"What attitude is that?"

Huang Wenhao's face was filled with depression when he patted the table. Yes, I don't know how many women are waiting to be lucky. I didn't expect to be dumped by a woman.

"Huang Shao, don't be angry. Don't be angry. Let me explain to you." Wang Donglai's face has changed greatly. A fool can see that Huang Wenhao is angry. If he really annoys the Huang family, he can't afford to go away.


Huang Wenhao snorted heavily and lit a cigarette. He didn't have a good way: "OK, I'll see how you can explain it. You can also explain that Hua Lai doesn't believe it."

"Huang Shao, you don't know something. My cousin just came to Tiannan two days ago. She has a common relationship with our family. Maybe she has a little resistance in her heart, but you can rest assured that my cousin will never lose face." Wang Donglai patted his chest and assured that he had no bottom in his heart.

Wang Donglai mistakenly estimated ye Zhuqing's combat effectiveness. If this girl launches a storm, who can stop it? If he can't succeed with Huang Wenhao, he will not be satisfied with himself.

"Yes, Huang Shao, Xiaoqing is in a bad mood recently. You can understand it a little bit. I'll persuade her later." Wang Genshen also followed the way, but his heart was full of bitterness.

It's not like what I expected. I just blame my granddaughter for being so beautiful. As soon as Huang Wenhao came in, he fell in love with her. It's a pity that he hasn't done the ideological work of Tongye Zhuqing yet. In case of a quarrel, what can he do?

"Well, I knew I shouldn't have been in such a hurry." Wang Genshen sighed in his heart.

"Well, I'll wait and see."

After all, Wang Genshen is an elder. What's more, it's not good to have a stiff relationship. I like that girl so much that I have to get it! But if you offend her relatives, how can we meet in the future?

"Huang Shao, don't worry. My cousin will agree. Don't worry." Wang Donglai said with a smile that he envied ye Zhuqing.

I don't know if I'm a thief, but I have a good skin bag. I don't need to do anything. I just need to take off my clothes and serve Huang Wenhao well in bed. Then I'll come with me.

Women, being beautiful is capital.

"Well." Huang Wenhao nodded and continued to smoke.

Ye Zhuqing didn't come out in the bathroom. They were all impatient. Wang Genshen, in particular, was inexplicably worried. He was just about to have a look, but he didn't want to. When he turned around, he found that there was another figure downstairs - Zhao Chengfeng!

Zhao Chengfeng is eating in the hall on the first floor. He is still dressed in plain clothes and looks very eye-catching!

"Damn it, why is he here? Did you follow Xiaoqing? " Wang Genshen's mood suddenly became nervous.

If Huang Wenhao doesn't like his granddaughter, Zhao Chengfeng is OK here, but Huang Wenhao obviously falls in love with ye Zhuqing. Now ye Zhuqing's boyfriend comes again. What if Huang Wenhao knows? The people of the Huang family thought that the Wang family gave them a green hat. What a shame!

"Cough, that Huang Shao, you sit first, I met an acquaintance, I go to say hello." Wang Genshen couldn't sit still when he thought of it. He gave Wang Dong a wink.

Wang Donglai is not a fool either. He glances downstairs and understands Wang Genshen's worry.

"Well, you're busy. I'll wait for ye Meimei here." Huang Wenhao smokes and doesn't care.

Huang Wenhao is not interested in eating and drinking at all. However, he is quite interested in ye Zhuqing. What's the point of waiting for such a beautiful woman?

"Grandfather, he, why did he come? Can't it be Xiaoqing's younger sister who called to inform him to come? If Huang Shao should know, it would be troublesome. " At the stairway, Wang Dong looks worried.

I hate Zhao Chengfeng, but I'm afraid of Huang Wenhao!

If Zhao Chengfeng annoys Huang Wenhao, the whole Wang family will be ruined.

"Isn't that what I'm worried about?" Wang Genshen's face is also ugly to death, "now the top priority is to get this boy away, absolutely can't let him stay here."

"Yes, he must be taken away!" Wang Donglai followed.

"Go and have a look!"

As soon as Wang Genshen's face sank, he went straight to Zhao Chengfeng.

"Yo, old man, it's a coincidence that you're eating here too..." Zhao Chengfeng first saw Wang Genshen, stood up and said hello with a smile. As for Wang Donglai, he was directly ignored by Zhao Chengfeng, who didn't want to talk to garbage.

Who knows, Wang Genshen didn't seem to see Zhao Chengfeng's hand, coldly said: "what are you doing here? Are you following us? "

"What do you mean, old man?" Zhao Chengfeng frowned. He was also very upset and paralyzed. Looking at ye Zhuqing's face, Lao Tzu called you "old man". Do you really regard yourself as a character?

"Or is Qingjiang hotel owned by your family, I can't eat here?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"Well, do you have money to eat here?" Wang Donglai hummed coldly, his face full of sarcasm.

Wang Donglai can now basically conclude that Zhao Chengfeng is a little white face who was taken care of by Ye Zhuqing. Looking at his sloppy clothes, it's an eyesore.

"Your face doesn't hurt?" Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng pupil suddenly shrink, a trace of anger gush out. There is an impulse to strangle the latter.

Give face don't want face, say is Wang Donglai this kind of scum!


Wang Dong to listen to this, subconsciously back half a step, suddenly think of Zhao Chengfeng that terrible fighting power, ye Zhuqing are so powerful, Zhao Chengfeng must be more abnormal!

"Come on, stop it!"

With a wave of his hand, Wang Genshen interrupted Zhao Chengfeng and said, "don't say much nonsense. Let's go straight to the theme."

Wang Gen stared at Zhao Chengfeng and said, "you saved my life. I'm very grateful to you. But you don't deserve Xiaoqing, so please leave her and don't disturb her life from now on, OK

"No way!"

Zhao Chengfeng refused cleanly, and his pupils even burst out a strong air of killing and cutting in an instant.

Zhao Chengfeng never dreamed that Wang Genshen came to him in such a murderous way to let him leave ye Zhuqing. Why should he leave ye Zhuqing?


Wind brother identified the woman, who his mother don't want to stop, otherwise, people block killing, Buddha block killing Buddha!

"Boy, don't you just like Xiaoqing's property? In this way, I'll give you a million dollars. How about you leave Xiaoqing? " With Wang Genshen in front of him, Wang Donglai began to clamor again.

Wang Donglai thought, no matter how cruel Zhao Chengfeng is, he can't beat the old man.

"Try again?"

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