"Muxi, or you cow!"

After Ouyang Mengmeng left, Li ruochong, the latter, gave a thumbs up and admired Xia Muxi. Li ruoke had never seen Xia Muxi like this before. He dared to hit people. What he could do.

"What's not? I just can't get used to her. Do you really think you can do whatever you want with a little money at home? " Summer wood Xi's face is tiny a red, the breath exhales a way.

Just now, don't mention other people's moving. Even Xia Muxi was a little confused. How could he get rid of his head and slap it?

"That's right. If you can't stand it, you don't want to see it. If anyone bullies you, give her a slap. Don't be afraid. If something happens, I'll take care of my husband." Zhao Chengfeng knew that Xia Muxi was thin skinned and didn't put his words through. I'm also very happy that Xia Muxi is changing slowly. I can't bully others casually, but I have to fight back bravely in the face of others' bullying!

At the beginning, China was so poor and backward that it couldn't even fill its stomach. In the face of Japanese invasion, didn't it follow suit? In the end, he fucked it!

"Tut Tut, this is show love." Li Ruo joked with a smile: "this dog food is not good enough."

"Come on, don't be garrulous. Let's stir fry. We're all hungry." Summer wood Xi white the latter one eye, but the skin is getting hotter.

"Well, well, I'll cook for you. I'm full of dog food. You don't have to eat dog food." Li Ruo shook his head and went into the kitchen.

Although Li Ruo is not a professional cook, he can cook excellent food, especially a few home-made dishes. He can smell the fragrance all the way.

Although the restaurant is small and the dishes are simple, Zhao Chengfeng is very comfortable.

Eating well has nothing to do with taste or grade. For a simple example, if you eat with people you hate in a five-star hotel, will you be happy? Can you eat it?

Mood decides everything!

"Well, the cooks in five-star hotels can't match you in your skill." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile.

"OK, don't praise me. Tell me about Chen Shaolong. What have you done to him?" Li Ruo waved his hand and asked a key question. When Chen Shaolong was mentioned, the smile on Li ruo's face disappeared.

Especially when Li Ruo thought that he was almost made to be a stage lady by that son of a bitch at the beginning, he was so angry that he had an impulse to strangle the latter.

Son of a bitch! I was really blind at the beginning!

"Yes, Chengfeng. You haven't said it yet. What did you just go out for? Are you fighting again? " Summer wood Xi also follows to ask a way.

Zhao Chengfeng laughed disapprovingly and said, "what fight do I have with you? I don't like to use violence to solve problems. I only use violence when I can't solve them. Generally speaking, most people are convinced by reason. "

"Don't worry. From now on, Chen Shaolong dare not come to you for trouble. They have realized their mistakes and promised me that they will never trouble you."

"Really?" If Li Ruo doesn't believe it and refuses to use violence, God knows, you are the biggest violent maniac, OK? Just that kick, almost didn't kick Chen Shaolong to death.

Xia Muxi is relatively simple and chooses to believe in men unconditionally. She says, "it's a common practice. Don't fight with others if you have nothing to do. There's no need to fight with others to win or lose."

"Well, I see. Let's eat. It's getting late." Zhao Chengfeng answered with a smile.

The three eat together and clean the restaurant. Zhao Chengfeng and Xia Muxi send Li Ruo to the community. They go to the hotel and open a room.

"Chengfeng, are we too luxurious? This is a five-star hotel." Xia Mu Xi's face is full of pain. She looks around. It's a big hotel. The rooms are clean and tidy. Standing in front of the French windows, she can even see the sea in the distance.

"OK, buy a house tomorrow, so you don't have to pay others." Zhao Chengfeng said casually.

"Ah? Buy a house? "

Xia Muxi was surprised, immediately shook her head and said: "don't buy a house, don't buy it. You don't know how expensive the house is now..."

"No matter how expensive the house is, it's just a series of meaningless figures, as long as you are happy." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile that she is really a wife who can save money. She has a lot to fight with Chen Shuxian. Although Chen Shuxian spends a lot of money now, Zhao Chengfeng is not distressed.

Because Chen Shuxian is engaged in charity work, the government does not take good care of charity. As for some large enterprises and rich people, most of them are people who love money and are reluctant to donate money. Most of the time, Chen Shuxian has to buy some equipment out of his own pocket to accept more orphans. You know, when Qingchi district was demolished, Chen Shuxian got more than 10 million yuan. Less than one tenth of the money Chen spent on himself bought a house. That's all. The rest was spent on welfare homes.

In this way, Zhao Chengfeng feels at ease.

"But it's so expensive, I..."

"Is it more expensive than you? Don't say it. Let's have a rest. It's getting late. You have to go to class tomorrow. Let's go to bed with my husband. " With that, Zhao Chengfeng can't help but pick up the woman and walk to the big and soft bed.

Xia Muxi's face turned red instantly. What are they going to do next? Xia Muxi knows very well, but why don't they turn off the lights?



Qinglong club, looking at kneeling on the ground of Chen Shaolong, Jiang Biao without saying a word, raised a slap in the past.

"Brother Biao, I..."

Chen Shaolong felt his red and swollen face. He felt depressed and didn't want it. It's a hell of a day. It's not worth the fight today.

"Shut up

Jiang Biao's face turned white with anger, especially when he thought of the scene just now. He wanted to kill the son of a bitch, Chen Shaolong. He was paralyzed and didn't make trouble on weekdays. But this time, he invited himself back such a big God.

God who can pick up bullets with his bare hands!

Jiang Biao didn't feel that he had found a big backing. He just felt that he was disgraced. This evening, for the first time in history, Jiang Biao knelt down on the ground like a dog. Do you want his face? All this is thanks to Chen Shaolong!

"I really want to shoot you, you bastard. Can't you investigate the other party's details before you get into trouble?" Jiang Biao scolded.

Chen Shaolong is also a face of frustration, weak way: "brother Biao, this can't blame me, I don't know this boy is so powerful, early know so, give me a hundred courage, I also dare not provoke him."

"Get out of here!"

Jiang Biao was so angry that he drank a lot.

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