Zhao Chengfeng's eyes are as cold as a snake coming out of the cave. He stares at his prey and doesn't move. But if he moves, he will be killed and kill the enemy!

One million to buy their own love, Zhao Chengfeng's heart seems to have been stabbed with a knife, his face seems to have been severely slapped, burning pain!

Shame, great shame!

"Hehe, how much do you want? You said Wang Dong is not afraid of Zhao Chengfeng at the moment. The old man is in front of him. "Two million or five million, as long as you say the number, I can satisfy you!"

Zhao Chengfeng narrowed his eyes and pinched his fist subconsciously. If it wasn't for Wang Genshen, his fist would have killed Wang Donglai ten times!

"Xiao Zhao, you saved my life, but you are not suitable for Xiao Qing. I hope you can let go!"

Wang Genshen knows that Zhao Chengfeng is very angry, but he still has to say what he should say. He can't let Zhao Chengfeng destroy ye Zhuqing's happiness all his life. Of course, more importantly, Wang Genshen doesn't want to offend the Huang family because of Zhao Chengfeng.

"And then?" Zhao Chengfeng's eyes moved to Wang Genshen. He suddenly regretted saving Wang Genshen, and his heart became cold. This is not only a wonderful house, but also a family with no feelings.

"Then you can make a price for yourself. I'll give you as much as you want, as long as you leave Xiaoqing forever!" Wang Genshen is sincere, but in Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, Wang Genshen is like a clown at this moment.

"Xiaoqing has a grandfather like you. She's been dead for eight generations." By this time, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to leave any face for Wang Gen.

People can save face, but what about animals? Then there's no need.

"It's no use saying less."

Wang Genshen's face was a little ugly, but he still said, "if you don't make a price yourself, 10 million or 20 million, otherwise, I'll give you 50 million, and you'll leave here right away..."

"Or I'll give you a hundred million, and you'll get out of here!"

Without waiting for Zhao Chengfeng to speak, a cold female voice rang, coldly interrupted Wang Genshen.

Zhao Chengfeng looked up and saw that it was Jiangling who came in to talk about business. It was obvious that Jiangling had heard what he had just said. It was unexpected that someone insulted his man with money!

You can insult yourself, but never insult your man!

"Oh, where is the smelly woman so arrogant? Laozi... "Wang Donglai glanced back, and his eyes suddenly brightened. I'm a jerk, and there's another top-notch beauty.


But without saying a word, Jiangling slapped Wang Donglai. Suddenly, half of Wang Donglai's face became red and swollen, and even his teeth were taken out!

"You... Who are you? Why do you hit people? " Wang Genshen was surprised. He didn't know where a woman came from, and she was so violent. He raised his hand and hit her!

This slap is so powerful that Wang Dong's eyes are full of gold.

"Blame yourself!"

Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head slightly, sits down and continues to eat. When Jiangling comes, he doesn't have to take care of the next thing. Zhao Chengfeng knows what kind of person Jiangling is.

In front of Zhao Chengfeng, Jiangling can be as meek as a sheep, but if others think that Jiangling is also a meek and weak woman, they should have a try. You know, Jiangling was once a triad boss in the south-east, a woman boss with blood on her hands, and a woman boss who began to kill people at the age of 16!

Such a woman, want to clean up Wang Donglai, is not hand hold? It's no exaggeration to say that Jiangling can stab Wang Donglai to death with one finger!

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that you shouldn't humiliate my man!" The willow eyebrows of Jiangling stand up and stare at Wang Genshen. It's like a blade stabbing into Wang Genshen's heart. Wang Genshen trembles with fright.

Of course, Wang Genshen still had doubts in his heart. He pointed to Zhao Cheng and said, "he, he's your man. Then, why is he still with my granddaughter?"

"He is my man, he can be with anyone, but he must not be insulted!" Jiangling looks cold and domineering!

"Damn, you bitch, how dare you beat me! I'll kill you!"

Wang Donglai now came back to his senses and felt his red and swollen face. It seemed that there were ten thousand alpacas galloping by in his heart. The taste was so sour that he didn't want it.

It's too bad. Wang Donglai never dreamed that he would be beaten by a woman. It's a great shame!


Without saying a word, Jiangling slapped him with his backhand again, which made Wang Dong stagger and almost fall to the ground.

"You, you, you..." Wang Genshen widened his eyes again, and his old face turned white. It seems that at this time, Wang Genshen knows that the woman in front of him is not easy to provoke, and Zhao Chengfeng seems very unusual.

"My man has a crush on your granddaughter. You don't agree, do you?"

Jiangling directly took out a check, threw it to Wang Genshen, and said, "how much do you want? You can fill in the number yourself, but I want to warn you that you should never get involved in your granddaughter's affairs in the future!"


Wang Genshen was silly. His old face was burning with pain, as if he had been slapped hard. What a taste

A few minutes ago, I was still asking Zhao Chengfeng to give me all the money he wanted. Finally, I got a sky high price of 20 million yuan, 20 million yuan. That's an astronomical number, enough for an ordinary person to live for a few lives.

However, before Zhao Chengfeng could fight back, his woman came out, slapped her back and gave her a check. What does that mean?

It shows that the woman in front of him is very rich. It shows that Zhao Cheng is not bad for money at all! Now it seems that his performance in front of Zhao Chengfeng is like a clown, making a fuss.

"What are you doing? Fill in, as long as you fill in a number, how much money I can afford! " Jiangling sneer, a face of domineering!

Seeing this scene, Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head. This is Jiangling, or the domineering and fierce Jiangling. But at this moment, Jiangling gives people a very comfortable feeling. Zhao Chengfeng feels that his bad breath is spitting out, and he is not at ease.


"This..." Wang Genshen was silly and completely confused.

"Well, well, you have money, right? If you have money, you will be great. If you have money, you can beat people, right?" Once again, Wang Tianlai stood up straight and hated Jiangling.

This is the first time that Wang Donglai has been beaten by a woman in his life. As an old man, he was slapped in the face by his daughter. This is a shame!

"If I don't kill you today, I'll take your surname!" Indignant, Wang Donglai dials a phone.

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