"Sister Xiaoqing, you wake up so early." Into the villa hall, ye Zhuqing has woken up, Wang Donglai thick skinned to say hello.

Wang Donglai really didn't see that ye Zhuqing was so cruel. Ma Laoer was such an old man that he was beaten by Ye Zhuqing into a fool. It's brutal.

Looking at the woman sitting on the sofa, Wang Donglai felt a little impulsive. She is a beautiful girl, a natural beauty. Unfortunately, this dish of delicious Chinese cabbage has nothing to do with you. It's a pity that Huang Wenhao will finally give it to you.


Ye Zhuqing didn't lift his head, but a cold air came out of his nostrils. He said hello. If it wasn't for Wang Genshen's face, ye Zhuqing would not care about Wang Donglai.

Wang Donglai is so good at pretending!

In other words, Wang Donglai is too opportunistic to win Wang Genshen's love in this way, and he can win more Wang family property in the future. It's a clumsy move, but it works at the same time.

At least, Wang Genshen likes it.

"Xiaoqing, there are many interesting places in Tiannan City, such as Manjusri courtyard, Akiyama and so on, which are very good. Would you like to take you out for a walk later?" Wang Genshen suggested.

Ye zhuqingxiu frowned and refused: "no, I don't like to be lively. I just like to stay at home."


Wang Gen deeply asked for a boring, but still said: "then have a meal, after dinner you have a good rest, these two days you are also tired."

Ye Zhuqing couldn't refuse, so he had to sit at the table with them. In the end, it's a rich family. Breakfast is all about bird's nest and shark's fin. It's such a luxury. The cook's skill is superb, but ye Zhuqing has no appetite.

"Sister Xiaoqing, what do you do in Beihai City?" Wang Donglai tries to get close to ye Zhuqing, just to match the good things between ye Zhuqing and Huang Wenhao.

With a common topic, everything is much easier.

Ye Zhuqing didn't say a word. He didn't want to talk to Wang Donglai at all, and didn't even want to see the latter.


Wang Genshen also said: "Xiaoqing, look at my memory. You've been here for two days. I haven't asked you. What are you doing in Beihai City? Is there anything I can do for you? "

"Although I am far away from Tiannan, Beihai still has some partners. Maybe it will help you

"Securities investment."

Ye Zhuqing had no choice but to answer, because Wang Genshen asked. Ye Zhuqing has made a decision for a long time. No matter how realistic and annoying the Wang family is, he will stick to today and go back to Beihai with Zhao Chengfeng early tomorrow morning. He doesn't want to go to Tiannan again in his life.

"Securities investment, that's still very good, high-tech and high-income industries." Wang Donglai's eyes brightened when he heard that ye Zhuqing was engaged in such a high-end career. He thought he was engaged in underworld like her Laozi.

"Not bad." Ye Zhuqing said faintly.

"Sister Xiaoqing is modest."

Wang Donglai said to Wang Genshen with a smile: "grandfather, I'm afraid you don't know much about this industry. Let's put it this way, this industry is very popular. To put it simply, it's the operators. They are very clear about the trend of each stock. It's like betting. The hit rate is extremely high."

"Yes? Our Xiaoqing is very good. " Wang Genshen was very happy when he heard this. After a pause, he said, "well, you should have a lot of money in this industry, right? How much does your boss give you for a month? "

Wang Genshen thought that if the salary was too low, he would leave his granddaughter in Tiannan City, which would be convenient for him to take care of. It would also be very beneficial for ye Zhuqing and Huang Wenhao.

"The salary can't be reduced!"

Without waiting for ye Zhuqing to speak, Wang Donglai said: "I know a friend who is also engaged in securities investment. His monthly salary is more than 300000, and his commission is about 350000."

"Well, that's really good." Wang Genshen suddenly brightened in front of his eyes, "the annual salary is almost four million. It's good. My granddaughter is good."

Ye Zhuqing noncommittal smile, for such praise is not on the heart. How old are they when they praise themselves more? And there's nothing to show off about.

Perhaps, in the eyes of Wang Genshen and others, they are very rich and promising now, but if they knew the power of Zhao Chengfeng, they would never think so.

That's a pervert!

"Younger sister Xiaoqing, you are so powerful that your annual salary has exceeded five million?" Wang Donglai asked again.

Ye Zhuqing was asked impatiently and said, "I don't have a salary."

"No pay? Impossible ah, others do securities investment that... "Wang Donglai was surprised, thought, should be this girl's salary is not high, sorry to speak.

"I pay people."

Ye Zhuqing stares at Wang Donglai and says, "therefore, I don't have a penny's salary. I earn more and less by myself."

"Ah, so..."

Wang Dong's face became colorful when he heard this. He didn't dare to say "Grass Mud Horse" in his heart. He thought ye Zhuqing's salary was not high, so he kept pressing her to work in Tiannan city. He didn't know that she was the boss. This, this

"Well, well, that's a good thing."

Different from Wang Donglai, Wang Genshen was excited when he heard the speech and said with a smile, "Xiaoqing, this is also a honor for our old Wang family. We must celebrate tonight, ha ha ha..."

"What's to celebrate? Make a mountain out of a molehill. "

Ye Zhuqing murmured in her heart that she didn't like such a show off. At least, ye Zhuqing didn't think it was her own skill. After all, Qingfeng securities investment company was born today because of Zhao Chengfeng's strong capital injection.

Although he has made money now, compared with Zhao Chengfeng's initial investment, it is nothing at all. You know, that building alone is worth 300 million!

What's more, at that time, Zhao Chengfeng took out more than 10 billion yuan. He didn't even blink his eyelids. His expression was like throwing pocket money to a child. He spent it casually, but I didn't get it for you again!

If Wang Donglai is like Zhao Chengfeng, he won't even be a nouveau riche. Because he doesn't have enough money, he won't be able to see it at all.

"Yes, yes, it's a celebration." It took Wang Dong a long time to recover. She was shocked that such a big little girl had set up her own company. Does she really have such great ability?

"Could it be that the old man quietly gave her a lot of money to start the company?"

Wang Donglai thought about it in his heart and muttered: "it's still the money from the underworld, so it's impossible to start a company? No, Ma Laoer is as poor as a fool. This... "

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