"Dong Shao, why are you sulking with a gangster? It's not worth it. "

As soon as Ma Laoer left, the coquettish woman beside Wang Donglai became more daring. Her hands groped under Wang Donglai, her face was rippling with a bad smile, and her eyes were like silk.

"Can I not be angry? Shit

Wang Donglai, angry and angry, lit a cigarette, took a puff, and scolded: "what kind of bullshit? Do his mother's bullshit, even a smelly boy can't clean up, on the contrary, was taught by a girl, do you say shame? With this ability, I asked for money. Do you think I can be happy? "

"No more anger, no more anger." The woman helped the man's chest, rubbed the man's body with her turbulent upper body, and said with a smile, "Dongshao, if you don't want me to accompany you, let's have a good time, so that all the unhappiness will disappear without a trace."

Say, the hand of the woman grasped Wang Donglai again below.

Wang Dong came to fight a cold war, stretched out his hand on the woman's chest and grabbed two, which made the woman giggle.

"What a bitch."

The woman listened to this, not only don't get angry, but smile close to the man's arms, whispered: "people will do this to you."


After hearing this, Wang Donglai seemed very happy. However, Wang Donglai still pushed away the woman and said, "even today, I've just been here twice. I'm going to get up early tomorrow, and I still have a lot of business to do. When I'm done, I'll make you happy."

"All right." Smell speech, the woman is a little disappointed, yes, just came twice, but those two times add up to less than ten minutes, completely useless.

Ah, it seems that I have to go to the kitchen later to see if there are any cucumbers left.

Wang Donglai didn't know what the woman was thinking. He was always thinking about how to marry ye Zhuqing to Huang Wenhao. Wang Donglai knows very well that he will like ye Zhuqing very much with Huang Wenhao's audacity. As long as Huang Wenhao and ye Zhuqing are together, won't his future business be much easier?

With the Huang family, Wang Donglai is not far away.

"Well, rest early and get up early tomorrow." Wang Dong came, put out the cigarette end and went upstairs.

The next day, as expected, Wang Donglai got up very early. As soon as it was light, he got up from the bed. He didn't even have a bite of breakfast, so he drove directly to Shuian Huadu villa.

"Grandfather, you get up so early. Why don't you sleep a little longer? You are just in good health. You should have more rest. " As soon as he entered the villa area, Wang Donglai saw Wang Genshen wandering in the community. He quickly welcomed him and laughed like his grandson. Oh no, he was grandson.

"It's good to go to bed early and get up early."

Wang Gen nodded deeply. He was quite satisfied with Wang Donglai's performance. After two steps, he subconsciously glanced at his villa, turned back to Wang Donglai and asked, "what happened to the blind date arrangement yesterday? Have you contacted the Huang family? "

"Got in touch!"

Wang Donglai nodded and said, "I have to finish the things you arranged, grandfather. I have already discussed with Huang Wenhao. I'll see you at Qingjiang hotel this evening. "

"Well, you see, can you put this off in advance?" Smell speech, Wang Genshen brow a twist, in the heart some embarrassed.

Last night, after ye Zhuqing left, Wang Genshen thought about it carefully. Over the years, he really felt guilty for ye Zhuqing and his daughter. Now he has to force him to associate with other men. It's really a bit unreasonable.

"No, Grandpa, why? What, you, you don't agree? " When Wang Dong heard this, his face became ugly. How could he change his mind in one night?

"Ah, it's not that I don't agree, it's your younger sister Xiaoqing who doesn't agree!"

With a long sigh, Wang Genshen raised ye Zhuqing's idea and said, "maybe we think it's good to try to turn things around, but she doesn't think so. I'm afraid she's the same as her mother. What can we do then?"

"But I've already contacted the Huang family. If we don't go, if the Huang family blames us, then we'll..." Wang Donglai didn't finish his words, but the threat in the words was very obvious.

Sure enough, Wang Genshen's face turned ugly when he heard this. He offended the Huang family. It's not for fun. Huang family is not only rich, but also powerful.

If the Huang family really wants to engage in the Wang family, they can close all the mines of the Wang family or even confiscate them. Without the mine, is the Wang family still a big family?

"That matter..." Wang Genshen some for: "do you want to talk to the people of the Huang family, put this matter away temporarily?"


Wang Donglai frowned and said, "speak well in advance, and now there is repentance. In the eyes of the Huang family, it's a disgraceful thing, even being beaten in the face. Do you think the Huang family can swallow this tone?"

"This..." Wang Genshen's face turned white. He suddenly felt that he was a little hasty. Why didn't he discuss with ye Zhuqing in advance? Now it's hard to ride a tiger.

"In fact, it's not difficult to deal with this matter, grandfather!"

Wang Dong came and said with relief, "when we go to the hotel in the evening, just have dinner as usual. When Huang Shao comes, let's just give a brief introduction. As for whether it can be done or not, we can't guarantee it."

"Of course, if sister Xiaoqing falls in love with Huang Wenhao at dinner, isn't that better? After all, the Huang family is powerful, and Huang Shao is still very handsome. "

"Well, it can only be so now!"

Wang Genshen sighed, but he had no choice but to shake his head. Because Wang Genshen found that as like as two peas, her granddaughter's temperament was just like that of her mother, and she never listened to advice.

"Don't worry, Grandpa."

Wang Donglai comforted him: "let's just introduce ourselves. As for the future, we can't control it. The Huang family can't blame us. If it can be, it's naturally the best. It's good for Xiaoqing's sister and the Wang family; But if it can't be done, the Huang family can't say anything. This kind of thing originally depends on fate. "

"Well, that's all I can think of now." Wang Gen shook his head and said.

"Come on, grandfather, don't think about it any more. Let's go. I'll help you back. It's time to have breakfast. After dinner, we can have a rest. Only when you are well, can our Wang family be strong." Wang Donglai is very good at coming. He helps Wang Genshen back to the villa, but he is thinking about the relationship between ye Zhuqing and the Huang family.


Wang Donglai sneered in his heart, "as long as Huang Wenhao meets you, you can't run away. Don't I know Huang Wenhao's character as a sex wolf?"

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