With the addition of new members to the Zhao family, the dinner was especially enjoyable. After delivering the meal to Yuan Shanshan, murongshuang and Jiangling worked hard to bring food to ye Zhuqing.

"Thank you, mom. Thank you, sister Jiangling. Please eat quickly. Don't clip it for me. I can't eat any more." At the beginning, ye Zhuqing was a little embarrassed, but at the end, without that shyness, she was more moved and tender.

Is that what it's like to be at home? It's so comfortable. Ye Zhuqing was moved to tears.

"Yes, Ma, you are too eccentric." Zhao Chengfeng turned his lips and complained: "it's said that when you have a daughter-in-law, you forget your mother. It's unfair that you have a daughter-in-law and you forget your son. Why don't we go to the hospital and have a paternity test? "

"Son of a bitch, is that right?" Murong frost apricot eyes a stare, however, immediately he "Puff Chi" a smile out, to Zhao Chengfeng clip a piece of braised meat, no good airway: "eat, eat, now can block your mouth?"

Jiangling is also a force to Zhao Chengfeng folder dishes, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly honest a lot.

But Zhao Chengfeng's opposite Zhao Feilong has no choice but to give himself a dish.

"What an interesting family." Ye Zhuqing thought so in his heart, looking at Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, he added a touch of softness.

Ye Zhuqing was born as an underworld princess. She never worried about food or clothing in her life. She had lived in a foreign house and driven a luxury car. She could say that she had what she wanted, but she had a great lack of family affection.

Now, ye Zhuqing finds the feeling of home. And all this because of a man - Zhao Chengfeng.

This man has no vows, no sweet words, no sugar coated shells, fierce offensive, but every little move of the man makes ye Zhuqing warm heart.

After the happy dinner, ye Zhuqing helped to clean up the dishes and chopsticks, and then went to visit yuan Shanshan. At this time, the child had eaten milk, and now Zhao Feilong was holding and coaxing her. Yuan Shanshan was much more relaxed at this time.

"Should I call you Mr. Yuan or your sister?" Seeing yuan Shanshan, ye Zhuqing is embarrassed, but she still has the courage to face it, because she has identified the man.

Yuan Shanshan smiles. The smile is like a spring breeze, blowing into people's hearts, making people feel very comfortable. "Address is not important. In this family, no matter what you call, everyone will be very happy."

Smell speech, leaf bamboo green a little Leng, immediately smile to shake head, yes, address important? Zhao Chengfeng's address to his Laozi is the old immortal.

People who don't know think that the two fathers and sons must be in the same boat, but in fact they are not. Although the two fathers and sons are together, no one likes them. They are "smelly boys" and "old boys" one by one, but they are very attentive to each other's affairs.

"How are you feeling now? It must be painful to have a baby Ye Zhuqing sits beside the bed and grabs yuan Shanshan's hand.

Ye Zhuqing suddenly felt that Yuan Shanshan, whom she had known in the past, must be a fake. Although yuan Shanshan was beautiful in the past, her eyebrows were filled with lingering sadness. The whole person felt very cold, and there was a kind of breath of rejecting people thousands of miles away.

Therefore, Yuan Shanshan has the title of "cold beauty" in Xijiao University.

However, now yuan Shanshan has long lost her coolness. Her words and deeds reveal a happy smile, giving people a feeling of spring breeze. In front of her, Yuan Shanshan was obviously more beautiful.

A woman with a smile at any time is undoubtedly the most moving.

"It's painful to have a baby, but it's painful and happy." Yuan Shanshan's face showed a touch of warmth of her mother's surname, and said: "however, all the pain is worth it. As long as the child is safe and healthy, as long as the child can grow up healthily and happily, I am willing to have such pain ten times more."

At this moment, ye Zhuqing finally knows the greatness of maternal love.

"Well, do you regret it with him?" After a pause, ye Zhuqing asked again, "he" naturally means Zhao Chengfeng. "If it wasn't for him, maybe you would have a better home in the future."

"Don't you know if you don't regret it later?"

Yuan Shanshan did not answer the rhetorical question and said, "if you regret it, will you still enter the Zhao family?"


Ye Zhuqing blushes, and suddenly feels that this problem is really a bit redundant. Yes, if yuan Shanshan regrets it, will she still enter the Zhao family? Women, in fact, are very clear in their hearts, whether a man loves himself or not, how much weight they have in a man's heart.

No matter how silly a woman is, she will never be with a man who doesn't love her. Except for money or fame.

"Xiaoqing, are you still at school now?" Yuan Shanshan digs off the topic and asks, "is learning going well?"

"Don't mention learning."

Hearing this, ye Zhuqing shook her head and said, "I haven't graduated yet. I don't have time for class at all. Since you left school, I have been to school twice and left after I got the information."

"So busy?" Yuan Shanshan was a little curious and said, "no matter how busy you are at work, your body is also very important. Now I think you are thinner than in the past. For girls, your body is more important, and your body is more important. Don't worry, the men you and I choose won't only care about our appearance. "

Ye Zhuqing smell speech, face a little red, way: "he opened a company for me, before the loss of a lot of money, I can't let him always loss, so recently a little busy."

"He's a real shaker." Yuan Shanshan wry smile unceasingly, "this can be bitter you, a company can not be so easy to take care of."

"It's nothing. It's much easier to be on the road."

"No matter how easy it is, can it be as easy as me?"

Yuan Shanshan said with a smile: "here, look at me. Now, people are waiting for me to eat and drink. It's like the landlord's fortune. Hey, you should have a baby early. Maybe you can catch up with me to have a second child."

"Ah? Are you going to have another baby? " Ye Zhuqing was startled. His teacher yuan has changed so much that he dare not recognize him.

"Sheng, why not?"

Yuan Shanshan smoothed the bangs in front of her forehead and said, "I have discussed with Chengfeng to have two children, one surnamed Zhao and the other yuan."

"That's very impressive." Ye Zhuqing gives the woman a thumbs up. She is envious, but she doesn't dare to try. To tell you the truth, ye Zhuqing is not ready to be a mother.

"What's powerful or not? I think it's good to have a bunch of babies, and then I'll teach my husband and children at home. How happy the whole family is." Yuan Shanshan's face is rippling with a happy smile.

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