"For example, if you are an expert in the secular world, if you defeat the people in the inner door, it is equivalent to hitting the face of the inner door, and the expert in the inner door will come to challenge you like a locust!"

Zhu que explained: "you think you can beat an ordinary master in the inner gate and some elite disciples, but can you beat the talented disciples in the inner gate?"

"They will consume your physical strength bit by bit, and there will be more pressure and challenges waiting for you. Appropriate challenges can make you improve continuously. But if you are targeted by a super power, can you survive?"

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly silent, this is really Zhao Chengfeng did not expect. The meaning of rosefinch is easy to understand. It's like fighting in the secular world.

Two days ago, Zhao Chengfeng slapped Wang Donglai. Wang Donglai went to Huang Wenhao for help. After Huang Wenhao was beaten, he went to Huang Wenbing for help. Zhao Chengfeng was also more powerful, so Huang Wenbing had no choice but to take Zhao Chengfeng. Can you try another person?

After all, it's still face. It can also be said that people in the inner door don't look up to the experts in the secular world. If they are defeated by the experts in the secular world, they will feel that they have been greatly humiliated. In order to save face, they will find someone to challenge Zhao Chengfeng until they defeat Zhao Chengfeng.

"Chengfeng, you are still young, you have unlimited potential, so you should learn to keep a low profile, don't be tough with others, you are going to do things, not work hard with others, there is no need to fight hard." See Zhao Chengfeng silence, rosefinch and advised two.

"Thank you. I remember it all."

Zhao Chengfeng smiles at the rosefinch to express his thanks.

"There's nothing to thank. It's OK." Rosefinch faint smile.

Along the way, they chatted a lot, and they came to Tianxing village unconsciously.

"Wow, it's a good place. It's full of aura." After getting off the plane, the rosefinch took two breaths of air as if it had discovered a new continent.

The scenery is pleasant and the people are simple. It's like a paradise in the world.

"Why should such a good place be developed? Isn't it the biggest damage to nature?" Knowing that Zhao Chengfeng wants to develop Tianxing village, Zhuque doesn't understand.

For ancient martial arts masters, money, fame and fortune are empty words, far less important than strength. Tianxing stronghold is an excellent place for cultivation, even less than the aura of breaking the secret heaven.

With so many auras, the cultivation speed can be reduced by more than half of the time, but once developed, these auras will disappear.

"There's damage, but it's not that big."

With a faint smile, Zhao Chengfeng explained: "it's just to build a house for you and repair the water source and roads. Additional water and electricity, the rest of the basic no change

"That's about the same." Smell speech, rosefinch in the heart a little relaxed a breath, dun dun again way: "this place is good, I live here..."

"Chengfeng, you, you're coming." At this time, Xia Muxi came over. Seeing the man from a distance, he felt as sweet as a flower. Just, when Xia Muxi came to him, he was stunned.

There is another woman beside the man, and she is also a very beautiful and charming woman. The woman seems to say that she wants to live here. This

The smile on xiamuxi's face froze. Xiamuxi didn't expect that men were so lustful. After three women left, another came. Was he the emperor in ancient times?

"Muxi, here you are."

Zhao Chengfeng pulled the woman, pointed to the rosefinch and said, "let me introduce you. This is sister rosefinch... No, aunt rosefinch. She will stay in Tianxing village. In addition, I also want to take care of Tianxing village. In this way, you can go back to the city and finish your studies. Do you think it's ok?"

"Aunt rosefinch..." summer wood Xi a listen to this, in the heart immediately relieved a breath, thought to call elder sister.

"Xia Muxi, what a beautiful name. Well, people are more beautiful than names." When Zhuque heard Zhao Chengfeng's address, she was very happy.

Most women certainly don't like the older address, but Zhuque is an exception. Especially in front of Zhao Chengfeng, Zhuque likes the address of the older generation, even if it doesn't work out with Zhao Chengfeng's Laozi.

"Thank you. Thank you, aunt rosefinch." Xia Mu Xi's face is slightly red, showing her little daughter's shame.

Not because of the praise of rosefinch and red face, but because I just think too much.

"I'm going to live here for a long time, won't you object?" Rosefinch joked.

"Where, where."

Summer wood Xi busy way: "as long as you like rosefinch auntie, want to live for as long as possible, but we have no entertainment facilities here, afraid you stay too long will be bored."


The rosefinch shook her head and sighed: "I really don't know what boredom is. Come on, take me around. "

"All right."

The three of them turn around in Tianxing village. The more they walk, the more they see. The more happy the rosefinch is. Tianxing village is the best place to live in seclusion.

"I'll stay in Tianxing village all my life!"

At dinner, Zhuque gave Zhao Chengfeng a reassurance.

"It's OK to live, but the safety of Tianxing village is up to you." Zhao Chengfeng said with a sly smile: "the Miao he village nearby is covetous to Tianxing village. Although they have been badly damaged some time ago, their ambition has never been extinguished. You should be careful."

"Don't worry, it's all mine." The rosefinch waved her hand, but she didn't think so.

Although the rosefinch is no longer Zhao Chengfeng's opponent, it is at least one level more powerful than Hua Xiaobao. It is quite sure to deal with a few small rubbish.

"Don't take it lightly."

Zhao Chengfeng solemnly reminded: "this Miaohe village is the place where King Paotian got the heart biting poison. I'm not sure if there are any powerful poison masters in this Miaohe village. Don't be calculated."

"Is it Miao he village that gets heart biting poison?" Smell speech, rosefinch was surprised.

"That's right."

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said, "but now there is no such thing as heart biting poison, and there is no such thing in the world."


Zhao Chengfeng looked at Xia Muxi and said with a mysterious smile, "because I've found a better sorcerer."

"No wonder!"

Zhuque finally understood the meaning of Tianxing stronghold. The feeling is that the Gu master of Tianxing stronghold saved Zhao Chengfeng's life. No wonder Zhao Chengfeng wanted to protect Tianxing stronghold and this piece of land.

However, rosefinch doesn't know. In fact, Zhao Chengfeng is the owner of Tianxing stronghold, and Zhao Chengfeng is also the only Gu master of Tianxing stronghold.

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