"No, there must be something."

Zhao Chengfeng is not an idiot. Seeing a woman's expression, he knows that things are not as simple as he imagined. As soon as he put the chopsticks away, he said with a straight face: "who bullied you? What's wrong with you? Why do they bully you? "

"Oh, it's really nothing. It's just a little bit of conflict with my classmates. Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, why do you mention the past?" Xia Mu Xi stares at Li Ruo and reproves the latter for being talkative.

Xia Muxi knows that Zhao Chengfeng has great ability, but she doesn't want to break the existing study life because of the emergence of Zhao Chengfeng. Bullying is bullying. As long as it's not too much, Xia Muxi thinks nothing has happened. During this period, Xia Muxi has experienced too much and understood a truth that as long as it's not about the dead, it's not a big deal.

There is a little bit of conflict between the students in the school. It's normal. To put it bluntly, it's a children's game. There's no need to take it seriously.

"Really nothing?" Zhao Chengfeng frowned, obviously did not believe Xia Muxi's words.

"No, hurry to have a meal. You'll have a rest early after dinner. You're a little tired all the way." Summer wood Xi busy way, say again gave Li if hit a wink, for fear of the woman say again what come.

Li ruo's mouth is open, and he wants to talk but stops.

Now Xia Muxi has a husband. She really shouldn't interfere too much in other people's affairs. However, what Li ruowiyi doesn't understand is how Xia Muxi suddenly got married. Frankly speaking, Zhao Chengfeng is not the kind of handsome and capable person. Although he handed himself a bank card before, Li Ruo decided that there was no money in it.

Li Ruo never dislikes the poor and loves the rich, but it can be seen that Zhao Chengfeng is not a high official. Just look at his dress. And the smoking is also very inferior. You know, many college students who smoke now don't smoke for a few yuan, most of which are more than ten yuan a pack. How much money can such a person have?

Of course, Li Ruo didn't mean to look down on Zhao Chengfeng. If Xia Muxi wanted to find a rich second generation, he was afraid that he would not eat in a small restaurant for a long time. As long as Xia Muxi was willing, a large number of people would spend a lot of money on her.

"Muxi, if you have anything, please tell me. Remember to tell me, because I'm your man!" Zhao Chengfeng looked at the two women's expressions, and knew that nothing could be asked.

However, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't worry about it. Even if he is not in Jiangzhou City, he can let people secretly protect Xia Muxi. Zhao Chengfeng absolutely doesn't allow his women to be bullied!

Absolutely not!

"Oh, you are so wordy. Won't I tell you? It's OK. Let's eat. It's cold. " Summer wood Xi urges a way, in the heart warm.

It's not a good thing to be bullied, but it's enough to have men's concern.

"Then eat." Zhao Chengfeng did not say anything, picked up the chopsticks again.

"Li Ruo, did you eat it? Let's eat together. "

Xia Muxi invites a way, in the past two female are eat together, eat at the same time chat, that kind of feeling is quite good. I can't help it. Because of Xia Muxi's extremely beautiful face, Xia Muxi has set up many enemies. In the end, Xia Muxi has no friends. Li Ruo is Xia Muxi's only friend in Renmin University of Jiangzhou city.

In fact, it's not hard to understand. Who do you choose between a bunch of roses and a horse tail grass? Who do you think is more charming? Anyone who walks with Xia Muxi will feel gloomy. In addition, Xia Muxi is not a rich second generation, so there is no money. Naturally, there are no friends on the Internet.

"I've just had it. You can eat it." Li Ruo stood up and said, "you eat first. I'll go to the back kitchen to clean up. There aren't many people eating now. I have to clean up."

"No, I'll clean up with you later." Summer wood Xi busy way.

Li Ruo and a chef are responsible for this small shop, and a freshman comes to help with the cashier. But now the cashier goes to class, and Xia Muxi and Li Ruo do the cleaning together.

"Come on, little girl, eat with your man. I won't disturb your world." Li Ruo joked and turned to walk into the kitchen.

However, just at this time, a young man, about twenty-four or twenty-five years old, came into the door. He was small, with earrings on his head, a big green dragon embroidered on his arm and half a cigarette in his mouth.

"What are you doing here? Get out of here

Li Ruo looked back and saw the comer. He drank violently and pulled his pretty face down. There was a trace of anger between his eyebrows.

"No, Li Ruo, let's have a good time. You are not such a heartless person. I'll sit down for a while. What's the matter? You just don't want to see me? " The man sat down with a thick face, smoking, just like a rascal.

"Chen Shaolong, you get out of here for me. If you don't, do you believe me to call the police?" Li Ruo was so angry that her body trembled.

"Get out of here?"

Chen Shaolong chuckled and licked his skin and said, "don't say, I want to roll with you. We've been well for several months, and we haven't rolled the sheets with you. Seriously, I really miss it."

"You, you are shameless!" Li ruo's face was full of shame and anger, but he didn't know what to do.

Li ruo's biggest failure in his life is to associate with a gangster for a period of time. This gangster is Chen Shaolong in front of him. In fact, at the beginning, Chen Shaolong was quite good to Li Ruo. He chatted with Li Ruo every day, went shopping, and prepared some small gifts and surprises for Li Ruo. Once upon a time, Li Ruo thought he had found true love, but in fact, where is true love? It's a trap at all!

Chen Shaolong doesn't do well on the road. He is also a lazy person. Even if he is a jerk, he can only give people shoes. He has no prospects. Later, because of gambling money, he owes a huge amount of usury. Chen Shaolong is forced to die. First, he takes Li Ruo's business money to repay his debts. Later, he wants to sell li Ruo to a brothel.

Li Ruo completely gave up his heart, but Chen Shaolong stuck it up like brown candy. He always asked Li Ruo for money, just like a local ruffian. He regarded Li Ruo as a cash cow.

"Muxi, do you know? There is a kind of animal in the world called mangy skin dog. You can't get rid of it. In the future, you should stay away from this kind of mangy skin dog, you know? If we really don't go, there is only one way At this time, Zhao Chengfeng spoke, but Zhao Chengfeng was speaking to Xia Muxi.

Xia Muxi's face changed slightly. She didn't know what to say for a moment.

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