
However, Wang Dong's cruel words had just been put down. Jiangling gave up his hand and slapped him again. His cold eyes were staring at the latter, and he hummed: "what qualifications do you have to be my Lao Tzu? Useless pig

Wang Donglai was caught off guard. Today, he has been slapped twice in a row. Moreover, he was beaten by a woman. How can Wang Donglai swallow this breath?

Who can bear it!

"Smelly girl, you, you dare to beat me, I'm not finished with you, I'm not finished with you!" Wang Dong was so angry that he jumped.

Jiangling wanted to teach Wang Dong a lesson, but he was stopped by Wang Genshen. Wang Donglai is not a good thing, but after all, he is Wang Genshen's grandson and the only one with a handle in the third generation. Being humiliated like this is not a provocation to the Wang family?

"Girl, is it too much for you to bully my Wang family?" Wang Genshen's face is not good-looking. He looks at Jiangling in front of him carefully and has many doubts in his heart.

Jiangling is undoubtedly a super beauty in front of her. Compared with her granddaughter, she is not inferior, even more charming. That pair of eyes are as cold as a knife. As long as she stares at them, she always feels cool in the back.

Look at women's dress up, temperament, absolutely not ordinary people. But such a beautiful woman, actually said that she is Zhao Chengfeng's woman, she is Zhao Chengfeng's woman, what's the matter with her granddaughter?

The most important thing is, what is the origin of the woman in front of you? Take out a check and fill in the amount casually. This tone is not common people dare to have.

"Old man, if you are not old, do you think you can still stand and talk to me? Do you think you are qualified to speak in front of my man? " Jiangling glared at Wang Genshen, and the killing spirit in his eyes flashed away.

Jiangling has never been a good candidate. It's just that after entering the Zhao family, there's no need to show its most powerful and domineering side. But now, Jiangling doesn't have to be restrained.

Because, his man was humiliated!


When Wang Genshen heard this, he was suffocated in his chest, almost suffocating.

"What are you doing? Do you really think you're great? I tell you, I... "What else did Jiangling have to say, but Zhao Chengfeng stopped him.

"Jiangling, forget it!"

Zhao Chengfeng sighed: "he is Xiaoqing's grandfather at least. Don't make it difficult for Xiaoqing to do it in the future."

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't like to see Wang Genshen. He even has a strong desire to kill Wang Genshen. However, the old man can't kill him now. What should we do if Wan Yiye blames him?

For the sake of women, Zhao Chengfeng can bear this grievance.


Jiangling snorted heavily, but he didn't have the same insight as Jiangling.

"You wait for me, hum!"

However, Wang Donglai took advantage of this time and asked for help. When he entered the stairway, Wang Donglai challenged. Jiangling makes an effort to rush up, and Wang Donglai runs faster.


There was a touch of disdain in the corner of Jiangling's mouth, but the anger in his eyes was more intense.

"Mr. Wang, I don't want anyone to interfere in my affairs with Xiaoqing." At this time, Zhao Chengfeng didn't want to play a riddle with Wang Genshen, so he said, "I want to be with Xiaoqing, and I can't stop him. Although you are her grandfather, you are not qualified to interfere in her private affairs. She is an independent person and has independent thoughts! "

"You..." Wang Genshen is a stuffy blocked in the chest, an old face, red white, white and red, ugly do not want.

In Tiannan City, Wang Genshen is also a well-known magnate. He is famous for his extravagance and magnanimity. Wang Genshen has always been the only one who takes money to throw at others. Unexpectedly, he was smashed by others with money today. What's more ridiculous is that Wang Genshen doesn't know the origin of the opposite party.

"Well, you can go now. Don't disturb our dinner." No matter what Wang Genshen's reaction, Jiangling waves his hand to interrupt Wang Genshen. If it wasn't for Zhao Chengfeng's face, could he still stand here to speak?


"Good, good."

Wang Genshen was stunned, and his anger suddenly turned into laughter. "I've been in Tiannan city all my life, and I've never seen such a arrogant younger generation. Today, I'd like to see what happened to you and how awesome you are!"


Zhao Chengfeng has no choice but to shake his head. He suddenly feels that Wang Genshen has no brain. Jiangling dares to beat people in public. He knows the details of the Wang family and dares to say this. Is he not relying on it?

The nouveau riche is the nouveau riche. They never lose heart in doing things.

"Really not?" Jiangling's eyes narrowed, staring at Wang Genshen.


"Yes, what a big tone!"

However, at this time, two people came down the stairs. One was Wang Donglai, who had just run upstairs, and the other was Huang Wenhao, who was dyed with little yellow hair.

As soon as Huang Wenhao came down the stairs, he heard someone speak rudely to Wang Genshen. He was not happy at that time. At this time, he had to show it in front of the Wang family, otherwise how could he get ye Zhuqing?

I have a lot of strength. Isn't this the best time to show it?

"Huang Shao, it's these two people. Damn, they just slapped me twice. It's this smelly girl. It's so hateful." Wang Donglai still felt the burning pain in his face, and he hated Jiangling.

How can a man be slapped in the face by a woman in public?

"Ha ha, beating people in Tiannan City, cow..." Huang Wenhao gave a smile, but when his eyes fell on Jiangling, he was stunned for three seconds.

Nima, what's the day today? How did two beauties appear together? There was a green leaf before, but now there is another one. The skin of Jiangling is white and tender. The key is that it is as round as jade, like a big ripe tomato, which makes people reluctant to take a bite!

It's so tempting!

"Huang Shao, who said it wasn't?" Wang Donglai fanned the flames and said, "I've just mentioned your name, but these two people still don't give face. They slapped me in the face and hit me, ah..."

Wang Donglai sighed: "Huang Shao, it's OK for me to be knocked down, but what I'm most angry about is that they don't give you face. How can you go out and meet people after that?"

Sure enough, Huang Wenhao's face became more and more ugly when he heard this. People wanted face and trees wanted skin. These two people didn't give themselves face. Although they didn't beat themselves, Wang Donglai was his younger brother. This place must be found!

"Beauty, you are not so authentic. Why do you want to beat my brother? Today is not to give a statement? In Tiannan, there are few people who don't give me Huang Wenhao's face. " Huang Wenhao said with a smile. His eyes fell on Jiangling. He couldn't move them any more.

It's beautiful.

"Do you have face?"

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