After coming out of Zhao's old house, Zhao Chengfeng and ye Zhuqing fly directly to Beihai city. Ye Zhuqing's company needs to be busy, while Zhao Chengfeng takes Zhuque to Tianxing village.

"Work is important, body is more important. Next time I want to find out that you are thin, you should stop working and take care of yourself at home." Out of the Beihai city terminal, send ye Zhuqing on board, Zhao Chengfeng charged.

Ye Zhuqing's heart was warm, but he still snorted: "I'm not a pig. Why do I raise my body at home?"

"If you don't support your body, you should be well prepared to support your fetus..."


On hearing this, ye Zhuqing's face turned red and white. Zhao Chengfeng gave the driver a look and let him drive away.

"My Lord, if I don't want to be a hooligan, can you be my woman?" Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes.

After ye Zhuqing left, Zhao Chengfeng also stopped his car and went to Jiangcheng Avenue. Now that this point is over, he should be able to get to Tianxing village at night.

"Didi... Didi..."

Zhao Chengfeng just got into a taxi, but the kid called first.

"Hello, what's up?" Zhao Chengfeng had a little accident.

"Nothing. The main thing is to report your recent work to the boss." The kid said, "boss, is that convenient for you?"

"Well, go ahead." Zhao Chengfeng nodded.

"The most important thing is that the riots on the African continent have been brought under control. In order to thank us, the local government of Africa has specially assigned the fikaman area to us. We can do anything; The second is that Aron has arrived at jintari, Munk and yudhry are still very cooperative, boss, you don't have to worry The kid first introduced the situation of the African continent, and then said: "however, the performance of the United States and Japan is very abnormal. It can be said that there is no movement at all. So many people died, and they didn't care at all."

"What's so strange about that?"

In this regard, Zhao Chengfeng felt that everything was reasonable. After all, there was no advantage for the Japanese nation and the United States this time. Once Zhao Chengfeng released the audio and video recordings at that time, the United States and the Japanese nation would be attacked by countries all over the world immediately.

Maybe no one dares to treat the American people like that, but the saliva can also make the American people uncomfortable.

"Any news from Lanxin?" Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath and asked.


The kid was a little stunned, and immediately said, "Guan Yan'er came over two days ago and said that she would do intelligence work with me, which is also convenient to find Lan Xin. Boss, why don't you come here? "

"Forget it."

Zhao Chengfeng thought about it or not. When he went to Shangguan Lanxin, both of them would be unhappy. It's better not to see them. It's not too late to go there when there's a trace of Shangguan Lanxin.

"Well, I'll let you know as soon as I have any news." The kid answered.


Put down the phone, the heart of the melancholy again surging up.

Shangguan Lanxin and Xia Bingbing are the eternal pain in Zhao Chengfeng's heart.


Zhao Chengfeng's Kung Fu has arrived at Jiangcheng Avenue.

"You finally came. I thought you didn't show up." Into the villa, sitting outside the sun rosefinch, slightly opened his eyes, showing a shallow smile.

A few days no see, rosefinch's face more a smile, it seems that Zhao Feilong's arrival, untied the woman's heart knot.

"There was something on hand, so there was a delay." Zhao Chengfeng didn't ask about the relationship between Zhuque and Laozi. He said, "if you're not busy, we can go to Tianxing village now."

"What can I do for you? There is only one idle person. " Rosefinch stood up and said, "let's go straight to Tianxing village."


Zhao Chengfeng nodded and called Tang Jinhai. Without hesitation, Tang sent Zhao Chengfeng a small helicopter to take them to Tianxing village.

"I can't see it. Your face is big enough. Even the leaders of the military region give you face." Rosefinch had a little accident.

"It's mainly because I'm a hero. I can't help it." Zhao Chengfeng shrugs triumphantly.

"You are really good enough!"

Zhu que has to admit that Zhao Chengfeng is very powerful. With his own ability, he overturned the whole broken sky. Although he failed to kill the king of broken sky, he was very powerful.

You know, the existence of Po Tian has been for some years, and all aspects of development are very mature, especially the confidentiality work. Most people don't know where Po Tian is, but Zhao Chengfeng found the location of Po Tian with his own brain, and killed the king. This alone is enough to make people admire!

"But I heard from your father that you are going to enter the inner door?" As soon as the words change, the rosefinch looks at Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng a little Leng, immediately nodded, way: "is to have to go to the inner door, don't go."

"Well, if you say that, I won't advise you." Rosefinch said: "after entering the inner door, don't be as high-profile as now. It's not good for you."

Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng frowned and said, "what? Don't you think I'll get into the inner door? Is the inner door that scary? "

"You'll understand when you go in."

The rosefinch kept a trace of mystery and said, "because there are all geniuses in the inner gate. There are many geniuses like your father. If it wasn't for your father's hard work, how could he become the third genius of Wuji?"

"The third day? What kind of food On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng turned his lips and disdained.

If you want to be the first, who is interested in the third? Anyway, Zhao Chengfeng is not interested.

"You are crazy."

Rosefinch shook her head with a bitter smile and said, "your father was very good then. Do you think the third place is very good? But are you his opponent? "


Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng face a white, but still stem neck way: "now maybe I don't have him strong, but, sooner or later one day I will surpass him."

"Sooner or later, what day will it be?" "Rosefinch asked:" will not wait until he lies on the bed, can't move, you are his opponent

"I'll go. You look down on me, don't you?"

Zhao Chengfeng stares, a little upset.

"No one looks down on anyone, just to remind you that the inner door is not so easy to mix." Rosefinch slowed down and said: "we only hope you can be safe and smooth. We don't want you to conflict with others, because you don't know how powerful the enemy is, because you're not sure whether you can deal with your enemy. Although there are fights in the inner gate, the people in the inner gate are very united. "

"How do you say that? What does their unity have to do with me? " Zhao Chengfeng is puzzled.

"Of course it does. It matters a lot."

Rosefinch patiently explained

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