"My friend, don't you understand what Sima shangyun said?" Yang Zhi retreats, and the first man stands out and looks at Zhao Chengfeng carefully, with constant doubts in his heart.

In front of this person is not tall and powerful, not to mention handsome, and handsome is not much. At most, it's not ugly, or it looks more masculine, and then it's a better figure, that's all.

How can such a man be favored by Xia Muxi? What qualification does he have to be with Xia Muxi?

This is the reason why Sima shangyun is most angry!

Before, Sima shangyun was practicing in the Taekwondo Hall. He heard his younger brother report that Xia Muxi had come back. When he heard this, Sima shangyun was very happy. Sima shangyun came in a hurry. He happened to see Xia Muxi kiss Zhao Chengfeng's face, which made him feel like he was beaten.

You know, Sima shangyun is one of the top ranking people in the first people's University of Jiangzhou. Since the first day of entering the University, he has been the most influential person in the school. Whether in study or other aspects, Sima shangyun is the existence of dragons and phoenixes among the people. The pursuers line up to express themselves. That scene is no different from the railway station during the Spring Festival transportation.

However, Sima shangyun only likes one person, that is Xia Muxi. In order to get Xia Muxi, Sima shangyun used many methods to pursue, but Xia Muxi was not moved.

Beauty doesn't buy it, doesn't give face, Sima shangyun is not angry, and doesn't feel ashamed. Isn't it often said in the song—— Love is a kind of high sugar. The less you get it, the more you think about it.

However, Sima shangyun never imagined that the goddess he couldn't get actually took the initiative to kiss another man, the ugly guy in front of him.

Why is he? What right does he have to fight with himself?

"You have a lot of face?" Zhao Chengfeng finally said something and glanced up at Sima shangyun.

Well, one meter eight, tall, strong and handsome, he is a rare handsome man, but he is not pleasant.

"Smelly boy, open your eyes wider and see clearly. Standing in front of you is Sima shangyun, the first handsome boy in our school. You talk well, I can tell you, I..." it's arrogant.

"He's really handsome, but you can't be a valet. You're not only ugly, but you don't speak very well. You'd better shut up." Zhao Chengfeng interrupted the latter, feeling disgusted.

It's a school. It's not a school that teaches others everything. There's no need to follow the class or do things like ponies. That's what gangsters do. Schools are for reading, not for showing off in groups. Besides, what's the use of showing off?

Do you have a dime to do with your handsome boss? No matter how rich your boss is and how capable he is, does it have anything to do with you? Bullshit!

Students should study hard and make progress every day. What are they doing with these useless things all day long? Are they learning from the old fool in the movie?

"Son of a bitch, who do you think is ugly? I have to kill you today. I'll... "


However, before the man could wave his fist, he flew away and landed heavily on the grass outside the pavilion. His face was as white as paper, and he hummed in pain.

This time, Yang Zhi saw clearly that it was Zhao Cheng's hand. No, this time it was his foot. He kicked Wang Meng out with a clean and neat foot. You know, Wang Meng weighs 160. You can imagine the strength of his foot.

"Wang Meng, are you ok?" Yang Zhi quickly ran over and helped up Wang Meng. He stared at Zhao Chengfeng in front of him in horror. He was very frightened.

This person's strength is too terrible, compared with Sima shangyun, I'm afraid it's not much worse. You know, Sima shangyun is now a black belt. Let alone the general Taekwondo students, even the Taekwondo teachers in the school are not sure that they can beat Sima shangyun.

"If you want to sit down, don't talk so much nonsense. With me, you don't have so much face. Don't show off in front of me." Zhao Chengfeng gives Sima shangyun a white look. He sits and smokes. He looks at Xia Muxi, who is walking slowly in the distance, and his anger goes down.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't like that the current students don't do their jobs. What else can they do except play handsome and pick up girls? Is that a bit of business? Boring, pediatrics. Zhao Chengfeng feels ashamed to fight with the three guys in front of him.

"You are arrogant, but you won't be arrogant for long." Sima shangyun's face was very blue, and he gritted his teeth with indignation.

In school, no one dare not to give himself face. Even in Jiangzhou City, Sima shangyun is a big man with a head and a face. The young master of Sima's family doesn't call for nothing.

"It's popular. Let's go." Xia Muxi comes over at this time, takes a look at Sima shangyun and others, and directly chooses to ignore them and gives Zhao Chengfeng a sweet smile.

Xia Muxi's smile is just like the spring breeze in the world. It exudes infinite charm and makes people feel comfortable. The depression in Zhao Chengfeng's heart was swept away.

"OK, let's go. I've already found the hotel." Zhao Chengfeng saw that Sima shangyun was pursuing Xia Muxi. He deliberately said this to annoy Sima shangyun. At the same time, he warned Sima shangyun that this is my woman. You can't think about it in your whole life!

This is Zhao Chengfeng's attitude - I don't want to touch Zhao Chengfeng's woman!

"You..." when Xia Muxi heard this, she was embarrassed and shy. This guy is too bad.


However, just as Zhao Chengfeng and Xia Muxi are about to leave, Sima shangyun stops them. Sima shangyun stares at Xia Muxi with fire in his eyes and points to Zhao Chengfeng: "Muxi, I have been pursuing you for more than two years. Shouldn't you give me an explanation today?"

"Explain? What explanation do you want? I and Muxi... "Zhao Chengfeng frowned and was very upset with Sima shangyun.

Screw you. I'm going to open a room with my own woman. I want to explain to you? Explain what? Explain what posture Lao Tzu used? Fuck you!

"Sima, he is my man. I don't like you. Are you satisfied with this explanation?" However, Xia Muxi stops Zhao Chengfeng and stares at Sima shangyun.

Although Xia Muxi is a girl, she is not as strong as Sima shangyungao, and her voice is not so strong, but her anger is not weak at all. She holds Zhao Chengfeng's hand and shows her attitude.


Sima shangyun's face became more and more ugly. He clenched his fist and shook his head. "No, I can't understand. Why don't you choose me? What's better about him than me?"

Sima shangyun is not reconciled. He lost to a loser. It's a shame!

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