"Muxi, what kind of wind do you, your husband do? Why is it so powerful? "

In the back kitchen of a small restaurant, Li Ruo and Xia Muxi are sitting and chatting.


Xia Muxi looked up at Li Ruo and said patiently, "my husband's name is Zhao Chengfeng. You remember, don't worry about it. It's hard to hear. Can you remember something in your head and make money, right?"

"Hee hee."

Li Ruo vomited his tongue and said with a smile, "don't I pretend you are all in my head? So I can't remember anyone else, but you just abandoned me. I'm not reconciled. "

"Dead girl, are you sick?" After hearing this, Xia Muxi has goose bumps all over her body. People who don't know think that she has a problem with her sexual orientation. The conscience of heaven and earth, and her life with Zhao Chengfeng are very harmonious, OK?

"Good, good, no more noise."

Li Ruo then asked, "tell me about your husband. Why do I think he is not an ordinary person? What's the matter? How can he deal with so many faces? He's really a martial arts expert, isn't he

"I don't know if he is a martial arts expert, but he is really good!"

Xia Muxi put down the dish, looked outside the door, lowered her voice and said, "my husband is not an ordinary man, but I don't know exactly what he is doing. Anyway, he doesn't have to go to jail for killing people."

"Ah, so good? He, he killed people? " On hearing this, Li Ruo was even more shocked, and his curiosity was even heavier.

"Keep your voice down."

Xia Muxi gave the latter a white look and said in a low voice: "in fact, some time ago, something happened to my family. When I came home, I was hijacked by bandits, and then he wanted to rape me. He just showed up like nothing and saved me. In addition, before that, I met a hooligan in Kangba scenic area. I told you that he also saved me at that time. "

"As you know, the people in Kangba scenic area are fierce. They fight against each other when they don't agree with each other. But he beat them up. Instead, he robbed them of their money and gave me tens of thousands of yuan."

Li ruo's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he felt like he was on martial arts TV.

"Later, my family was in chaos. My grandmother died, and my father was killed. Seeing that our whole Tianxing stronghold was about to be destroyed, it was him who did it. At that time, he was seriously injured and even on the verge of death, but he was like a murderer, killing all sides, saving me and the whole Tianxing stronghold."

As if thinking of that scene again, Xia Muxi still has a lingering fear. She sighed: "in fact, at that time, I thought Chengfeng was terrible. He was just like the blood man and the devil, which made me feel palpitation."

"And then, and then you're together? And you've made a promise? " Li Ruo then asked.

"Oh, why do you ask so many questions?" Summer wood Xi smell speech blush, always can't say is oneself take the initiative to Zhao Chengfeng to sleep, that became what? People who don't know think they are the kind of dissolute women.

"I've got to make it clear!"

Li Ruo said solemnly, "I'm your good sister and best friend. Now that you're married, I don't even know who your husband is or what he does. What a failure."

"However, I don't know what he does. I only know that he is very good at fighting and is very kind to me. He seems to have a lot of money..." Xia Muxi said weakly. He also felt that he was a failure when he was his wife.

I don't even know what my husband does, and then they go to bed, isn't it too much?

"Special money?" Hearing this, Li Ruo laughed awkwardly, "why can't I see it? It's not that I look down on him. He may not be able to give you a good material life, but he is a man

"You can't understand him, I can't understand him, and I can't understand why he always dresses casually, but he's really rich." "How much do you think a helicopter costs?" said Xia Muxi

"It should be millions." Li Ruo thought about it.

"It's the kind of military helicopter. He made a phone call, and then a lot of planes came and sent a lot of materials to our Tianxing village." Xia Muxi then said, "I told you about Tianxing village before. In order to teach the children to go to school, the mobile phones, tablets and computers he delivered were all Apple brands, and there were hundreds of them."

"Damn it

Li Ruo a listen to this, eyes son stare big boss, some excited way: "so say, you dig a diamond Wang Laowu?"

"Why don't you be so realistic?" Xia Muxi is a little embarrassed. The reason why she follows Zhao Chengfeng is not because of his money or his background.

In fact, Xia Muxi never took the initiative to ask Zhao Chengfeng about his career and family. The only thing she knew was that he had many women, and each one was more beautiful.

Thinking of this, Xia Mu Xi's look was a little dim.

"Oh, where did you come from? Let's have a look... "However, before the two women finished speaking, a woman's voice came out of the door.

Xia Muxi and Li Ruo looked up, and their faces became ugly.

Li Ruo said with a straight face: "Ouyang Mengmeng, what are you doing here? My hotel is closed now. "

"Can't I come to see my classmate and roommate?" Ouyang looks at Li Ruo, and his eyes fall on Xia Muxi again. He says with a smile, "Muxi, long time no see. Why aren't you more beautiful than before? What's the matter? Haven't you had a good time recently? "

Xia Muxi took a deep breath and said, "I'm fine now. You don't need to take care of me, and you don't need to take care of me."

"That's no good. We're all in the same bedroom. Can we?" Ouyang Mengmeng said with a smile: "by the way, I heard that you have found a boyfriend. What's the matter? Take it out and let me have a look. What does the fifth king of diamonds look like?"

Xia Muxi stares at the woman in front of her and can't help pinching her fist. It's not that Xia Muxi doesn't have much restraint, but Ouyang Mengmeng in front of her is bullying others.

Ouyang Mengmeng is one of the top three students of the first people's University in Jiangzhou City, ranking behind Xia Muxi and Hu Yingying, but Ouyang Mengmeng is the richest of the three. Even in the whole city of Jiangzhou, Ouyang Mengmeng is a well-known little rich woman. On weekdays, there are many attendants around him. It is said that when he came to sign up the first day, he followed more than ten nannies.

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