"Ah, Huang Shao has been beaten!"

On hearing this, the head of the security guard was shocked. He took a close look at Huang Wenhao. Wasn't he beaten? There's blood hanging around your mouth? The head of the security guard patted his chest and assured: "Huang Shao, you put your heart in your stomach, you can stand and watch. Today, my brothers will put these two down, so that his mother doesn't know him. Our brothers have practiced their kung fu..."

"How can you die without boasting?"

Manager Liu really can't listen any more. Son of a bitch, even if you want to flatter and show off, can you do it in different occasions? At least you have to knock people down and brag.

"What are you talking about? Do it now Manager Liu glared and scolded, but he was very depressed.

On the one hand, I'm afraid of Huang Wenhao's anger. On the other hand, I'm tired of the security team leader in front of me. It's a typical boast that I don't pay taxes. When's the time? Can I get down to business first?

"Well, you'll see."

The security team leader didn't feel anything wrong. He turned his head and yelled at Zhao Chengfeng: "smelly boy, you're not a coward. You dare to beat Huang Shao, but you also beat Huang Shao to vomit blood."

"So what?" Zhao Chengfeng didn't say a word. The security captain and other clowns couldn't get into Zhao Chengfeng's eyes. He was talking about Jiangling.

Jiangling only finds it funny. As the saying goes, biting dogs don't bark. But people who chatter all the time usually have no skills. With a move of hand, he immediately counseled.

"Well, how about it?"

Holding the baton in his hand, the security team leader snorted: "those who know how to get down on their knees and beg for mercy, give us Huang Shao a few knocks. Maybe this matter can be changed from big to small, and Huang Shao won't care about it with you. Otherwise, it will be..."


Manager Liu carefully observed Huang Wenhao's iron green face. He slapped the security team leader with his backhand. He didn't have a good way: "let you do it. Where can you get so much nonsense? You can get it, can't you? "

Manager Liu was angry in his heart. How could he have recruited such a bastard in the first place? He was just a brainless guy. Are you in charge of Huang Shao's affairs? Huang Shao was beaten into what kind of force, kneeling to beg for mercy can calm Huang Shao's anger in the heart?

"Manager, why are you hitting me? Don't I reason with them? " The security chief was wronged.

"What's the point? What's the point? Is there something wrong with your mind? I asked you to beat them up and tie them up. Didn't you hear what I said? " Manager Liu almost roared. I really want to kill this fool with a stick. When is it time to be reasonable? Does it make sense?

In this world, reasoning is bullshit. It doesn't exist at all! The truth is only in the hands of a few people. In other words, if you have no money or status, no matter how reasonable it is, no one will answer you!

Power and power are the truth!

Now the most important thing is to win Zhao Chengfeng and Jiangling. At least, he shows his attitude so that Huang Wenhao will not be angry with himself or Qingjiang hotel.

"All right, let's do it. Tie them both up!" The security chief scratched his head and said.

However, several security guards came forward and surrounded Zhao Chengfeng and Jiangling, but they still ate and drank as if they had nothing to do with each other. They seemed to know nothing and see nothing, and they took everyone as the air.

"Cough, I'm eating with my wife. I don't want to be surrounded by people. Be wise and get out of here." Zhao Chengfeng cleared his throat and said.

Whether it's Huang Wenhao or the security guard in front of him, Zhao Chengfeng never cares.

"Boy, at this time, I'm still arrogant. I have to do it, don't I? I can tell you that I'm a tough man. Don't cry for pain for a while. " The chief security officer rolled up his sleeve and said in a vicious way.

"There's so much nonsense. I can't hear it any more!"

Jiang Ling shook his head, apparently speechless to the security chief. It's too much ink. I haven't been chirping for a long time. It's a disappointment!

"Shit, I don't want to give you any color today. You don't know what I'm good at. I..." the head of the security guard can't help but wave his electric stick and stab Zhao Chengfeng.


Zhao Chengfeng kicks out, and the huge security chief flies out in an instant, knocking down Huang Wenhao and Wang Donglai, and there is a cry.


"Damn, I'm crushed to death. Don't you hurry up?" Huang Wenhao pushed away the head of the security guard. He felt depressed. There was an unexpected disaster in his heart. He could stand on one side and get it. It's his mother's bad luck.


As soon as manager Liu saw that Huang Wenhao was overwhelmed again, he immediately roared, "Damn, what are you still doing? Let's go together

Fortunately, there were more than ten security guards who were not so wordy as the security chief. They swarmed up and surrounded them. However

"Bang bang!"

It's faster to rush up and faster to return. In less than a minute, more than a dozen security guards fell to the ground, howling.


Everyone took a cold breath, especially Wang Genshen, who was completely shocked. Until now, Wang Genshen knows why Zhao Chengfeng is so confident, because people can fight and his fist is hard enough.

Of course, Huang Wenhao and Wang Donglai on one side are also confused. I didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng was so fierce. He didn't agree with each other and started to do it directly. Moreover, his actions were flowing without a trace of procrastination.

If you don't do it, you'll get rid of it!

"What a dish

However, when everyone was amazed, Zhao Chengfeng turned his lips with disdain and muttered: "is this ability enough to be a security guard? Come on, don't be ashamed. Let's all go home. "

The security guard who fell to the ground was a shame. He wanted to find a crack in the ground and never come out for the rest of his life.

"Good boy, don't be too arrogant. I really think you are invincible, don't you?" Liu Jing was so angry that he said these security guards were incompetent that he looked down on Qingjiang hotel?

"The world is invincible, but you seem to have nothing to do with me." Without looking at the latter, Zhao Chengfeng continued to eat.

Not to mention, the cooks in Qingjiang hotel are very good, and the food is very suitable for Zhao Chengfeng.

"You Manager Liu turned white in an instant.

"Chengfeng, what's the matter with you?"

At this time, ye Zhuqing came in and saw the mess all over the ground. He quickly walked to Zhao Chengfeng and said, "how can a man fight with others again?"?

"Xiaoqing, don't go there!"

However, before ye Zhuqing came to Zhao Chengfeng, he was stopped by Wang Genshen and said, "your friend is too arrogant to offend Huang Shao. Don't go there!"

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