"What are the requirements of your major for graduation? Let's hear it. "

Zhao Chengfeng asked, thinking about how to help women.

"The requirement is very simple. If you can get the national ranking, you can graduate, and you can graduate ahead of time. If you can't get it, you can only dance in school all the time." Xia Muxi smiles bitterly and shakes her head.

"Your school is really abnormal." Zhao Chengfeng mouth a smoke, can't help but scold a.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't look down on Xia Muxi. He just thinks that the requirements of Jiangzhou Renmin University are too harsh. Some majors can be practiced, but some can't.

For example, some students majoring in aviation, do you have to break two airplanes and let them repair them? Are you sure you want them to fly the plane alone to see off the passengers?

"Forget it. Let's go. Let's have dinner. It's the one in front of us." Xia Mu Xi shakes her head and shakes off all the depression in her mind. She takes Zhao Chengfeng's arm and goes into a small restaurant called "delicious mouth" in front of her.

The hotel is small, but it's not so small. It's less than 30 square meters in total, but there are about ten tables in the room, which are not necessary. However, Zhao Chengfeng is not picky.

Zhao Chengfeng has never been a picky person. When he first returned to China, he went to Hongfu Hotel, where he lived for 20 yuan a night. He even slept in the battlefield or even in the pile of corpses.

As for the food, there is nothing to care about. When performing tasks, most of the time you eat compressed biscuits. If you eat one piece of that thing, and then stuffy a bottle of mineral water, you can clearly feel that your stomach is suddenly propped up.

It's good to have compressed biscuits. When he didn't eat them, Zhao Chengfeng even ate rat meat, which was still raw. When he took a bite, the blood came down from the corner of his mouth, just like a vampire.

"Muxi, you, you're back?" However, as soon as Zhao Chengfeng and Xia Muxi entered the door, a girl rushed over, hugged Xia Muxi, opened her mouth and kissed her, "Oh, I miss you so much. Bo... "

Say, that girl embraces the face of summer wood Xi, fiercely kiss a few.

This scene completely shocked Zhao Chengfeng. What kind of rhythm is this? Is this woman too bold and unconstrained? Or, did she give her woman to the unspoken rules? Damn it!

"Oh, liruo, don't do that." Xia Muxi is also very embarrassed and pushes Li Ruo away.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I haven't seen you for a long time. You won't let me have a look. Come on, I'll feel it and see if it's thin..." Li Ruo is going to touch Xia Muxi's waist.

Xia Muxi quickly dodged, hid behind Zhao Chengfeng, and screamed, "dead girl, you're going to die. Stop it, will you? We're here for dinner. "

"This is..." Li Ruo noticed that Zhao Chengfeng was confused.

With a faint smile, Zhao Chengfeng held out his hand to Li Ruo and introduced himself: "Hello, my name is Zhao Chengfeng. I'm Mu Xi's boyfriend. No, to be exact, it's her husband."

"Ah? You, you're her husband? " Li Ruo was surprised when he heard that it was a big news.

The first people's University of Jiangzhou has a husband. This

Li Ruo can't believe it, and he can't shake hands with Zhao Chengfeng. He looks at Xia Muxi behind him.

Xia Mu Xi's face was slightly red, and she nodded gently, saying: "Li Ruo, he's my husband, you didn't hear me wrong."


This time, Li Ruo was completely shocked, because Li Ruo knew very well that Xia Muxi never lied. If she said it from her mouth, it must not have run away. If you look at the woman's coquettish appearance, it must be true.

"Tut Tut, Mu Xi, ah Mu Xi, you are too reckless. How can you marry yourself? Isn't your husband particularly handsome?" Li ruozhi shakes his head, stares at Zhao Chengfeng and says, "Hey, what's the wind? Can you tell me how you got Muxi?"

"..." Zhao Chengfeng touched his nose and didn't know how to answer.

Zhao Chengfeng is an understanding person. Li Ruo is the kind of girl who has no words to hide. This kind of girl is very straightforward, but absolutely does not mean to hurt or humiliate others. Moreover, Zhao Chengfeng can see that Xia Muxi and Li Ruo have a good relationship, otherwise they would not play "kiss" as soon as they meet.

"Dead girl, what's nonsense? What does it mean to turn around?" Summer wood Xi white the latter one eye, way: "hurry to get us some food, we are starving to death."

"Damn, you've all thrown yourself into other people's arms and abandoned me. Do you want me to make food for you? Do you still have a conscience? " Li Ruo scolded, "are you so cruel to abandon me? Don't we agree that we will get married as soon as you and I graduate? I have seen the news some time ago. The news says, "the law will support us..."

"Bah, bah, what are you talking about? You're gay. " Xia Mu Xi was so angry that she twisted her hand around Li ruo's waist.

"Cluck, no, don't do it. Can't I cook for you?" Li Ruo giggled and went into the kitchen.

"You are a fierce classmate."

As soon as Li Ruo left, Zhao Chengfeng nodded heavily, lit up a world show, took a mouthful and wiped a cold sweat on his forehead. He had to admire the girls now. He was too brave. He really knew how to play.

Just now Zhao Chengfeng really thought that Xia Muxi had that tendency. He almost didn't give it a scare.

If Xia Muxi really has that problem, when they are in the same room in the future, will they abandon their crotch, then "click" a pair of scissors to cut it off, and then buy a pile of cucumbers to greet each other?

"Don't get me wrong."

Xia Muxi said: "if Li is my best friend at school, no, he should be my only friend. She has helped me a lot, including my tuition, which is sponsored by her, and I come out of the practice room every day to help. "

"Although we all have our own dormitories, we rent a house outside for convenience and live together all the time. As for the dormitory, they seldom go back. Some time ago, because I had to move, I moved my clothes to the dormitory. "

When it comes to this matter, Xia Muxi can't help feeling a little depressed. She just went back to her bedroom, but there were other people's suitcases on her bed, and the sheets were dirty. As for her washbasin, there were other people's socks in it. Isn't that humiliating?

Fortunately, I have a friend Li Ruo!

"I see. As long as you two don't really do that, I'll be happy." Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of smoke and gave a faint smile.

Zhao Chengfeng is not stupid. How can he not see it?

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