"Li Ruo, we are good sisters. We share happiness and difficulties together. One more person and one more strength." Xia Mu Xi opened her mouth at this time, took Li ruo's hand and said, "even if we want to go, we have to go together."

This last sentence is what Xia Muxi wants to say most.

Xia Muxi doesn't want to see her man fight with others, and doesn't want to see her good sister bullied, so the best way is to close the door and leave!

Because the influence of Qinglong society in Jiangzhou city is too big and strong. It is said that once Qinglong club wanted to build a nightclub house, only the land was bought with money. As for building and decorating houses, it didn't cost a cent.

Come to a builder. When it's finished, get out of here. If you ask him for money, start fighting. Just keep fighting. The nightclub is built. It is said that even the girls in the nightclub are prostitutes, and many of them are college students. They have made a "campus loan" to force college students to take pictures of the fruits. Once they fail to pay off the loan, I'm sorry, your fruits will spread wildly in your school or even in your hometown; In the end, if you really don't have any money, you should be the stage lady.

Xia Muxi also knows that Zhao Chengfeng can fight, but his fists are hard to beat. He can fight one, two, one hundred, two hundred?

"No, I can't go!"

Li Ruo shook his head and obstinately said, "this shop has my hard work. I can't just leave. I can't leave."

"But..." summer wood Xi a listen to this words, more anxious a few minutes.

This shop is really small, and it can't make much money at present. However, if Li studies economics, this shop can accumulate some wealth and experience for her. In the future, her graduation thesis also needs some videos and photos of running the shop. Otherwise, Li Ruo would not be able to graduate.

But if you don't go, what will Chen Shaolong do when he brings people here?

"Muxi, don't say anything. Take your husband and leave. Thank you for helping me just now, but now I'm going to face all this by myself. Please leave now." Li ruolian said, "although they are powerful, I'm not stupid. I can ask the school security to help me and call the police station. Leave me alone and go."

However, Zhao Chengfeng is still sitting in the same place, with no fear on his face. Instead, he smiles.

"What are you laughing at?" Li Ruo doesn't understand. It's all burning. This guy can still laugh. Is he crazy?

"I laugh at you. I can't lie."

Zhao Chengfeng light way: "if your school security useful words, he will come here to make trouble?"

"Well... But I can call the police."

"Don't mention it."

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said: "the police really serve the people. I also believe that most of the police have conscience, but the rampant underworld in Jiangzhou city is enough to prove that the police station in Jiangzhou city has no personnel. Do you think they will help you? "

"..." Li Ruo did not speak at all.

In fact, this truth is not complicated at all. If the power of justice is strong enough, the dark forces will not breed; On the other hand, the arrogance of the dark forces shows that the power of justice has been weakened and suppressed.

It's not that the police are incompetent, but that there are some moths in the police force. Even, it can not be ruled out that they have become the umbrella of the dark forces.

"Forget it, no matter how much, in a word, you hurry to go, if you don't go, it's too late..." Li Ruo gritted her teeth and insisted on leaving.

Li Ruo also knows that Chen Shaolong can't do anything about himself. The final result is to lose money at most. It doesn't matter to spend some money, as long as people are OK.

Money is a son of a bitch. If you don't have it, you can earn it.

"Hehe, maybe we can't even go now." Zhao Chengfeng interrupts Li Ruo and looks at a golden cup car that appears at the corner of the street. The golden cup car drives quickly.

Impartial, just stopped at the door of Li ruo's small restaurant, "click", the door opened, more than a dozen vicious gangsters came out, one by one with steel machetes in their hands, the leader was Chen Shaolong who just got a foot?

With his brothers supporting him, Chen Shaolong became arrogant again. He pointed to Zhao Cheng with a watermelon machete and said, "smelly boy, it's time to kick your dragon master. Today I'm going to chop you into meat mud! If you are wise, kneel down to me quickly! "

"It's over!"

Li ruo's face turned white when he saw the battle.

"Chengfeng, you..." Xia Muxi catches Zhao Chengfeng, and his face is full of worry.

Zhao Chengfeng turned back and gave them a faint smile. He said, "you can sit here and watch the play. Don't worry. I have everything." After patting the woman's hand, Zhao Chengfeng strides out of the small restaurant.

At this time, there are basically not many people on the street outside. Even some people are still standing at a distance and dare not step forward. Don't be fooled by this kind of thing. This is a group of vicious gangsters.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to come back." Zhao Chengfeng lit up a cigarette, smoked happily, and stood at the door. Although he was only one person, Zhao Chengfeng was full of momentum.

I've seen thousands of soldiers. What are these little rubbish? If you have two knives, what do you need guns for? What else do you need an aircraft carrier for?

After all, this is a bunch of bullying bastards!


Chen Shaolong scolded, "son of a bitch, I'm not willing to kill you. Come on, do you want to die? "

"Nonsense, life is so beautiful, why do I want to die? Of course, I want to live well. " Zhao Chengfeng Baji cigarettes, said: "good death is better to live."

"Well, if you really want to live, now kneel down and kowtow to me, and then send two women out to our brother to have a good time. Maybe it's over, and I can let you go, OK?" Chen Shaolong put forward his own conditions, and his heart also said that in such a big battle, let alone ordinary small garbage, even if the assistant police on the street saw it, they had to give up.

Therefore, Chen Shaolong thinks of other advantages. It's nothing for him to beat this poor guy, but his woman is more attractive. And Li Ruo, the smelly girl, has been talking for several months. Let alone go to bed, he hasn't even kissed her. Chen Shaolong is not reconciled.

Most importantly, if you get Li Ruo, you will get her money?

"What did you say? I didn't get it As soon as Zhao Chengfeng raised his eyebrows, he still had a smile on his face, but the smile was a bit gloomy and cold.

How can one's own woman be desecrated?

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