It's not that Xia Muxi doesn't help, it's just that Xia Muxi is worried about Zhao Chengfeng.

Chen Shaolong is notorious. He is well-known in the back door street of the first people's University in Jiangzhou city. When the peddlers see him, they have to take the initiative to smoke. If not, they have to spend some money to get rid of him. If you don't give money and don't buy cigarettes, I'm sorry. This guy pretends to be a fool and acts recklessly. He can lift up the stall for you.

If the police call the police, they will at most criticize and educate them when they come. If not, they will take them back to the police station for two days. But Chen Shaolong bites to death. He has no money. What can you do with him? Two days later, he was released again. After he came out, he continued to commit crimes. No one could do anything to him. It's better to spend money to avoid disaster and do business well.

It's not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Chen Shaolong recognized a boss in Jiangzhou city and brought a group of people out to show off their power every three or five times. What can't he do?

Zhao Chengfeng is really powerful, but after all, two fists are hard to beat four hands. What if a man is injured?

"The best way is to kill the dog with a stick, understand?" Zhao Chengfeng then said, without looking at Chen Shaolong next to him.

Thugs? dog shit!

The gangsters are more hateful than the unscrupulous urban management on the street. They only fight against the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled. They are too tasteless. You really have the ability to take back the island in the sea with a knife? What's the point of shouting around here? Is it a man?

"Smelly boy, who the hell do you call a mangy dog?" When Chen Shaolong heard that Yan's face had changed greatly, he clapped the table and stood up. He angrily denounced Zhao Chengfeng.

Chen Shaolong is not an idiot, how can you not hear Zhao Chengfeng scolding the mulberry tree? Paralyzed, Laozi's business, when is it the turn of a smelly migrant worker?

"Do you have any idea who will scold me for being a mangy dog?" Zhao Chengfeng still did not go to see Chen Shaolong. In Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, Chen Shaolong is not even stinky dog shit.

For such rubbish, Zhao Chengfeng naturally does not like it.

"Son of a bitch, dare to scold your dragon master. I won't kill you today!" Hearing this, Chen Shaolong is furious. He grabs the bench and smashes it at Zhao Chengfeng.

Chen Shaolong is a tough guy, otherwise he can't stand on this street.

"Oh, be careful!"

Li ruo's face was pale with fright, and Xia Muxi's face changed.



Said late, then fast, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly looked back, raised a foot, after the first to kick in Chen Shaolong's belly.


Chen Shaolong only felt a strong force coming from his belly. He was out of control. Like a broken kite, he flew out of the restaurant and fell to the ground heavily.


As soon as Chen Shaolong's throat was sweet, he opened his mouth with a mouthful of blood. His face turned white. He was as pale as paper. He was very ugly.


At the moment when Chen Shaolong landed, the students who came and went outside were stunned. No one thought that Chen Shaolong was beaten. This foot was too violent.

"You, you..." Li Ruo was also silly. I didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng was silent, just like an honest man. This move, oh no, was a kick. Once it was a kick, Chen Shaolong let you fly out. It was a fight with the peerless experts in the movie.

Real people don't show you.

At this moment, Li Ruo seems to understand something, why Xia Muxi is with Zhao Chengfeng. I feel safe with such a man.

But is Chen Shaolong an ordinary person? He is not alone, but a group of people!

"Muxi, do you see that? It's just to deal with the mangy dog like this. Don't talk nonsense. If you kill him, you won't bite others, and you won't worry." However, like nobody else, Zhao Chengfeng is still sitting in the same place. He should eat and drink, and educate Xia Muxi in an instant.

Xia Muxi is good at everything, but people are too kind and easy to talk.

Of course, kindness is not a bad thing, but sometimes being too kind to the enemy means being cruel to yourself. It's better to start first than to get hurt!

"Smelly boy, you are cruel. If you have seed, wait for me and see how I will deal with you." At this time, Chen Shaolong stood up with great pain, pointed at Zhao Chengfeng from a distance and gave up his cruel words.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't look at the latter, but said faintly: "go and call people. I'll wait for you as many as I call."

"Well, how long can you be arrogant, huh!"

Chen Shaolong snorted heavily and fled from the scene in confusion. Today, Chen Shaolong really feels like a dog. He is paralyzed. In this street, he is not the only one who bullies people? I didn't expect to be beaten by others today. It's too bad.

If we don't find the venue today, how can we get along in the future?

"Idiot." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and continued to eat with his head down.

Xia Muxi looks nervous. She looks at Zhao Chengfeng and Li Ruo. She wants to stop talking. Xia Muxi wants to let Zhao Chengfeng go quickly, but she is afraid to hurt li ruo's heart. She can't get into trouble with her own man, so she has to let Li Ruo bear the consequences, right?

Li Ruo has already helped himself too much. Naturally, a good sister has to help. But, if Zhao Chengfeng cannot fight, what should he do if he is injured? For a moment, Xia Muxi was in a dilemma. Neither going nor staying.

"What else do you eat? Don't eat, just go. It's too late if you don't go. " Li Ruo ran over and grabbed Zhao Chengfeng's chopsticks. He said anxiously, "take Muxi with you. Chen Shaolong will never give up."

"Go? Why am I leaving? " Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"Are you really stupid or fake?"

Li ruobai glanced at Zhao Chengfeng and said solemnly, "Chen Shaolong is a member of Qinglong club. Do you know that? The biggest gangster in Jiangzhou City, there is nothing they dare not do in Jiangzhou city. Let's go. It's too late if we don't go. He will never let you go. "

"Then I can't go." Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head, way: "he won't let me, I also won't let him."

In fact, Zhao Chengfeng is very happy for Xia Muxi because she has a real friend, one who would rather face danger than involve friends.

Nowadays, there are few such true friends.

"Is there something wrong with your brain? Go on, go on. " Li Ruo is really anxious, "do you want Muxi to be widowed? Let's go. Let's go. I don't welcome you here. "

"You're a bad boss."

Zhao Chengfeng sat still and said with a faint smile: "I haven't finished my meal. Why should I go? Or are you worried that I can't afford it? "

"You..." Li ruo's words were not clear.

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