A guy wearing cheap clothes and smoking cheap cigarettes actually robbed his goddess. Sima shangyun felt that this was not only a failure, but also a shame.

Xia Muxi would rather choose a loser than be with her. She is beating her face!

"Is he more handsome or richer than me, you say?" Sima shangyun's mood is like ten thousand grass mud horses galloping through his heart. He even wants to crush Zhao Chengfeng to death.

Son of a bitch, he beat his little brother and robbed the woman he ordered. Why the hell are you? loser!

"But in my heart, he is the best, I just like him, he is my man, so simple, there is no reason." Summer wood Xi Xiu eyebrow micro Cu, very don't like Sima shangyun way of speaking.

Do you want to choose a boyfriend, but also to see if the other party has money? It's not emotion, it's a trade, a disguised trade, which will make you look like a prostitute.

"Well, I wish you happiness!"

Sima on cloud hate hate of stare two people one eye, shake hands to leave.

"Chengfeng, let's go and have dinner." Xia Muxi ignored Sima shangyun and took Zhao Chengfeng's arm and went to the back of the school.

Zhao Chengfeng is also happy to be held by a woman, feeling the strange eyes of passers-by, Zhao Chengfeng has a sense of achievement. I'm a loser. How? Can't a loser fight back and marry Bai Fumei?

"I can't see that you are very popular in your school. How do I feel that if my eyes can kill people, I am already full of holes? " Zhao Chengfeng let the woman so arm in arm, while walking, while laughing.

That's what he said, but Zhao Chengfeng didn't pay attention to outsiders. It's not that he looks down on others, but that Zhao Chengfeng thinks it's no surprise to do what he likes and be with the people he likes.

Moreover, if you want to care about other people's eyes for a lifetime, how tired it is.

"This welcome is more of a torment." However, Xia Muxi shook her head and laughed bitterly.

"Don't be depressed. Let other women listen to you. You'll be showing off." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile.

"That's another kind of torture."

Referring to this, Xia Muxi didn't know how depressed she was. She seemed to think of something and said, "OK, don't talk about these troubles. I'll take you to dinner. I know a place that is not big, but it tastes good."

"Yes, go on."

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't talk nonsense either. He follows the women out of the back door of the school. Once out of the back door, there are vendors on both sides of the street, selling fruits or snacks. Some of them are vendors and some of them are students.

I have to admit that some of the students are still very bullish. For example, the students who sell fruits and snacks outside the door can earn more than 5000 yuan a month. Maybe in the eyes of many people, the money is insignificant, but for some poor children, it's a lot of income and a good experience.

Zhao Chengfeng has read a lot of news, saying that students sell socks for ten yuan, three pairs and four pairs. Every night he carries a sack and sells them one by one in his dorm. When he comes down one night, he has a net income of several hundred yuan. It's not a lot of income, but experience matters. Door to door sales actually need courage and eloquence.

In the long run, once these people enter the society, they will have more experience than ordinary students who only know how to sleep in class and play games after class.

In addition, there are some housemen and housewomen who play with their computers and mobile phones all day, but they really play to a new height. Zhao Chengfeng read a report some time ago, saying that a certain college student opened an online shop and sold clothes for four years. After four years, he failed in college, but he bought a two million yuan house in the city. Remember, it's full!

Education is not equal to ability, this is the most true portrayal.

"I'll go. The beauties are still sticking films. The students in your school are quite versatile." Zhao Chengfeng is a little surprised. There are many beauties everywhere.

Xia Mu Xi nodded and said, "yes, many students in our school are very good, especially those who major in finance. After class every day, they have an idea about how to make money. Isn't the back door of our school also called the commercial street? "

"This commercial street is specially divided. Not only the stalls outside, but also the small restaurants on this side are managed by some students themselves. There are also Internet cafes and so on. We students are very good."

"I'll go. Won't that affect their studies?" Zhao Chengfeng was a little strange and said, "think about it, restaurants can't do without people all day. Don't they have to have classes?"

"For students in the financial industry, they don't have to take classes. As long as you pass the exam, it's OK."

Xia Muxi explained: "this is also a major feature of our school. When students in the financial industry want to graduate, there is a very important assessment condition, that is, when you graduate and reply, you should show the money you have earned over the years to the tutors, including the account book and some entrepreneurial experience. The tutors will ask, and no fraud is allowed."

"The most important thing is that every student must earn two million yuan to graduate. No matter how good your academic performance is, even if you get full marks in every subject, if you don't earn enough money, you won't be able to graduate if you are short of a coin!"

"Damn it

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help scolding and said, "well, is this kind of assessment method too abnormal? Isn't that forcing people to go to Liangshan? "

"The school is to give students this kind of feeling, because the reality is very cruel. If you live too comfortably in the school, won't you die even worse if you enter the society in the future?" Xia Muxi explained: "even our dance major is like this. We have to participate in professional competitions every year, and we have to get the place. If we can't get the place, we can't graduate."

"..." Zhao Chengfeng stopped talking. It seems that it's not unreasonable for the first people's University of Jiangzhou to become one of the best universities in China. Under this kind of high pressure policy, it's hard to be excellent.

There are people whipping you every day. Do you dare to make progress?

This is a good thing, but at the same time, there are some disadvantages. For example, some students can't bear the pressure, so what? What if you jump off a building and die?

"Well, I'm worried about what I'll do if I can't graduate in the future." Summer wood Xi wry smile shakes head, the heart says at the beginning how chose dance major?

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