With the distance from Zhao's old house getting closer and closer, ye Zhuqing's heart also became nervous. What should Zhao Chengfeng's parents say? Most importantly, what should he call Yuan Shanshan?

Is it teacher or sister?

"Don't be nervous. In the Zhao family, you will get more love than you can imagine." Jiangling seems to see the woman's tension, gently grasped ye Zhuqing's hand.

Ye Zhu's green face is slightly red. He smiles at Jiangling to express his thanks.

"Yes, there's nothing to be nervous about." Zhao Chengfeng, holding a cigarette in his mouth, said: "to see parents is to recognize relatives. From now on, you are not alone. You have a large family, and you don't need to carry anything alone."

Smell speech, the bottom of Ye Zhuqing's heart surging up a touch of warm current.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't have much sweet words. His language is simple but straightforward, which is exactly what ye Zhuqing wants. Relatives, ye bamboo as like as two peas are not loved, and Yuan Shanshan's situation is almost identical.

This is also why ye Zhuqing has no feelings for the Wang family and no impression, but he is called by a phone. Ye Zhuqing hopes to get family affection.

"Mom, I'm back."

After entering the gate of Zhao's house, Zhao Chengfeng yelled and raised his voice and said, "I've brought back a daughter-in-law for you. You'd better hurry out to check."

"Chengfeng, you..." ye Zhuqing's face turned red with shame, which is too high-profile.

"Smelly boy, what are you shouting about? I just coaxed Siyuan to sleep. Do you mean to be against me?" Murong frost didn't come out, but Zhao Feilong rushed out, glared at Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng, as if he hadn't heard it, pointed to ye Zhuqing and said, "see, this is my daughter-in-law. You should treat her better in the future. Otherwise, I won't finish with you and I won't die for you when you die."

"You, you, you little son, I'll kill you, I..." Zhao Feilong was angry in his heart. What kind of son is that? Why didn't you shoot him on the wall? It's a failure.

"Ah, Chengfeng, you..."

Ye Zhuqing was surprised again and stared at Zhao Chengfeng. Unexpectedly, Zhao Chengfeng communicated with his Laozi in this way at home. It was not like a father and son, but more like a pair of enemies.

"Don't worry about that. They're both like this." In a low voice, Jiangling thought that he was scared at the beginning?

"Dad, we're back. Let me introduce you. This is Xiaoqing, ye Zhuqing." Jiangling said with a smile.

Sure enough, Zhao Feilong's face looked much better. He gave a smile and said, "Oh, come and sit in the room. Sit in the room. Fubo, serve tea."

"Thank you, uncle." Ye Zhuqing blushed and felt relieved. Zhao Feilong just glared and thought he was not satisfied with himself. It seems to be an illusion. It's all about Zhao Chengfeng's dissatisfaction.

"What's your name, uncle? It's dad Zhao Chengfeng corrected it.

Ye Zhuqing's face turned red again. He lowered his voice and murmured: "Dad..."

"Ah, good boy!"

Hearing the speech, Zhao Feilong couldn't close his mouth with a smile. He turned back to the room and yelled, "wife, come out quickly. We have another daughter-in-law in Lao Zhao's family... Come on..."

"What's the noise?" Murong frost out, white Zhao Feilong one eye, no good airway: "you don't know the child just fell asleep?"

"I..." Zhao Feilong suddenly no voice, quietly stood aside, like a child who made a mistake.

Murong frost looked over, eyes fell on ye Zhuqing's face, eyebrows instantly spread, came forward to grasp ye Zhuqing's slender hand, praised: "Oh, my son is a vision, this girl is really water."

"Mom, I'm good at your son." Zhao Chengfeng picks his eyebrows with pride.

"Of course my son is good!"

Murong frost praised a, but then said: "by the way, girl, how do you call this?"

"Ah... Mom, my name is ye Zhuqing. Just call me Xiao Qing." Before she finished speaking, ye Zhuqing's face was as red as a tomato. She wanted to call her "aunt", but after thinking about it, she decided to go straight to the right place.

"Well, that's good!"

Murong frost was overjoyed, took off a jade finger from his thumb and put it on ye Zhuqing's finger. "Xiaoqing, take it. This is a gift from your mother. We don't have so many empty headed manners in Laozhao's family. From now on, we are a family."

"Well." Ye Zhuqing nodded, excited eyes are some red.

Although this is not his own mother, but because of his "parents" call, ye Zhuqing's heart seems to recall the memory of many years ago, and feel the warmth of the family together in those years.

Blood is thicker than water. The most unforgettable thing in the world is family affection.

"Come on, sit down. Let's have a good chat." Murong frost is very hospitable, pull ye Zhuqing to chat.

Naturally, Jiangling is also very happy to see this scene, which means that the family has increased the population.

"Mom and Dad, Xiaoqing, talk with you. I'll go to see Shanshan. I miss Siyuan these days when I go out." Jiangling said with a smile.

"Go ahead, go ahead."

"If you want to like children, you should have another one. You don't have to watch the news. Now our country is open to two children. We can't afford to have any children." Murong Frost said.

Jiangling blushed and didn't answer the question. In the heart is a way: "I also want to live ah, unfortunately my husband did not have the time to turn the brand did not turn to their own here ah."

What's more, is the Zhao family having two or three children? In the future, a household register will not be enough to print a child's name.

"They're old and they're having a good chat. Why don't we kill them before dinner?"

As soon as Jiangling leaves, Murong frost and ye Zhuqing's voice will be left in the room. The two girls have a good conversation. Zhao Chengfeng and Zhao Feilong's father and son can't get in touch at all. Zhao Chengfeng can only propose.

"OK, let's go, let's kill it!"

Zhao Feilong is overjoyed at hearing that, but he hasn't played chess well for many days. It's strange to say that Siyuan's little girl once she cries, no one can coax her except her mother, so Zhao Feilong works. As soon as she holds her up, she won't cry immediately.

Generally, Siyuan only needs to cry, and Murong frost asks Zhao Feilong to hold the baby. How can she have time to play chess? It's not easy for a daughter-in-law to have a baby. Let the daughter-in-law have a good rest and take care of the children.

The daughter-in-law is relaxed, but Zhao Feilong is depressed.


With a wave of his hand, Zhao Chengfeng's momentum soared.

Zhao Feilong looked at the chessboard and said: "Damn, your car can turn around?"


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