"Grandfather, what can I do for you? Why don't you rest so late? "

In the Huadu villa area on the waterfront, at night, the interior of the villa is more magnificent, just like a palace.

After dinner, ye Zhuqing was just about to have a rest. Unexpectedly, he asked Wang Genshen to go upstairs. This made ye Zhuqing very confused. He didn't sleep in the middle of the night. What can he say?

"Nothing, can't I have a chat with you?" Wang Genshen said with a smile.

Ye Zhuqing smiles and doesn't respond, but he feels uncomfortable. At dinner tonight, Wang Genshen and others didn't even ask where Zhao Chengfeng had gone. Is that how they treat their benefactor?

OK, even if you don't care about the life-saving benefactor, you have already said that Zhao Chengfeng is his boyfriend. Even if he doesn't care about his boyfriend, will he care about himself?

At the beginning, ye Zhuqing just didn't like Wang Bingquan and others. Now, ye Zhuqing doesn't like his grandfather either. He feels that sitting here chatting with him only mentions his mother's filial piety. That's all.

"Xiaoqing, where did Xiao Zhao go? I didn't seem to see him at dinner Wang Gen Shen lit a cigarette and asked in doubt.

Smell speech, ye Zhuqing brow a frown, originally want to persuade Wang Genshen less smoking, to the mouth is a way: "yes, he left, he said he went to the hotel."

"Oh, that's it."

Wang Genshen pretended to have a sudden insight and said, "by the way, your friend's medical skills are good. Which hospital is it? I'll send someone to send him a banner later... "


The more ye Zhuqing listens, the more angry he is. Up to now, he still thinks about how to thank Zhao Chengfeng, but you don't ask, does he need your thanks? Others don't even care about money, will they care about a banner? Joke!

"He doesn't work in a hospital, and doctors are not his profession." Ye Zhuqing interrupted, and his tone became colder.

"What is your friend? Grandfather, I'm a little curious. " Wang Genshen continued.

"What does he do?"

Smell speech, ye Zhuqing suddenly don't know how to answer, this question don't say oneself can't answer, estimate Zhao Chengfeng oneself don't know how to answer.

Because he did too many things, too many to count.

"Xiaoqing, if I remember correctly, you seem to be 25 years old this year." Wang Genshen put ye Zhuqing's frowning expression into his eyes, thinking that his precious granddaughter should be aware of something, and then said, "it's time to get married. I'm not young."

"Well, I'll think about it." Ye Zhuqing doesn't understand why Wang Genshen suddenly cares about his personal problems?

Sometimes, ye Zhuqing is thinking about getting married, but can Zhao Chengfeng marry himself? Other people have their wives and children, and they are "killed by the third child" if they are not careful.

Since ye Zhuqing chose to follow Zhao Chengfeng, he expected a future in his heart. However, in this future, there are not only Zhao Chengfeng and himself, but also other women.

"You can't think about it. Don't I know about you young people?" Wang Genshen said with a smile: "just like your cousin Donglai, he kept talking, I know, I know, but in fact, he didn't do anything. He knew his work all day long, and he completely forgot about his marriage. He didn't care at all."

Ye Zhuqing frowns slightly. For the title of "cousin Donglai", ye Zhuqing is not cold, and even has a deep resistance at the bottom of his heart. He does not associate with animals. This is the bottom line of Ye Zhuqing.

However, because of Wang Genshen, ye Zhuqing is too lazy to say much. Anyway, if he stays in Tiannan city for another day, he will go back to Beihai city. In the future, if Wang Genshen really drives to the west, ye Zhuqing will come back to see him off for the last journey and offer him a wreath. At least, I will not be ashamed of my mother who has been dead for many years.

"So, I'm going to make a marriage for you. What do you think?" Wang Genshen asked with a smile.

Wang Genshen felt that his granddaughter would listen to her own arrangement. After all, he was doing it for her good. Moreover, the Huang family is not an ordinary family. It is certain that he will have no worries about food and clothing if he marries the Huang family in the future.

"Will you make me a match?" The color of Ye Zhu's face changed suddenly, and his brow twisted into a knot in one's heart.

Ye Zhuqing finally knows why Wang Genshen suddenly cares about his life. At first, ye Zhuqing thought that Wang Genshen was urging him to marry Zhao Chengfeng earlier. Unexpectedly, he wanted to arrange a marriage for himself.


Wang Genshen nodded and said, "you are not young now. It's time to talk about marriage. The ancients said it's good --" there are three ways to be unfilial, and it's better to have no future. "

"But, grandfather, I have told you that I have a boyfriend, and Chengfeng is my boyfriend. You introduce me to someone. Don't you think it's ridiculous?" If it wasn't for the old man in front of him who was his grandfather, ye Zhuqing really had an impulse to swear.

Is this the so-called "rich family"? Ye Zhuqing thinks this is a joke. It's hateful to make false claims regardless of other people's attitude.

"Is that Xiao Zhao your boyfriend?"

Wang Genshen pretended to hear it for the first time. He immediately shook his head and frowned, "no, this young man can't."

"Why not? A man who can't do it has saved your life, grandfather. Have you forgotten? " On hearing this, ye Zhuqing's heart is cold again. Unexpectedly, his relatives say Zhao Chengfeng like this.

Ye Zhuqing believes his vision, and the man he chooses is absolutely right!

"He did save my life, but I also expressed my gratitude to him. He didn't accept my thanks." Wang Genshen said faintly: "moreover, he doesn't deserve you at all. Don't you find out?"

"He doesn't deserve me? Ha ha. "

Leaf bamboo green face expressionless smile, heart said, not that others don't deserve themselves, but that they simply don't deserve Zhao Chengfeng!

However, at this moment, ye Zhuqing's heart is more distressed. Ye Zhuqing did not expect that Wang Genshen would say that Zhao Chengfeng had no emotion in treating the people he liked and his life-saving benefactor. In other words, Wang Genshen only habitually uses money to solve problems, but there are many things in the world that money can't buy.

By this time, ye Zhuqing finally understood why Wang Bingquan and Wang Bingjun were competing before Wang Genshen could catch his breath, because Wang Genshen did not set a good example.

It's hard to say that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked!

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