"I said, let your woman sleep with me, and then this thing will..." Chen Shaolong's face is arrogant, showing a grimace, this humiliating feeling, really cool!

It's just


Zhao Chengfeng really like the wind, raised his hand to grab the mop at the door, quickly rushed past, impartial, just hit Chen Shaolong, poor Chen Shaolong caught off guard, a word has not finished, once again was thrown to the ground!

"Damn, brothers, let's go and chop this son of a bitch!"

With a wave of his hand, more than a dozen people rushed up, with great momentum

"Bang bang!"

However, a group of people rushed up quickly and returned faster. Before they rushed in front of Zhao Chengfeng, they came back and fell to the ground one by one, humming.

"I'll fight with you..."

At this time, Li Ruo and Xia Muxi rush out of the kitchen. Li Ruo holds a kitchen knife while Xia Muxi holds a shovel and spoon to help Zhao Chengfeng. They just rush out and they are silly.

Chen Shaolong and a group of people all lay on the ground, steel sticks and machetes fell to the ground, one by one with bruised faces.

"I'll go. You're powerful." Zhao Chengfeng looks back at the two women and is shocked. The two women are really brave. In the face of such a dangerous situation, they not only don't panic, they don't run away, but rush out. Ordinary people don't have this kind of spirit.

This scene made Zhao Chengfeng feel funny and moved at the same time.

"This, this is over?" Li Ruo looks at Zhao Chengfeng in surprise, and then looks at a group of thugs on the ground, completely confused.

Summer wood Xi also took a surprise, only knew that the man is very fierce, did not think that the man unexpectedly so ferocious. Yes, if it wasn't for men, wouldn't Tianxing stronghold have been destroyed long ago?

Now want to come, oneself worry of seem a little superfluous.

"How complicated do you think it is?" Zhao Chengfeng shrugged, a face of disapproval.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't really care about picking up a few small rubbish. Now he worries more about the future. I'm afraid I can't leave Jiangzhou City safely.

What's more, I don't know who Xia Muxi was bullied by at school and what his background is. Zhao Chengfeng has to consider these problems.

"I'll go. It's amazing. What kind of wind do you do?" Li Ruo asks curiously, in the heart suddenly had extremely strong interest to Zhao Chengfeng.

"Guess what."

Zhao Chengfeng smiles and makes a riddle.

Li Ruo stopped his speech and immediately said, "if you like to say it, don't say it." Then Li Ruo took Xia Muxi and said, "Muxi, what's your husband doing? It's too violent. How can he bully you in the future? "

Xia Muxi blushed, "no, he won't bully me."

"I'll go and help you so much. You can't thank me. You can't speak ill of me, can you?" Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng old face a black, really convinced Li if.

The girl is so clever that she can't pry her mouth open and go to find Xia Muxi.

"Yes, thank you. I'll treat you to dinner." Li Ruo is not a stingy person. What's more, Zhao Chengfeng has really helped him a lot today. This feeling must be accepted.

"Well, you and Muxi stir fry two small dishes for me. I'll go out and come back in a moment." With that, Zhao Chengfeng picked up Chen Shaolong and stuffed him into the car.

"Well, what are you doing?" The second daughter was puzzled.

"Don't ask about men. Cook for me. I'll be back in half an hour."

Zhao Chengfeng didn't make it clear that he started the car and quickly left the scene.

"Big brother, what do you want to do?" Chen Shaolong sits on the co driver's seat, shivering all the time. He doesn't even look at Zhao Chengfeng's face. This guy is a devil at all.

It's not that Chen Shaolong has never seen a fierce man, but it's the first time that Zhao Chengfeng has seen such a fierce man. It took less than a minute for twelve people to fall to the ground. You know, his brothers can carry weapons in their hands.

"I want to kill you. You are the bane of the city." Zhao Chengfeng didn't cover up his killing spirit. For these social scum, Zhao Chengfeng wanted to kill them long ago!

It's not impossible to mix with the underworld, but you're a little bit of a character, aren't you? If you really have the ability, go to other countries and bully foreigners. What kind of hero are you?

What's more, this is a university. These gangsters have been making trouble all the time. Who dares to study in the future? It's not good to think that reading is not as good as practising society. It sets a bad example for students.

"No, brother, no, I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I'll never provoke you again. Is that ok?" When Chen Shaolong thought of Zhao Chengfeng's strength, he immediately begged for mercy.

"Wrong? Ha ha. "

Zhao Chengfeng noncommittal smile, and said: "say, where is your boss, take me to see your boss, I find him something."

"You want our boss?" As soon as Chen Shaolong heard this, he began to wander in his mind.

Good guy, heaven has a way, you don't go, hell has no way, you break in. I have nothing to do with you, but my boss is much more powerful. He is the most powerful man in Jiangzhou city - Jiang Biao!

In Jiangzhou, you may not know who the mayor of Jiangzhou is, but you must know who Jiang Biao is. He is the boss of the Qinglong club and also the boss of the Qinglong group. He takes both black and white. No one in Jiangzhou city does not give him face.

Because people who don't give him face usually die. He killed not only ordinary people, but also some officials.

"Yes, talk to your boss." Zhao Chengfeng nodded and glanced back at Chen Shaolong. He put Chen Shaolong's expression in his eyes. His heart was like a mirror.

Zhao Chengfeng is very clear about Chen Shaolong's plan, but he doesn't care. Not to mention the domestic underworld, the Mafia of Great Britain Zhao Chengfeng has never been afraid.

"Oh, this road goes straight to the center of the first ring road. It's right to see Qinglong nightclub. Our boss is in Qinglong nightclub. I'll take you up later." Chen Shaolong was clever and honest, just like his grandson, but he thought maliciously: "son of a bitch, I'll make you arrogant. I'll see my eldest brother later. I'll see how he plays you to death!"

"Well, you drive!"

Zhao Chengfeng simply stops the car, sits on the co driver, half squints his eyes and pretends to sleep. At this time, Chen Shaolong takes out his mobile phone and sends a text message quietly, with a smirk at the corner of his mouth.

"Son of a bitch, just wait to die, hum..."

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