Women are born with the beauty of the country. Their cheeks are white as snow. A touch of red glow is reflected from the inside out. They are very attractive, just like ripe red tomatoes.

Beauty is beautiful in every way.

The more beautiful a woman is, the more Zhao Chengfeng wants to kiss her. Oh no, the more she wants to kiss herself. Only in this way can she feel conquered.

"Hurry up, if you don't kiss me, I will kiss you in a moment. My mouth is like the mouth of an octopus. I can't loosen it with a kiss." Zhao Chengfeng a bad smile, looking at the woman, the heart was happy to bloom.

A woman's shameful and angry look has its own meaning. If you want to get angry, you can't.

"You, you... Forget it, whatever you want!"

Xia Muxi gritted her teeth and stamped her feet. Anyway, he has already become his woman. What can a kiss be? Kissing boys in public may set off a storm in the school, but it's also good. No one will harass them again in the future.

Xia Muxi once saw a very wonderful and special way to pursue people. In the past, Xia Muxi was very popular. After all, people are sweet and kind.

However, once a boy pursued her to be close to a girl, and the girl agreed to start dating. Then the boy pretended to be very generous and wanted to invite the girl's friend to dinner.

In this way, held a relatively large party, but in the party, something went wrong, the boy carefully arranged a courtship scene, but the scene appeared the name of Xia Muxi. The boy also confessed that he was close to the girl just to get close to Xia Muxi.

Since then, Xia Muxi has carried a lot of names, saying that she humiliated her classmates and so on. Many young students in the class also began to stay away from Xia Muxi. Xia Muxi was helpless. Can you blame herself?

However, because Xia Muxi is so beautiful, the pursuers are still like moths to the fire. A group of pursuers fall down, a group of pursuers stand up again, disturbing Xia Muxi.

Now, as long as you kiss Zhao Chengfeng in public, all the problems will be solved.


Summer wood Xi lotus step light move, close to the moment of Zhao Chengfeng, slightly raised his head, red lips stick up.

It's warm, smooth and tender, just like the delicious food in the world.

"Damn it

"What do I see?"

"Oh, my God, what's the rhythm of the goddess xiamuxi kissing Diao Si, NIMA?"

"The world is crazy!"

The moment the red lips were printed, it became the focus, and countless people stopped to wait and discuss.

"That's all right." Xia Muxi enjoys kissing Zhao Chengfeng, but the eyes of the people nearby make Xia Muxi unbearable. She lets go of the man, with anger in her eyes.

However, Xia Mu Xi's anger is especially lovely in Zhao Chengfeng's eyes.

"Barely." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "if you can kiss for a long time, it would be better."


Summer wood Xi white one eye man, way: "OK, you wait for me downstairs, I go upstairs to change clothes, then we go to eat?"

"Well, I'll open the room after dinner!" Zhao Chengfeng nodded solemnly.

"Bah, boring!"

When the woman heard this, she blushed to the end of her ears, looked at the man white, and turned away. It seems to be angry, but in fact, it is more coquettish and ambiguous.

"Tut Tut, this small mouth is really good." Looking at the back of the woman leaving, Zhao Chengfeng smacks his mouth, turns and walks into the pavilion downstairs of the dormitory, lights up a cigarette and sucks it happily.

Especially feeling the envious eyes of passers-by, Zhao Chengfeng has a sense of achievement. Although he has never been to university, he still catches up with the beauties in your school?

"Excuse me, my friend. I want to sit here." However, when Zhao Chengfeng had just taken two puffs of a cigarette, three people came in from the other side of the pavilion. They stared at Zhao Chengfeng, especially the man in charge. Their eyes were full of angry sparks. They stared at Zhao Chengfeng as if they were going to eat Zhao Chengfeng's meat.

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng eyebrow a lift, very is displeased way: "side so wide position you can't sit down?"

"Son of a bitch, if you want to go away, you can go away. Where can you get so much nonsense? Do you believe me to deal with you?" Zhao Chengfeng voice down, another man opened his mouth, a look at the goods is off topic.

Zhao Chengfeng did not look at the latter, still sat down. Zhao Chengfeng is very clear in his heart that it's time to find fault. As for why he found fault with himself, Zhao Chengfeng knows very well.

Before that, I had never been to the first famous university in Jiangzhou city in the future, and I had never even been to Jiangzhou city. Naturally, I would not have feud with these people. The only possibility is Xia Muxi. Frankly speaking, they envy Xia Muxi for kissing themselves.

"Smelly boy, you didn't hear me talking to you, did you?" Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng ignored himself, the man became even more angry.

Zhao Chengfeng is still unmoved, still smoking slowly.

"I'm paralyzed. I'm pulling like a son of a bitch. I'll see how I deal with you today. I'll kill you and I'll..."


Just, that person fist just waved out, only feel in front of the shadow a flash, a cold wind blowing, face hot pain.

"You, you just started hitting me?" The man touched his red and swollen face and looked at Zhao Chengfeng, who was still motionless in front of him. He was stunned.

Did he do it?

"Young man, I'd like to ask you a question. I hope you can answer me truthfully." Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of smoke and said with a deep face.

The man touched his face and looked silly. He paused and said, "what's the problem?"

"How did you get into college with your kindergarten IQ? It won't come through the back door Zhao Chengfeng asked seriously.


The man's face turned a little more red at this.

"Isn't that right?"

Zhao Chengfeng asked: "I just sit here smoking, you just say I hit you, do you have evidence?"


"If you don't have any evidence, don't be like a woman. We're all standing and peeing. Don't talk nonsense, OK? Food can be eaten and words can't be spoken. Didn't your primary school teacher tell you? " Zhao Chengfeng interrupted.

"I..." the man immediately didn't know what to say. He was biting his teeth, but he didn't dare to talk nonsense any more.

Yang Zhi is not a fool. It must be Zhao Chengfeng who slapped him just now. However, he didn't see anything, which means that he is very powerful in front of him. I'm afraid he's not his opponent. I'm afraid he'll be beaten even worse.

This tone can only be swallowed temporarily.

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