"Son of a bitch, are you playing the fool for me?" Zhao Feilong's nose is going to be crooked. "Your gun is a little fierce. You can hit my soldiers even after two mountains."


Zhao Chengfeng was just a little distracted, so he didn't pay much attention to playing chess. However, since he was wrong, Zhao Chengfeng would not change his mind. He stuck his neck and explained, "this' car 'is an urban management combat vehicle, and it turns smoothly; As for my gun, it's even more extraordinary. The antiaircraft gun can locate the bombing target in a long distance. I just spared your life and didn't use the laser gun, otherwise I'll kill you with one shot... "

"Roll the calf!"

Zhao Feilong's eyes glared and directly lifted the chessboard. What a fart?

"Is it your soldiers or special forces that can fight 100 with one? Can your elephant still devise strategies in the heart and kill thousands of miles away? " Zhao Feilong has no good airway.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded his head and said, "it's like this..."

"No bullshit

Zhao Feilong couldn't listen any more. He waved his hand and didn't have a good way: "come on, what do you think? You are absent-minded. Is there any trouble? Let's hear it. Maybe I can help you solve it. "

"Oh, yes!"

Zhao Chengfeng was a little stunned and said with a smile: "Comrade Zhao, you have made great progress now. You know what you mean. You can see that I have a mind. That's OK."

"Don't talk nonsense

Zhao Feilong knocks the pieces heavily on the chessboard and stares at Zhao Chengfeng. He has an impulse to kill the latter. This kid is really not so brave. He's been hurting himself again and again. He's never given himself face.

"It's nothing special." Zhao Chengfeng laughed and said in a low voice: "I just want to ask you. You are not gentle with your little sister Zhuque. Didn't anything exciting happen at night?"


On hearing this, Zhao Feilong slapped Zhao Chengfeng on the head, and his eyes were staring like the bell of a cow. He said solemnly, "I'm innocent with little junior sister Zhuque. Don't talk nonsense, OK?"

"Damn, how dare you hit me? Can you believe me to tell mom that you have an affair with my mother-in-law? " Zhao Chengfeng felt some pain in the forehead, and almost didn't live to death.

Zhao Chengfeng really did not expect that the old man would dare to beat himself. He is really good at it.

"Son of a bitch, when did I have an affair with your mother-in-law?" Zhao Feilong's neck turned red.

"Then you care so much about my mother-in-law, why don't you care about me? I was almost killed by your brother. I didn't see you in such a hurry. " Zhao Chengfeng is a backhand general.


Zhao Feilong opened his mouth wide, but when he said it, he swallowed it back. In this case, Zhao Feilong was really ashamed of Zhao Chengfeng. If he hadn't been soft hearted for a while, his son wouldn't have been targeted by Po Tian and had made several risks. What's more, he has done a lot of bad things. He really needs to be sentenced according to the past law, so that he can kill the nine ethnic groups.

"What's the matter? There's nothing to say. "

Zhao Chengfeng snorted: "I'm almost dead. I'm going to die. After a hundred years, no one will support you."

"It's really my fault about Zhao Feitian!" Zhao Feilong nodded heavily and frowned: "many times I can't make up my mind. After all, blood is thicker than water."

"Blood is thicker than water, should he be allowed to be lawless?" Zhao Chengfeng is not satisfied with Zhao Feilong's attitude.

It is true that blood is thicker than water, and elbow will always turn inward. However, the king of heaven has committed many crimes that can not be forgiven.

"Come on, what do you need me to do?" Zhao Feilong gritted his teeth and asked directly.

"I'll go back to the inner gate in a few days. If the king of the broken heaven appears, I have nothing to say if you can't kill him. But he can't hurt my people or destroy the interests of me and China. Can you do it?" Zhao Chengfeng is upright and stares at his Laozi.

Zhao Chengfeng must have a positive reply!

Zhao Chengfeng is very clear in his heart that once he leaves, there is only one person in the whole China who can resist the king of heaven. That is his Laozi Zhao Feilong. It is estimated that his master Chen Banxian can't resist him!

Maybe Qingyi and monk Yao can resist for a while, but Qingyi and monk Yao are the leaders of the 731 army, and they have more important responsibilities. In addition, maybe Hua Xiaobao and rosefinch can compete a little, but they just resist. Moreover, Hua Xiaobao wants to enter the inner gate with Zhao Chengfeng. There is some relationship between Zhuque and Zhao Feitian. Can he do it?

There is only one person to think about -- Zhao Feilong.

"Nonsense, of course it can be done!" Zhao Feilong should come down without hesitation.


Zhao Chengfeng nodded, tone slightly eased some, said: "anyway, if my people have problems, I will not bury you after you die, let you expose the body in the wilderness, to a sky burial."

"Son of a bitch, do you want me to die?" When Zhao Feilong heard this, his nose was crooked.

"Ha ha ha, how can I? I'm not kidding. Can I relax the atmosphere?"

Zhao Chengfeng gave a ha ha and said, "come on, play chess. It's time to have dinner in a while..."

"Are you joking like that?" Zhao Feilong turned his eyes around and began to play chess.

This time, Zhao Chengfeng is more disciplined, playing with Zhao Feilong in an all-round way, and he is very serious. And also until now, Zhao Feilong just want to understand a thing, oneself with this boy's way.

As soon as he came up, he put on a worried look and forced himself to ask. When he asked, he gave himself a dose of medicine and told him about his brother's crime, which made Zhao Feilong feel guilty.

It's the critical time. Smelly boy has made a condition, which Zhao Feilong has to agree to.

"Damn, stinky boy, he's very resourceful." After thinking about it, Zhao Feilong couldn't help yelling at his grandmother. He was too cowardly to be Lao Tzu, and he was repeatedly schemed by his son.

"I don't have any tricks. Hurry up and play chess. Hurry up. It's your turn, general!" Zhao Chengfeng pretends not to understand, but he smiles in his heart.

Can you beat my good hunter?

"Damn, you haven't played tricks yet. You really think I'm stupid, don't you? I... "

"Dinner's ready!"

However, at this time, Murong frost came out and yelled at father and son. Zhao Chengfeng quickly pushed the chessboard, "go, go, eat, eat..."

"I..." Zhao Feilong looked depressed.

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