Maybe Xia Muxi thinks that Zhao Chengfeng is lustful and wants to hook up with other beauties, but Zhao Chengfeng doesn't have that plan in mind. He just wants to spend more time with Xia Muxi. He just heard that the woman mentioned Tianxing village, which still has a lot of sadness.

If you think about it carefully, you can understand women.

Xia Muxi is now a little girl, a little girl who has just reached the age of 20. It's understandable that her family has suffered a lot and has no relatives.

If Zhao Chengfeng put people to sleep, sent them to school, turned around and left, what would that be? What's the difference with a heartbreaker?

"You, you don't want to go back. I'll go to the dormitory myself. Male students are not allowed to go to our dormitory." To xiamuxi dormitory downstairs, xiamuxi proposed, look a little embarrassed, but also some may not give up.

A man is very cheeky. If he goes upstairs with himself, won't he be laughed at? To be sure, it's no big deal to fall in love in the University. It's almost the standard match for male and female students. If you don't fall in love in the University, then the university has a meaning of Mao.

However, Xia Muxi is an exception.

The first people's University of Jiangzhou city has three school flowers. Xia Muxi ranks first. There is nothing to say about school flowers with school grass. However, Xia Muxi does not fall in love and has become a wonderful flower of the whole people's University of Jiangzhou city. No matter how many pursuers are lined up behind, Xia Muxi is still motionless, and the comers refuse one by one. There is no accident.

If Zhao Chengfeng wants to enter his dormitory, it won't take a day, and the whole campus will spread, which is absolutely the explosive news of the first people's University of Jiangzhou.

Xia Muxi doesn't want to be in the limelight, but if Zhao Chengfeng leaves, how lonely she is.

Zhao Chengfeng is the prince in Xia Muxi's heart. He is also Xia Muxi's man. He is Xia Muxi's only dependence and the only relative. He's leaving, so

"Male students are not allowed to go up in your dormitory, but I'm not a male student. I'm a man!" Zhao Chengfeng sophisticates.

"But we don't let the opposite sex go up in our dormitory. It's really no good." Xia Muxi is in a bit of a hurry.

At school, it is not uncommon for boys to rush into girls' dormitories. Many brave couples like to play exciting games and buy off other female compatriots in girls' dormitories, and then they are in the dormitories.

Now the communication equipment is extremely developed, and it's been broadcasted carelessly. Some time ago, two college students were broadcasted doing this kind of thing? Still want to read? Get the hell out of here!

For the sake of face, the school is very strict in this aspect. Not to mention being a classmate or a good friend, they can't go up. Even pretending to be a plumber or a delivery boy, they are not allowed to go up. For example, they can repair computers and take them outside.

"It doesn't matter. I'll tell you that I'm your relative. Doesn't she agree?" Zhao Chengfeng did not give up.

At the beginning, I just wanted to tease Xia Muxi, but I imagined the scene of lingerie floating in the dormitory in my mind, and I felt a little agitated. Will girls' dormitories be the same as boys' dormitories, and individual bold and unconstrained women will have direct results?

Tut Tut, when you think about it, Zhao Chengfeng is very excited.

"Are you my relative? You... "Xia Muxi has to admire Zhao Chengfeng. He's really good at talking nonsense.

"No matter, I'll go up anyway." Zhao Chengfeng said solemnly, "as your man, it is necessary for me to meet your roommates and invite them to dinner. If you need anything in the future, we can help you."

"You want to see my roommate?" Listen to this, summer wood Xi suddenly feel big head, also see his roommate? Isn't this to make the relationship between them public?

In fact, there is nothing wrong with making their relationship known to the world. They are his women. What can they hide? However, the relationship between Xia Muxi and her classmates in the dormitory is not particularly good.

Because Xia Muxi is so beautiful, the beautiful girls are sought after by the male compatriots, but the female compatriots don't like them. Because they have robbed their limelight, the most important thing is that Xia Muxi has a roommate named Hu Yingying, who is also a very beautiful woman and one of the top three students of Jiangzhou people's University. However, she ranks behind Xia Muxi, So I don't like Xia Muxi any more.

"Yes, as your man, can't you meet your roommate?" Zhao Chengfeng said, "besides, I've decided that I'll stay with you and be a companion boy so that you won't be bored."

"Are you reading with me?"

Summer wood Xi smell speech to eat a startle, the bottom of the heart surging up a touch of moving.

Company is the longest confession of love.

Xia Muxi is not that kind of material girl. She doesn't need sugar coated bullets to move her. The love she wants is very simple, just like Zhao Chengfeng. When she needs him most, he naturally appears. When she is sad, he appears. There is no need to say anything to comfort her. She just needs to lean on his shoulder and gently wipe a tear, which is enough.

This is the love that Xia Muxi wants, and Zhao Chengfeng is really like Xia Muxi's prince charming. He often appears when he needs it most. The moment he appears, he has completely moved Xia Muxi's heart.

And his company, let xiamuxi thoroughly fall into his gentle, moved almost to tears.

"But you don't have to do anything else?" Summer wood Xi asks a way.

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said, "things must be done, but the most important thing at present is to accompany you in class and school."

"Thank you."

Xia Muxi's eyes twinkled with tears of happiness, but she still said, "but you can't go up with me. Aunt SuGuan will drive you out. You just sit in the pavilion, and I'll go up and change my clothes and come down, OK?"

"No, I'm going up." Zhao Chengfeng is still stubborn.

"Why? You can't, I... "Xia Muxi was in a hurry.

"If I don't go up, it's OK, unless..."

Zhao Chengfeng's eyes turned, and a bad smile appeared on his face. The thief said with a smile, "unless you kiss me on the face, I will follow you."


Xia Muxi's face "Shua" is all red, kiss, or kiss in public, this, this come and go, how many people look at ah, how shy ah.

"You, aren't you a rascal?" Summer wood Xi pie pie pie mouth, white Zhao Chengfeng one eye, the skin is too thick.

"Yes, I'm just a rascal. What's the matter? Do you kiss me or not? " Zhao Chengfeng boldly admitted that his face was not red and his heart was not beating. "I played rogue with my wife. Can others manage it?"

"I, you..." Xia Muxi's face was even more red.

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