhuqing is sent away, who else in the Wang family is qualified to rob his family property? Moreover, even if the old man dies in the future, I can use today's marriage to connect with the Huang family.

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