"Xiaoqing, don't be stubborn. I'm doing it for you, too!"

Wang Genshen saw the disdain in ye zhuqingmei's eyes, but he still advised: "although you are in love with that young man now, and love is very hot, but love and life are totally different. Haven't you heard of a sentence? Poor couple Pepsi sad, no money, no power, what does he give you happiness? With one mouth? "

"Ha ha."

Instead of anger, ye Zhuqing smiles and asks, "grandfather, what do you think is love? Is it love to give you money and enough power? "


Wang Gen nodded his head and said seriously: "perhaps, the love mixed with money is not so pure, but it can definitely make you worry about food and clothing, even luxury food and clothing. In this society, isn't the value that people pursue money? "

Ye Zhuqing didn't speak, but his heart was colder. Value is money? No, it's not what you want.

"Xiaoqing, your own conditions are very good, you are educated, and you are filial to your children. You can rest assured that your grandfather will find you a good family, which is 1000 times and 10000 times better than your current boyfriend." Wang Gen deeply see ye Zhuqing silent, thought ye Zhuqing agreed, continue to bewitch road.

"Have you finished? If you speak, I'll have a rest. I'm a little tired. " Ye Zhuqing really doesn't want to hear it. She turns around and wants to go. After listening to it, ye Zhuqing worries that she can't help being rude.


Wang Genshen frowned and said, "why can't you listen to the good words? Don't I do it for you? Are there few such examples around you? "

"Just like your mother, if she had listened to my words and stayed in Tiannan city and married a good family, how could she have such things now? How could she have died of illness because she had no money to cure."

"You should have been very rich at that time. Do you feel comfortable watching your daughter live in pain and die of torture?" A cold smile appeared on ye Zhuqing's face.

At this moment, ye Zhuqing finally knows why his father asked him to come back to Tiannan city to accept his parents for everything he said. His father is not clean, has killed people, and has done many illegal things. However, his father has not done anything immoral.

Originally, ye Zhuqing was worried about his mother's death. Unexpectedly, Wang Genshen told him how important money and power were.

Satire, great satire!

"Yes, I was rich then."

Wang Genshen's face was a little ugly, but he still said, "but your father didn't ask me. I also learned that your mother died afterwards."

"Then why don't you come to see me all these years?" Ye Zhuqing went back with a word.

"This..." Wang Genshen's face suddenly became ugly.

"You didn't give me a bite, a dress, or even a greeting. Now why do you decide my marriage? Does it matter to you who I am with? " Ye Zhuqing hard not to let a cent, bright eyes flashing with the faint tears.

This time back to Tiannan City, ye Zhuqing's mood is very complex, with hate and love. At least the blood is thicker than water, but ye Zhuqing never expected that he found such a real and ugly family.

I'm very disappointed. I have no expectation for the Wangs in Tiannan.

"Xiaoqing, you, you..."

Wang Gen was so angry that his face turned white. With a breath in his chest, he stretched out his hand and finally let it go.

"Just go back and have a rest." Wang Genshen sighed: "I did not take good care of you and your mother, but it doesn't mean I didn't have you in my heart. Now I want to arrange marriage for you, and it's entirely from your point of view, so I hope you can seriously consider it. All right, you go back and have a rest. "

Wang Gen waved his hand and sent ye Zhuqing away.

"Don't think about it. I can make my own decisions." With that, ye Zhuqing turned around and left. When he closed the door again, ye Zhuqing stopped and said, "after the dinner tomorrow, I'll go back to Beihai city. You don't have to worry about my business."

Finish saying, leaf bamboo green head also don't return of go downstairs.

Back in the guest room, ye Zhuqing couldn't calm down for a long time. He wanted to find someone to talk to. He found out Zhao Chengfeng's phone from his mobile phone. He just dialed it out and hung up again.

If a man knew this, would he be crazy? It should be.

"Ah, my life is not too sad to urge a little bit, had no relatives, hard to find relatives, but they are..." ye Zhuqing heart a sigh, after a long time just fell asleep.



In a villa on the outskirts of Tiannan City, Wang Donglai is sitting next to a girl with exposed clothes. The tea table in front of him is filled with good tea. However, the tea tray is in a mess. Wang Donglai is so angry that he falls the teacup!

For nothing else, just for Ma Laoer!

Today's Ma Laoer is no longer arrogant and domineering in the daytime. His face, neck and head are all bandaged like a mummy. He looks funny and angry.

"Ma Laoer, Ma Laoer, don't you say that you are the most capable person in the horse Gang besides wasps? You've been beaten by a damsel. Do you want to ask me for money Wang Dong's face twitched with anger.

At first, Wang Donglai felt a little sympathy when he saw that Ma Laoer was so badly hurt. But when he heard that he was beaten by Ye Zhuqing, Zhao Chengfeng didn't do anything. Wang Donglai looked down on Ma Laoer.

What's more, some of them are so cruel that they can't even clean up ye Zhuqing. On the contrary, they are beaten into idiots. Are you ashamed?

"Mr. Wang, you can't say that." Ma Laoer also felt aggrieved and muttered: "that girl is really fierce. She's a ruthless thief. Who could have expected that she'd spilled the hot oil of hot pot."

"I don't have the ability to blame others too much?" Wang Donglai turned his eyes around, and the sentence "Grass Mud Horse" in his heart was pressed down.

"Mr. Wang, do you think we can get some money for our brothers? The hospital has spent a lot of money today, but it still owes..." Ma Laoer said with his neck.

"Get the hell out of here!"

On hearing this, Wang Donglai became even more angry and cursed: "go to your uncle. I didn't do it for you. How dare you have the face to ask me for money? Do you want any more rules on the road? "

"But..." Ma's face turned white.

"The door is over there. Get out of here!"

Wang Donglai is very strong, pointing to the door.

"..." Ma Laoer had no choice but to leave bitterly.

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