"You... You die!"

At that time, Jiang Biao suddenly pulled out a pistol from the tea table and shot Zhao Chengfeng.


At the moment of the gunshot, a smile appeared on Jiang Biao's face. Hum, no matter how skillful he is, he is afraid of kitchen knives, let alone hot weapons. A bullet will turn over a, clean, and effortless, easy to do not want.

It's true that guns are forbidden in China. Most of the guns are kept in prison. But Jiang Biao is different. He's on the road all the year round. How can he do without leaving a way for himself? With guns, it's much easier to solve some things.

It's just

Zhao Chengfeng didn't dodge in front of him, and even Jiang Biao didn't expect the scene of brain splashing and blood bursting. He still stood in front of him, raised his hand, and looked carefully, his two fingers actually caught the bullet!


The cold sweat on Jiang Biao's forehead suddenly came up, and the gun also fell on the ground. He was so frightened that his pupils dilated sharply as if he had met something extremely terrible.

It's really scary!

Jiang Biao has been wandering in the world for many years. What kind of Cowman has he never seen? There are many people who beat yaks and tigers and lions to death with one blow. They are famous ox people. But I've never seen anyone who can hold a bullet with two fingers. That's only in the movie. It's not true.

However, Jiang Biao saw it.

"Is this, this, this a ghost?" Chen Shaolong was also silly. He felt a heat in the middle of his crotch, and immediately he was sweating. He stared at Zhao Chengfeng as if he had seen a monster.

I didn't expect to kill Chen Shaolong. Zhao Chengfeng is not so fierce. He can even hold a bullet. If he wants to kill himself, it's just a matter of poking his finger?

As for the coquettish girl next to Jiang Biao, she was directly frightened and opened her mouth, but could not say anything.

"Oh, yes, and the pistol. It's a good job." Zhao Chengfeng looked at the bullet and threw it on the ground, but the smile on his face became more intense.

There are really few good things in the underworld. Jiang Biao is guilty of hiding guns.

"Don't, don't come here, you, don't come here..." this time, it's Jiang Biao's turn to be scared to pee. He retreated, but he found that his legs were weak and he couldn't walk two steps at all.

Zhao Chengfeng continued to approach, his face still with a smile, but Zhao Chengfeng's smile in Jiang Biao's view, that is the devil's smile, is the smile of death.


Jiang Biao couldn't control himself any more. He knelt down to Zhao Chengfeng. Yes, he knelt down.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Jiang Biao's action is very smooth, and he kowtows to Zhao Chengfeng.

"Brother, you, don't come here, I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I'm really wrong, you let me go, I'm wrong, don't kill me, please don't kill me... Dong Dong..."

At this moment, Jiang Biao no longer has the style of a triad boss. His forehead is covered with red envelopes. He is in a mess. He kneels down in front of Zhao Chengfeng like a mole ant, and dare not lift his head.

"Oh, my God

Zhao Chengfeng Leng Leng, but immediately understand. Mole ants live secretly, let alone human beings? It's better to live than die. I'm afraid that's what Jiang Biao thinks now.

"Yes, I'm Xunbao. I'm Xunbao. Brother, no, please forgive me. I'm wrong. I shouldn't want to shoot you." Jiang Biao repeatedly begged for mercy.

"It's not impossible to live, but I have a request." Zhao Chengfeng lit a cigarette again, took a mouthful and said, "you useless man, you know who my friend is. Remember, you should make sure that she is not bullied by anyone in Jiangzhou city. Whenever she is wronged, I will kill you. Do you remember?"

"Remember, remember."

Jiang Biao nodded repeatedly, "don't worry, uncle. As long as I live, no one dares to bully her, unless I die!"

Jiang Biao breathed a sigh of relief. He felt at ease and finally saved his head.

"You have bullied my friend, you see..." Zhao Chengfeng glanced at Chen Shaolong jokingly.

On hearing this, Jiang Biao stood up and strode to Chen Shaolong.

"Brother Biao, I..." Chen Shaolong seems to have guessed something, but he can't stop what is about to happen.

"Pa Pa!"

Jiang Biao shakes his two big mouths and pulls them out. In order to save his life, Jiang Biao doesn't mean to be merciful. His big mouth falls continuously. Within a minute, Chen Shaolong's face becomes red and swollen like a pig's head.

"Brother Biao, I'm wrong, I'm wrong..." Chen Shaolong called a grievance in his heart. Damn, it's too bad tonight. His ex girlfriend didn't take advantage of it. It's not good. On the contrary, he was beaten by others.

It's a tragedy that I can't find a place to reason after beating.

"Wrong? It's too late Jiang Biao didn't mean to stop, and the palms of the bus dropped continuously.

"All right."

Zhao Chengfeng had almost finished smoking a cigarette, and then he called to stop. Zhao Chengfeng had seen too many bitter scenes. Whether Jiang Biao really wanted to help himself or just pretended, Zhao Chengfeng didn't care. As long as Jiang Biao agrees to protect Li Ruo and Xia Muxi.

Zhao Chengfeng knows very well that he can't stay in Jiangzhou all the time. There are still many important things to do for himself. It doesn't matter if he is in Jiangzhou. All the big troubles can be solved, but what if he is not there?

And Jiang Biao is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate, which is why Zhao Chengfeng did not directly destroy Jiang Biao.

"Sir, this guy..."


With a wave of his hand, Zhao Chengfeng interrupted Jiang Biao and frowned: "I'm not that old. Just call me brother Feng. I have another thing to inform you. From now on, I will take over your Qinglong. Do you have any opinions? "

"No, no problem." Jiang Biao was cool in his heart, but he didn't dare to be slighted.

Money and power are important, but never life. Without life, everything is in vain.

"Well, I'll send someone to take over the Qinglong club in a few days. If you do well, I can give you a vice president. If you don't do well, this bullet may pierce your head."

Zhao Chengfeng dropped his voice and picked up a bullet on the ground.


A bullet the size of a finger went into the hard wall.

"..." Jiang Biao was trembling again. I didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng had this skill. This NIMA is more powerful than the desert eagle. Where is this monster coming from? Why so powerful?

"Remember, don't let anyone bully my friends, or you'll all die!"

As soon as the words are finished, Zhao Chengfeng turns around and leaves. The trouble of Qinglong club has been solved.

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