As a hardworking bee, Li Ruo gets up early. Even if he goes to bed late the night before, Li Ruo still gets up before dawn and goes to the vegetable market to choose fresh vegetables and meat.

To do business is to do conscience, and diet is the key. In this respect, Li Ruo dare not joke.

However, when Li Ruo rode an electric car from the vegetable market to the door of the small restaurant, his heart suddenly raised his throat, and he couldn't help holding a small dagger at his waist.

If Li doesn't play with knives, his mind is complicated. It's always right to defend himself. Even if he doesn't defend himself, it's also a very good choice to take it down occasionally to peel fruit.

"No, didn't he say he didn't dare to come? So, what's going on? " Li ruo's heart beat a drum. From a distance, he saw Chen Shaolong squatting in front of his restaurant.

There are not only Chen Shaolong, but also two fierce men and a luxury Land Rover beside them.

"Ah, here it is."

At this time, Chen Shaolong also saw Li Ruo and got up to meet him.

"What are you doing? Stay away from me

Li Ruo stepped back reflexively, and his electric car fell to the ground. He stared at several people in front of him with vigilance and raised his voice. At this time, Li Ruo didn't care about Zhao Chengfeng's boasting. He just wanted to get rid of these gangsters.

If Li isn't stupid, Chen Shaolong is black and blue up to now. Most of them were severely taught by Zhao Chengfeng last night. Now they bring more powerful characters for revenge. They can't take Zhao Chengfeng. Can't they take themselves?

"Liruo, don't be excited, don't be afraid, I don't mean any harm, really don't mean any harm, don't be excited." Chen Shaolong quickly stood still and did not dare to step forward.

Chen Shaolong's heart is a woman who once bullied her as much as she wanted. He didn't expect that he would come to apologize to her in person. It took more than ten hours from last night to the next morning.

Finally, we're waiting!

"You, what do you want to do?" Li Ruo remains vigilant.

"Don't be afraid, I have no malice, I..." Chen Shaolong accompanied by smiling face, did not dare to come forward hard.


At this time, Jiang Biao couldn't see it any more. He strode up and slapped Chen Shaolong on the back of his head with a backhand. He scolded: "you waste, kneel down!"

Then, without waiting for Chen Shaolong to say anything, Jiang Biao kicked him. Chen Shaolong's legs softened and Li Ruo knelt down on the street.

"Brother Biao, I..." Chen Shaolong is a big old man. You know, he is in charge of all this. He kneels down to his ex girlfriend on the street, and he doesn't want to face any more?

"What nonsense!"

Jiang Biao glared and said angrily, "have you forgotten the purpose of your coming? I'd like to apologize to you. You've done a lot these days. Are you still human? "

Wen Yan, Chen Shaolong's face, said, "Lao Tzu is not a human being. Are you a man?" However, Chen Shaolong did not dare to say this. This time he came here not so much to apologize to Li Ruo as to please Zhao Chengfeng. Chen Shaolong knew that he was scared to pee.

"This girl, I'm Jiang Biao, the boss of Chen Shaolong, and I'm also the boss of Qinglong club. We're here today mainly to apologize to you." Jiang Biao turned to Li Ruo and said with a smile, "well, I hope you don't care about villains."

"You, the boss of Qinglong club, are you here to apologize to me?" When Li Ruo heard this, he stepped back and said why there was a big Land Rover. The feeling was that the boss of Qinglong club came. You know, Chen Shaolong used to drive a golden cup car, but it was not such a luxury car. It turned out that he was the boss of Qinglong club.

The thought that Jiang Biao is the boss of the Qinglong club makes Li Ruo nervous again. Li Ruo doesn't know much about the underworld, but he has heard a lot about it. These guys are extremely vicious and kill people without blinking an eye. What if they want to deal with themselves?

"Son of a bitch, what are you doing?" Jiang Biao kicked Chen Shaolong one eye, a strong wink.

Chen Shaolong was humiliated in his heart, but he had to bow his head and admit his mistake. He said in a low voice: "Li Ruo, I'm sorry. I used to be my son of a bitch. I shouldn't cheat you and make trouble. You don't care about villains. Let me go. I'm wrong. I'm really wrong..."

This time, Chen Shaolong is a good student. If he doesn't honestly apologize and admit his mistake, don't say that he won't let go of anything. I'm afraid Jiang Biao won't make himself better. To put it bluntly, this is a bitter drama. It is to win Li ruo's sympathy and let Zhao Chengfeng let him go.

Admittedly, Zhao Chengfeng didn't kill Jiang Biao last night, but who can guarantee that he won't? It's said that people with unique skills are very eccentric. What if they use a knife when they are not happy?

"This..." Li Ruo was confused. Looking at Chen Shaolong kneeling on the ground, he always felt that everything was like a dream.

Chen Shaolong, who once bullied himself to tears several times, knelt down on the ground and apologized to himself. What's the situation? If Li thinks it's abnormal, he can think about it carefully. There's no need for Chen Shaolong and Qinglong to play. Although it's not bright yet, there are still a lot of people on the street. They come and go, and they don't have face.

"Girl, do you think Chen Shaolong's attitude is OK? If it doesn't work, I'll teach him a lesson again. This guy is nothing. How can he bully an honest man? " Jiang biaochong, Li Ruo, bowed slightly and said with a smile.

Because Jiang Biao is not sure what is the relationship between Li Ruo and Zhao Chengfeng. Once he offends Zhao Chengfeng, he will never have a good life. At the thought of Zhao Chengfeng's terror, Jiang Biao always felt a cold wind coming from behind.

Is it possible for a man to pick up a bullet with his bare hands?

"I shit..." kneeling on the ground, Chen Shaolong heard this, the corners of his mouth suddenly took out, and he was depressed.

Ah, I can't help it. Who wants to be a pony?

"No, it's not. Who asked you to apologize? How can I..." Li Ruo hasn't come back, and the whole person is a little confused.

Jiang Biao said with a smile: "Miss Li, don't make fun of us. Mr. Zhao is so powerful. Why are you so careless with us?"

"Mr. Zhao?" If Li is even more confused, he doesn't know Mr. Zhao at all, OK?

"You don't know brother Feng?" Jiang Biao smile a stiff, heart said don't make a mistake, the object is ah, don't kneel for no reason, also kneel the wrong object.

"Oh, you're talking about the fashion, aren't you?"

Li ruo's mind flashed, and suddenly thought of a person. Isn't Xia Muxi's husband something popular? Although introduced, Li Ruo really didn't take it to heart.

"Yes, that's brother Feng. That's him." Jiang Biao's heart was right. He didn't kneel to the wrong person. He didn't wait for nothing this night.

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