"Yes, sister Xiaoqing, don't go there, don't go there!"

Wang Donglai also said: "your friend is not sensible enough. He offended Huang Shao and beat Huang Shao and me. Look at my face?"

Wang Genshen and Wang Donglai are not stupid. At this time, if ye Zhuqing wants to show intimate relationship with Zhao Chengfeng, Huang Wenhao will doubt it. Once you know the relationship between Zhao Chengfeng and ye Zhuqing, why do you introduce ye Zhuqing to Huang Wenhao as a girlfriend? Do you want to give Huang Wenhao a green hat?

What's more, Zhao Chengfeng has completely stood on the opposite side of Huang Wenhao. With Huang Wenhao's personality, he will definitely kill Zhao Chengfeng. It's not a wise move to be close to Zhao Chengfeng at this time!

"Don't you always owe me a beating?" Leaf bamboo green white, Wang Dong one eye, pushed away Wang Genshen's hand, walked to Zhao Chengfeng side.

As for Jiangling, ye Zhuqing doesn't care at all. When she is with Zhao Chengfeng, ye Zhuqing thinks that Zhao Chengfeng has more than one woman around him.

"Chengfeng, you are..." asked ye Zhuqing.

"Xiaoqing, this is your grandfather." Jiangling pointed to Wang Genshen and said, "first of all, you use public money to humiliate Chengfeng and say how much money you should give Chengfeng to let him leave you; And then this little bastard became so rude and humiliating that he was beaten by me. And then they move out of this so-called Huang Shao. If they want to become popular, do you think they should or should not be beaten? "

Knowing that Zhao Chengfeng could not speak, Jiangling described the cause and effect of the incident.

Ye Zhuqing's face was instantly iron green, and her pretty face flashed a shade of cold. The cold pupil swept through Wang Donglai and Wang Genshen, and her heart suddenly became cold. Ye Zhuqing really did not expect that Wang Genshen, his grandfather would use money to measure his feelings, to buy out his feelings.

"You let me down so much." Ye Zhuqing said this to Wang Genshen. He turned to Zhao Cheng and said, "let's go. I never want to come to Tiannan."

"Well, let's go now." Zhao Chengfeng can understand a woman's sadness. Ye Zhuqing is completely disappointed with the Wang family now. Staying behind will only make a woman more difficult.

"Xiaoqing, don't be confused, you..." Wang Genshen was anxious and wanted to stop ye Zhuqing.

Wang Genshen didn't want to leave his granddaughter, and he offended the Huang family. If you really offend the Huang family, the Wang family will not be able to stay in Tiannan.

"From now on, I have nothing to do with the Wangs, remember, nothing to do with them!" Ye Zhuqing's voice is very cold. When he says this, ye Zhuqing's heart is bleeding.

Will this make my mother very sad? However, ye Zhuqing couldn't manage so much, because before his mother was sad, he had been completely broken by the Wang family. They were too much!

"Ah..." smell speech, Wang Genshen as if was struck by thunder, the whole person suddenly Leng on the spot, don't know what to say.


However, Huang Wenhao came back and stopped Zhao Chengfeng and his party. He stared at ye Zhuqing and said, "well, you smelly girl, I'll tell you why you refuse me. You have a man for a long time. Shit, you smelly girl, i..."


Jiangling's backhand is a slap in the past, pointing to the red face of Huang Wenhao, coldly said: "garbage, I advise you to put your mouth clean, otherwise, I will tear your mouth today!"


Huang Wenhao felt his red and swollen face. His heart was like ten thousand grass mud horses galloping by. He was so cold that he didn't want to. Huang never dreamed that he would be beaten in his life.

What's more, I was beaten in the face by a woman. This is a real face beating.


In addition to Zhao Chengfeng three people, all of them are stunned stare big eyes, took a breath of cool air, the atmosphere did not dare, heart also followed up nervous up, Huang Shao was beaten again, was hit in the face by a woman.

This is absolutely explosive news! No one will believe it, but this is the reality.

"No more nonsense, I'll tear your mouth!" Jiangling once again said.

Ye Zhuqing is not stupid. He can see the relationship between Jiangling and Zhao Chengfeng at a glance. However, when he was intimate with Zhao Chengfeng, Jiangling not only didn't feel jealous, but also helped himself out. This friendship is not deep!

"Next time let me hear you, I will not tear your mouth, I will kill you directly." Zhao Chengfeng's insipid voice rang out again, and his cold eyes fell on Huang Wenhao.

"Well, well, you are crazy, you are arrogant!"

Instead of anger, Huang Wenhao laughed and pointed to Zhao Chengfeng and his party: "I, Huang Wenhao, have lived in Tiannan city for nearly 30 years, and have never been beaten. No one has ever rushed in front of me to be arrogant. You are the first one!"

"Never been beaten? How about I beat you up enough today? " Jiangling's eyes are turning around. When's the time for you to pretend to be strong“ All right, get out of the way, good dog, get out of the way

"Who are you calling dogs?"

Huang Wenhao's face suddenly turned green again. He was paralyzed and beat himself. He even scolded himself as a dog. It's too shameful.

"Who is in the way is the dog!" Jiangling scolded: "get out of here..."

With that, Jiangling pushed Huang Wenhao away. Although Huang Wenhao was an old man, he was still pushed by Jiangling and almost sat on the ground.


"What's going on here?"

However, just as Zhao Chengfeng and his party were about to get to the door, the door of the hall opened and five majestic soldiers came in.

"Brother, you've come here at last. Brother, you've come here at last. Look, look what I've been beaten like?" Seeing the visitor, Huang Wenhao went up and said with a sad face.

As soon as Huang Wenbing looked at the man, he twisted his eyebrows and said with a black face, "what's the matter? How can you... "

"Big brother, it's this boy, it's this boy who beat me. You see, this beat me, you see..." Huang Wenhao has no backbone. When he saw his big brother coming, he almost cried out and kept on telling his grievances.

This is also Huang Wenhao's usual trick. The eldest brother is such a younger brother. Who can he help if he doesn't help himself? In the past, there was something that could not be settled. That's how Huang Wenhao asked his elder brother to settle things.

"It's over, it's over, the boy must be over!" Wang Dong in the distance came to see this posture, and a smile appeared on his face. He almost jumped up with excitement.

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