Jiangzhou City, Sichuan Province, is located in the most central position of China. At the same time, it is also a city with economy and transportation in all directions, and also a tourist city.

A few years ago, Jiangzhou city was officially named as a municipality directly under the jurisdiction of the capital, which also established the status of Jiangzhou city.

Jiangzhou's unique geographical location makes it the most expensive city in China. The unit price of ordinary commercial housing has exceeded 200000, and a house can't get down without millions.

Every inch of land and every inch of gold means Jiangzhou city.

"Jiangzhou is really a good place." After getting off the airport, Zhao Chengfeng looked around with emotion.

Although Jiangzhou is economically developed and has a large population, its environment is much better than other cities. For the sake of rapid development, our motherland ignored environmental protection. The country has indeed made progress, but the cost is too high and the environment is not good. We must admit that.

Once there was a story on the Internet that Bangzi state was affected by the cold air for a period of time, and then people in Bangzi state said that the haze came from Huaxia state, saying that Huaxia state should pay for it.

We won't talk more about how shameless Bangzi country is. However, the environment of China is not good enough. Even some developed cities are relatively bad. When winter comes, you can see nothing. It's not a joke.

It is precisely because of this that the high level of Huaxia has begun to discuss how to improve the environment.

But Jiangzhou city is an exception. On the one hand, it is the contribution of Jiangzhou municipal government. On the other hand, it is also related to the geographical location of Jiangzhou city. Jiangzhou city is adjacent to the sea on one side, surrounded by mountains on both sides, and the plain on the other side.

Close to the seaside, every day the sea breeze so Hula Hula blowing, where can the air difference go? Moreover, the two mountains on the back of Jiangzhou city are luxuriant in vegetation, which can be called tropical rain forest. They provide sufficient oxygen for the city and consume a lot of carbon dioxide at the same time. As for the plain on the other side, it provides Jiangzhou with a transportation network extending in all directions, which promotes the economy of Jiangzhou.

"Yes, Jiangzhou is really a good place. It's a city that you don't want to go when you come." Xia Muxi beside Zhao Chengfeng opens her arms and takes a deep breath of air. She has a rare smile on her face.

Xiamuxi is the first person to go to school in 100000 mountains. Both high school and university are in Jiangzhou city. For xiamuxi, Jiangzhou city is xiamuxi's second hometown, and Jiangzhou city also has xiamuxi's best friend.

"Stay if you don't want to go." Zhao Chengfeng said casually. After a pause, he said, "life is short. You can get what you like. Don't be so tired. "

Jiangzhou city is indeed a good city, but Zhao Chengfeng is rare. He has almost never been to Jiangzhou city and has no influence in Jiangzhou city. If he can, Zhao Chengfeng hopes Xia Muxi will also go to the capital or Beihai City for development, which is convenient to take care of. But if women don't want to, Zhao Chengfeng won't demand it.

"It's really good to stay, but Tianxing village is also my home. Don't I go back?" Xia Mu Xi shakes her head, and her eyebrows twinkle.

It's not that xiamuxi doesn't love his hometown, it's just that xiamuxi prefers the life in the city. But both grandma and father have passed away. Although rosefinch helps to take care of Tianxing village, Xia Muxi wants to make more contributions to Tianxing village so that she doesn't have any regrets.

"When you want to go back, don't you just go back?" Zhao Chengfeng said: "you can run on both sides. Today, I have classes in Jiangzhou city. In the evening, I go to Tianxing village. Now the traffic is very developed. "

After a pause, Zhao Chengfeng continued: "build a small airport in tianxingzhai tomorrow, buy two planes or something, and go wherever you want."

As long as women are happy, it doesn't matter how much money Zhao Chengfeng spends. And this is really Zhao Chengfeng's idea.

Tianxingzhai is in the middle of a hundred thousand mountains. If you want to open up a road, you'd better build a small airport. First of all, this highway is not low in counterfeiting; Secondly, how can a plane come from the road? Most importantly, once the road is opened up, the environment of Tianxing village and even the whole Shiwandashan Mountain will be damaged to a certain extent.

With the strength that we Chinese can eat, it is estimated that the lives of birds and beasts in the mountains will not be long.

The natural environment is precious. If you don't destroy it, don't destroy it as much as possible. It also leaves a pure land in the world.

"That's easy for you to say." Xia Mu Xi smiles bitterly and shakes her head. She reaches for a taxi and they go to school as soon as they arrive.

Xia Muxi's school is called "the first people's University of Jiangzhou city", of which "the first" explains the problem. This is the largest and best school in Jiangzhou city and even the whole Sichuan Province.

It can be seen from this that Xia Muxi's academic performance is very good.

"Muxi, what's your major?" Zhao Chengfeng got on the bus and asked.

"Dance major, what's the matter?" Xia Muxi is a little strange. Why does a man suddenly ask this question.

"I'll go. No wonder you have such a good figure."

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng a little bit surprised, really did not expect Xia Muxi actually is a professional dance, that figure so good can explain, dancing is a process of shaping the body, a course of improving temperament.

"There must be a lot of beauties in your class." Zhao Chengfeng suddenly thought of a thing, with a bad smile on his face.

"Of course..."

Xia Muxi was a little proud, but when she caught a glimpse of Zhao Chengfeng's smile, she pouted and muttered, "you, what bad idea do you want to make?"

"Nothing. Just ask." Zhao Chengfeng said with a dry smile: "well, it's too late today. When we arrive at school late, let's eat something casually, and then I'll accompany you to class tomorrow morning, OK?"

"Well, don't think I don't know what you're thinking. You're a bad man!" Summer wood Xi can know what virtue Zhao Chengfeng is, in the heart a little depressed. There are so many beautiful women around, isn't it enough?

Man, no good thing.

"Men are not bad, women don't love them." Zhao Chengfeng was not angry either. He lit a cigarette and sucked it happily. Through the window, he saw the first people's University of Jiangzhou from a distance. He was a little excited.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't go to university. He was still looking forward to the University. Although he had accompanied ye Zhuqing to class for two days, ye Zhuqing didn't like to see him. Because of Yuan Shanshan, he didn't stay in school for long. He was very sorry.

This time, we must stay in school for two days to accompany Xia Muxi.

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