
The door suddenly opened.

"Chen Shaolong, you want to die, don't you?" Jiang Biao a burst drink, quickly pushed aside the side of the coquettish woman, finishing clothes. Fortunately, I haven't taken off my underpants, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

It's no surprise. How many people on the road are not interested in women? Jiang Biao is no exception. Now he wants money and status. It's more interesting to play with women. I didn't expect that as soon as I was ready to vent my anger today, Chen Shaolong broke in. It's too shameful to disturb his interest!

"Brother Biao, it's not good, it's not good, it's not good..." Chen Shaolong doesn't care whether Jiang Biao is angry or not. It's important to protect his life.

"You make it clear to me, what is bad? Is Lao Tzu not well now? " Jiang Biao's eyes glared, a little more angry.

Paralyzed, curse Laozi, right? I don't know how happy I am now. How can I be bad?

"Brother Biao, someone broke in. He's a master..." Chen Shaolong said.

However, before Chen Shaolong finished his sentence, there was a cold wind behind him. It was just that Chen Shaolong had no time to escape, so he flew out again.

"Bang Dang!"

More than 100 Jin of the body knocked down the fish tank, the pain is endless, did not get up from the ground for a long time.


The coquettish girl next to Jiang Biao exclaimed with fright.

"Are you Chen Shaolong's master?" Jiang Biao stood up with an iron face and stared at the man, but his mind was full of doubts. He had no entanglement with the man in front of him, and he had never even seen him before. Why did he find Qinglong?

It's really a bit of skill to be able to kick Chen Shaolong and rush from the first floor to the fifth floor. Maybe his bodyguards are not particularly powerful experts, but when such a big thing happened, no one told him in advance, it was enough to prove the strength of the man in front of him.

Therefore, Jiang Biao's brow tightened two points again and looked at Zhao Chengfeng.

It's about 1.78 meters, not strong, but it's small and energetic. Although the skin is dark, it's like a knife cut face with sharp edges, which is quite masculine.

This is an ordinary young man, but his eyes are full of the smell of poisonous snake, which makes Jiang Biao smell a dangerous smell. This feeling has not existed for many years.


At this time, Zhao Chengfeng lit a cigarette, smoked happily, nodded and said: "I'm not sure if I'm a master. However, your little brother Chen Shaolong is really good at cooking and doesn't mix very well."

Jiang Biao's face is ugly again. Saying that his younger brother is not promising and capable is equivalent to scolding his elder brother for being incapable? Looking at Zhao Chengfeng's cigarette, Jiang Biao wants to curse his mother.

Paralyzed, you have the ability to fight, but why do you smoke such inferior cigarettes? Can't you have a better one?

"Come on, what do you want? It seems that I have nothing to do with you. If you come to Qinglong club, don't you think it's easy to bully me? " Jiang biaosheng put down his anger and didn't worry about it.

Jiang Biao's Qinglong association has been able to stand in an invincible position in Jiangzhou city for so many years, not only because Jiang Biao can fight, but also because Jiang Biao is clever and never makes a bad deal.

Take Zhao Chengfeng for example. Although there is only one person in front of him, for the sake of caution, Jiang Biao still decides to find out the details of the other party first, and then it's not too late to start.

If you know yourself and your enemy, you will win a hundred battles!

"Not before, but now." Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of his cigarette and said, "your men are not very obedient. They have offended my friends. I have no choice but to deal with him, but he seems unconvinced. Then I have to come to you."

"To me?"

The corner of Jiang Biao's mouth can't help twitching twice, sneer: "do you want to clean up with me?"

"The answer is correct, but unfortunately, there is no reward." Zhao Chengfeng shrugged, grinned and showed his white teeth. The smile looked innocent and lovely.

"Asshole, you really think I'm going to bully Qinglong, don't you?" No matter how good Jiang Biao's temper is, he can't help getting angry at this moment.

In the whole city of Jiangzhou, no one dares to pinch qinglonghui as a soft persimmon, but this guy has no intention to buy his own account. It's too arrogant!

"I don't know if you are easy to bully, but I can tell you that my friends can never be bullied." Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of smoke and said slowly. His voice was not loud, but firm and fierce.

Zhao Chengfeng is also a wonderful guy. Many times he is humiliated or scolded, but he doesn't care too much. But if someone bullies his own woman, bullies his brother and humiliates his family, I'm sorry. Brother Feng doesn't do it easily, and it will make you miserable! It's even out!

"Well, no one dares to challenge my Qinglong club for many years, boy. It seems that I won't give you any color today. You don't know how powerful my Qinglong club is." Instead of anger, Jiang Biao laughed, and tiger eyes showed a trace of killing.

"Brother Biao, this son of a bitch is cruel. All the brothers outside have been put down. Be careful." Chen Shaolong reminds a, at this moment all over ache, looking at Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, flashing a trace of fear.

His grandmother's, also don't know where this guy hit to rush out of, how so fierce?

"Behind the horse!"

When Jiang Biao heard this, he couldn't help but scold. He was depressed and paralyzed. He didn't know how to inform him before he came. I'd better make preparations in advance.

Just, Jiang Biao is not clear, Chen Shaolong sent him a text message, but Jiang Biao in order to play with women, did not pay attention to check it.

"I, Jiang Biao, never fight against nobody. Come on, boy. After you die, maybe I'll set up a monument for you. You..." turning around, Jiang Biao looks at Zhao Chengfeng again.

Jiang Biao hasn't been in a hurry to start, because he was worried. This guy rushed in. God knows how powerful he is. What a shame if he beats himself?

It's also a routine in the world to put down two cruel words before starting. What if the other party is scared and immediately bows down and admits defeat?

"That's a lot of shit!"

Zhao Chengfeng didn't have a good way: "I'm almost finished smoking a cigarette. Are you going to fight or not? If you don't fight, I'll do it. Damn, I'm also the boss of the Qinglong club. She's like a girl. Is she strong? "

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