Yuan Shanshan has no ambition now. She just wants to spend her life peacefully. Especially after giving birth to a child, Yuan Shanshan doesn't want to worry about the past. She doesn't want to worry about Chen Gaowang or Ge batian.

In the future, I will have the opportunity to go back to Huaishu village, to see the renovated Huaishu village, to worship my ancestors, to live my own life, and to be a happy little woman.

"You are really different from the past." Ye Zhuqing sighed: "but now you are much happier than before. It seems that you have chosen the right person and I have chosen the right person."

Yuan Shanshan pursed a smile. Didn't she choose the right person? If you don't choose the right person, will you be happy now? can't. And whether a man is good or not depends on whether he is happy with his woman or not. This is the measure of a man's good and bad.

"Then bless each other and hope we can be so happy forever." Yuan Shanshan laughed.

The two women chatted for a while, but Zhao Chengfeng came in.

"Ah, you are both here." Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised. He knew that the two women were chatting together, but he didn't expect that they were so happy.

Zhao Chengfeng naturally knows ye Zhuqing better. Ye Zhuqing is good at everything, but she is a little bit strong. After all, being a child is an underworld princess, and she has some willfulness in her heart.

Now his teacher and she rob men, should be some resistance is, but now it seems, Zhao Chengfeng's worry is a little redundant.

"OK, you can talk. I'll go out and play with the kids." Ye Zhuqing is an interesting person. When Zhao Chengfeng walks in at this time, he must have something to say. Naturally, he has to leave some private space for them.

"Well, you are eager to learn. How to take care of children after you learn." Yuan Shanshan made a joke with a smile.

Smell speech, ye Zhuqing face a red, dare not go to see Zhao Chengfeng, turned out of the door.

"This girl, I'm sorry." Zhao Chengfeng smiles, walks up to Yuan Shanshan, smoothes the bangs on the woman's forehead, and asks in a soft voice, "what's up? Will you feel very stuffy? It's very hard to be in confinement. "

Looking at the woman on the bed, her hair was messy, her bags under her eyes were heavy, and her body smelled of sweat. Zhao Chengfeng could not help feeling distressed. This is the rule of confinement in China. You can't take a bath or comb your hair. No matter how hot the day is, you have to wrap people tightly and don't get cold.

At first glance, the woman in confinement is so happy. Every day is served by chickens, ducks and fish. The food is broken to the bedside, and it's almost a mouthful to feed. But not everyone can bear the pain. Zhao Chengfeng understands, but can't take the place of women to suffer this crime.

"What's the trouble? I think it's good. " Yuan Shanshan gave a faint smile, and a warm current rose in her heart. "Just now I was talking to Xiaoqing. Let her hold fast and try to have a second child with me. You have to work hard, too. "


Zhao Chengfeng smiles and shakes his head. He reaches out and hugs the woman into his arms, as if to rub her into his body.

"Thank you for giving birth to a princess these days." Zhao Chengfeng holds the woman and kisses her on the forehead.

"I should thank you. Thank you for making me a mother. It's you who let me know how happy it is to be a mother." Yuan Shanshan went deeper into the man's arms.

What a good woman.

"By the way, it's popular."

After a while, Yuan Shanshan suddenly raised her head, looked at Zhao Cheng and said, "can I ask you something?"

"Silly girl, what nonsense are you talking about? What are you asking for?" Zhao Chengfeng scraped the woman's nose with his fingers and pretended to have an airway: "if you have anything, just tell me."


Yuan Shanshan nodded and said, "I, I don't want you to participate in the inner door contest."

"Why?" Wen Yan, Zhao Chengfeng is very surprised. Isn't this what women always want to do? How can you suddenly say that“ If you don't take part in the inner gate competition, the yuan family is likely to be removed from the inner gate. You... "

"What about being removed from the inner door?"

Yuan Shanshan gently shook her head and said, "being removed from the inner gate does not mean that the yuan family really does not exist. Besides, don't you know all the yuan family's skills? As for whether the yuan family can occupy a place in the inner gate, it doesn't matter. What can we do if we occupy it? What can we do without a place? "

"But, this is your wish, your dream, I must complete it for you, I must..." Zhao Chengfeng frowned, but was very strange, how the woman suddenly gave up?

"Dreams are nothing compared with you."

Yuan Shanshan interrupted the man, staring at the man and said, "do you know? In my heart, as long as you are at home, as long as you are at home, my heart will be very down-to-earth. I don't want you to take risks for me and the yuan family. I can't live without you and my children can't live without a father. The inner door is too dangerous. You don't have to risk it for me. "

During this period of time, although yuan Shanshan was in confinement and taking care of children, she didn't know anything. On the contrary, she knew very well that before she gave birth to her own child, the man almost died in the lonely island of borodo, including the man suffering from heart biting. Yuan Shanshan knew all about it, but just pretended not to know, because she didn't want to worry everyone.

Yuan Shanshan knows that the Zhao family has a high status, not to mention Zhao Feilong and Zhao Chengfeng. Her mother-in-law is ordinary. Once yuan Shanshan slipped downstairs and was about to fall down the stairs. Her mother-in-law Murong frost suddenly appeared and caught her.

However, there are people out there, and there are days out there. It's like the gray long shirt that sent the letter paper at the beginning. That person is obviously more powerful. In this way, there are more experts in the inner door?

Now yuan Shanshan doesn't want to revive the yuan family. Even if it is revived, how can it be? Faced with a new round of fighting, but also to bear the challenge of others?

No, this is not the life yuan Shanshan wants.

"However, even if I don't take part in the inner gate competition, I will also look for Bingbing. I can't ignore her, so..." Zhao Chengfeng finally understands what the woman thinks, but the inner gate still has to go and has to go.

"If you want to find Bingbing, I will not stop you."

Yuan Shanshan said: "you can go in and find someone. If you don't take part in the inner gate competition, you won't get angry with others. In this way, you can reduce a lot of danger. Even if you enter the inner gate, we won't worry too much."

"Well." Zhao Cheng wind way: "wait to enter inside door to say again."

"Promise me, don't be impulsive. If you can bear it, bear it." Yuan Shanshan knows that men don't give up. "No matter what you do, you have to remember that you still have family. Even if you don't think about me, you have to think about Siyuan more."

"Well, I see."

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