"I said you can go. The hotel is closed. The door is over there, please!" Li Ruo didn't look at Ouyang, but pointed to the door.

Today, Li Ruo has a feeling of being killed by a dog. First, he meets his unscrupulous ex boyfriend, and now he meets Ouyang Mengmeng, who is so mean and playful that he is in a good mood.

It's true that Ouyang Mengmeng is one of the top three beauties in Renmin University of Jiangzhou city. Although she is at the bottom of the list, there is not much difference between the beauties at this level. Li Ruo thinks that Ouyang Mengmeng's ranking is not related to her appearance. The most important thing is her bad temper!

Perhaps, this is the unique problem of rich children. It is said that there was once a handsome guy who pursued Ouyang Mengmeng. Ouyang Mengmeng was not interested in other people, but for fun, he agreed to be someone else's girlfriend. In an instant, he was out of control, but he tried to die. In the middle of the night, he asked the boy to stand downstairs and sing to her. He came and went, and the boy became a psycho in everyone's eyes.

On weekdays, people have to wait for food and water. The place where they eat must be a high-end place, or they would rather not eat. What's more, Ouyang Mengmeng teases the boy and pretends to be kidnapped in the middle of the night. In a hurry, the boy jumps down from the third floor of the dormitory to rescue him, but he doesn't want to break his legs. Ouyang Mengmeng didn't even go to see him, so the so-called love between school flowers was over.

So, we all know Ouyang Mengmeng beautiful, but her conscience is greatly bad, unruly willful unreasonable! Can such a girl be liked?

"Liruo, you, you, do you believe that I have demolished your hotel?" Ouyang was so angry that he trembled, his bulging chest fluctuated sharply, and the gullies in his collar were bright and dark.

Ouyang Mengmeng has a bad temper, but his figure is perfect.


"Why don't you try one?" As soon as Li Ruo opened his mouth, Zhao Chengfeng came in from the door.

Zhao Chengfeng brows a twist, the heart said that this is the dog? Paralyzed, just picked up a Chen Shaolong, and then a savage, the most wonderful thing is that the savage is actually a woman.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't beat women, so he has more headaches.

"Chengfeng, you're back. Are you ok?" Seeing Zhao Chengfeng's safe return, Xia Muxi hurriedly greets him and looks left and right for fear that the man will be hurt.

Xia Muxi knows that Zhao Chengfeng is very powerful, but she is also afraid that men will be hurt.

"Are you Xia Muxi's boyfriend?" Without waiting for Zhao Chengfeng to open his mouth, Ouyang Mengmeng opens his mouth.

Ouyang Mengmeng stares at Zhao Chengfeng, and his delicate corners of his mouth are full of sarcasm. He can't help but say sarcastically, "Xia Muxi, this is your diamond Wang Laowu. Is this your man? To tell you the truth, at first glance, I thought you were looking for a migrant worker. Your taste is so strange, cluck.... "

With that, Ouyang covered his mouth and chuckled, his face full of mockery.

At the beginning, Ouyang Mengmeng was very angry. He thought that with Xia Muxi's beauty and vision, her man must be Yushulinfeng. He came to have a look. He didn't know that he was a guy dressed up as a migrant worker. It was too boring. Ouyang Mengmeng is a little sorry to take xiamuxi as her opponent. She doesn't deserve it!

"What happened to migrant workers? Can't migrant workers have love? " Zhao Chengfeng is very upset about Ouyang Mengmeng's tone, which is obviously to find fault.

"Ouyang Mengmeng, don't talk nonsense. I don't care what you say about me, but if you say that about my husband, don't blame me for being rude to you!" However, Xia Muxi, who has always been very gentle on one side, after hearing this, her pretty face was cold and her willow eyebrows were erect, sending out a sense of hostility.

Li Ruo also said: "Ouyang Mengmeng, let's talk about Jide. Without farmers, what do you eat and drink? Don't look down on anyone. Thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi, I think your ancestors came from farmers, too. Your blood is flowing from farmers. Why do you look down on farmers? "


Ouyang Mengmeng directly ignores Li Ruo, because in Ouyang Mengmeng's opinion, Li Ruo is not worthy to be his own enemy.

"The poor is the poor. I don't understand if I say it with dignity. What can a man like this give you happiness? Don't you think he's no different from a tramp on the road? I... "Ouyang Mengmeng is so strong that he humiliates Zhao Chengfeng, and his heart is not so exciting.


How do you know, Ouyang Mengmeng hasn't finished his sentence yet. Xia Muxi, who can't bear it, comes forward with a big mouth. It's clear and sweet, and it's very beautiful.

"You, you hit me?" Ouyang was so confused that he felt his face and looked at xiamuxi, his face was incredible.

This time, not only Ouyang was in a daze, but also Li Ruo was in a daze. Li Ruo had a good relationship with Xia Muxi. They knew each other very well. Li Ruo had never seen Xia Muxi get angry, let alone hit others.

Today, Xia Muxi not only beat people, but also beat Ouyang Mengmeng, one of the school flowers. This, this is absolutely big news.

"Ouyang Mengmeng, I tell you, it's OK for you to bully me, and it's OK for you to humiliate me. I can pretend that I didn't hear or see anything, but if you bully my man, I'm sorry. I don't like this." Xia Muxi's momentum soared, as if he had changed a person. We didn't expect that Ouyang Mengmeng said that he would do it, which caught people off guard.

One side of Zhao Chengfeng heard this, there is a sense of laughing and crying, how to have a sense of being protected by a woman? However, Zhao Chengfeng was also very moved. How gentle a girl Xia Muxi is, she burst out with such a strong side, which is enough to prove that women love themselves.

Women are so good to themselves, what are they not satisfied with?

"Xia Muxi, you, you dare to beat me, you, you dare to beat me?" Ouyang felt his face and slowly recovered.

The pain of skin doesn't matter, but Ouyang Mengmeng never dreamed that she would be beaten. You know, from childhood to adulthood, her parents have never beaten her. She is a poor girl from the valley. Why should she beat herself? What qualifications does she have to beat herself?

"I don't want to hit you, but you shouldn't insult my man. I'll hit you next time, and it's heavier than this one. Now you can go, I don't want to see you!"

Xia Muxi makes an order to leave. For such a woman, Xia Muxi doesn't want to take a look at her. How high can she be if she looks down on others?

No matter how rich they are, they are no different from upstarts. At least, Xia Muxi doesn't envy her money at all.

"Well, well, xiamuxi, remember that I will give you this slap, hum!" Ouyang Mengmeng put down a cruel word, turned and left.

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