Qingjiang Hotel, the most luxurious hotel in Tiannan City, has exceeded the star limit!

"Damn, if you want to live, live in luxury!"

Zhao Chengfeng goes to the door of the hotel, mumbles and walks in with a cigarette in his mouth.

It's not that Zhao Chengfeng is extravagant. It's just that he really doesn't want to stay in a small hotel or a small hotel. Today's small hotel or a small hotel is similar to his mother's brothel. If you live in front of your feet, the salesmen will come to your door. When you call the hotel room, you won't talk about it. What's the most disgusting thing is the "people nearby" on wechat. It's the most annoying. Just open it, It's all about prostitution.

Brother Feng is a man with good taste. How can he be with a girl.

So, just go to a hotel.

"Sir, are you..." but before Zhao Chengfeng came in, he was stopped.

The doorman glanced at Zhao Chengfeng with disdain and said, "if you put such a person in, can't the manager fire you?"?

"I went in to eat in a restaurant, of course. Why? Can't you? " Zhao Chengfeng is a little upset. His grandmother's eyes look down on brother Feng, don't they?

"It's no problem to eat in a restaurant, but you're not like that." The doorman didn't give way. The scorn in his eyes became more and more obvious. He said, "the most common standard room here costs 888 a night. Do you have money?"

"Damn it

Zhao Chengfeng finally understood that others still look down on him.

"Chengfeng, why are you here?"

However, just when Zhao Chengfeng was about to curse his mother, the elevator door in the hotel opened and a fashionable and sexy woman came out. Zhao Chengfeng fixed his eyes on Jiangling instead of others!

"Jiangling, why are you here?" Zhao Chengfeng is also very confused.

Jiangling quickly walked over, his face full of flowers, excited way: "I'm here on business ah, there is a contract I need to come to sign."

"I'm here to accompany Xiaoqing to visit relatives. She's at her relatives' house now. I'll stay outside if I have nothing to do." Zhao Chengfeng roughly explained that he did not hide his relationship with ye Zhuqing.

Zhao Chengfeng has long thought about it. Instead of being secretive, it's better to admit it. This is better than mutual suspicion and avoids civil war. Anyway, brother Feng's style is rain and dew!

"However, people here seem to think that I am not qualified to live here. They seem to dislike that I have no money?" After a pause, Zhao Chengfeng turned around and looked back at the doorman next to him.

"Oh, I'm sorry!"

The doorman had a cold war when he heard that. Once the manager found out about this kind of behavior, he would be fired. Moreover, if the doorman remembers correctly, this beautiful woman owns a presidential suite. You know, the presidential suite of Qingjiang hotel costs 10000 yuan a night. It's either rich or expensive.

"Do you want me to complain about you?" Smell speech, Jiangling face smile suddenly solidified, like ice skate general eyes, cold swept the doorman's face.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm wrong, sir, I'm sorry, I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I shouldn't look down on people!"

The doorman was startled and apologized.


Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, followed Jiangling into the elevator, all the way up to the top floor.

"My God, how do rich people like to pretend to be forced now? Why should they dress so shabby when they are so rich?" Watching the two enter the elevator, the doorman straightens his waist and wipes a cold sweat quietly, with lingering fear.

In life, no one looks down on anyone, because you don't know how powerful he will be in the future!


"Jiangling, if you are on a business trip, what will Xiaotian do? Is he going to stick you up? " In the room, Zhao Chengfeng asked while smoking and drinking tea.

"He? Now it's nothing new to my mother. "

Jiangling sat down beside the man and sighed: "now they have been fighting with vidora for a long time. We have fun every day. We have to find a foreign girlfriend in the future."

"If you have ambition, follow me!" Zhao Chengfeng nodded with satisfaction and held the woman in his arms.


Jiangling had no choice but to shake his head and said with a bitter smile, "sooner or later, you have to teach the child badly."

"There's no way. Blue is better than blue." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "Oh, by the way, has the immortal returned to Beijing?"

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly thought of something. Before he left Beihai City, Zhao Feilong was also in Beihai city. According to the original plan, Zhao Chengfeng should have gone to Tianxing village with Zhuque now, but ye Zhuqing needed help, and Zhao Chengfeng followed him.

Without Zhao Chengfeng's supervision in Beihai City, does Zhao Feilong return to the capital obediently, or is he continuing with his younger martial sister?

"I don't know."

Jiangling shook his head and said, "I arrived in Tiannan the night you left the capital."

"Oh, well, your company's business is not going well?" Zhao Chengfeng carefully calculated, Jiangling has been here for several days, the contract has not been signed, it proves that things are not very smooth.

"It's not that it's not smooth, it's that the process is cumbersome."

Jiang Ling shook his head and explained: "this time we are signing a contract with the northern military region for the processing and manufacturing of a number of military watches. Our company's technology is very good, and the northern military region has also agreed to sign a contract with us. However, it involves cooperation with the state, so the process is much more complicated. Fortunately, yesterday's discussion was almost complete, We've already talked about signing the contract tomorrow. "

"That's good!"

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said, "if anything goes wrong, you tell me, I'll talk to them."

In the military, Zhao Chengfeng really has a lot of say. Even if he can't make his own decisions, it doesn't matter. Let Tang Weiguo directly communicate with them, and it can be solved by one phone call.

"No, I'll take care of it myself."

Jiang Ling shook his head, leaned on the man's shoulder and said, "you have a hard day, so don't worry about my business."

"Your business is mine. Can I ignore it?" Zhao Chengfeng turned his lips and was not happy.

"I know you're in charge, but I don't want you to be so tired. Do you know what I mean?" Jiangling corrected: "I just hope you can be more happy and have more rest when you have a chance. If you can accompany me like this and let me lean on your shoulder, I will be very satisfied."

Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng was moved. Mature women are sensible. Now he hugged the woman and said with a bad smile, "well, maybe I can do something to make you more satisfied..."

"Oh, Chengfeng, don't touch it. You are necrotic..."

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